Other rule changes besides 30 second clock


Nov 6, 2008
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I buried this response on the 2nd page of another thread but felt it was worthy of a thread of its own. It also has my comments italicized. I'm curious what some of your comments are.

Here are some of the additional rule changes coming with the 30 second clock:

1. Expanding the no-charge arc under the basket from 3 feet to 4 feet just like the NBA.

I'm ambivalent on this one but it's OK.

2. Reducing the under of timeouts from 5 to 4 with a max of 3 carrying over to the 2nd half.

3. When a team calls a strategic timeout within 30 seconds of a typical media timeout – the 16-, 12-, 8- and 4-minutes marks of each half – that will replace the media stoppage.

I like it. Eliminates redundant TO's.

4. The committee wants officials to be more emphatic about resuming play when the second buzzer has sounded to indicate the timeout window has expired.

Predictions. You will see the official putting the ball in play while the defensive team is in the huddle. Either that or putting the ball down and beginning the count when the offensive team is in the huddle.

5. The 2016 NIT Tournament will also feature an experimental rules change, allowing players six personal fouls instead of the five.

Interesting. Precursor to a future rule change.

Among the less impactful (but still logical) changes that are proposed:

1. Eliminating the prohibition against dunking in warm-ups.

Yea. As a HS official we opened the door and blew our whistle loudly and waited 2-3 seconds before coming on the court as a warning to quit dunking.....

2. When officials review a potential flagrant foul, any faking by the allegedly fouled player will be penalized.

I wonder what the penalty might be? Maybe a technical foul. The NBA fines the player.

3. Minor technical fouls, such as hanging on the rim, will be penalized by one free throw.

Good. I wonder if minor technicals will still count as a personal and team foul? Is it at a referee's discretion? Is there a list of possible minor technicals?

4. Elimination of the five-second closely guarded rule.

Good. Don't need it with the 30 second clock. I guess HS will still have the count.

5. Allowing officials to use reviews to check if the shot clock has been violated.

Sure would have helped OU up at K-State last year. Cost us 3 points.

6. Removing the ability of coaches to call timeouts when the ball is in play.

Interesting. I guess only players on the court can call a timeout. I know as a ref your focus was on the play going on the court and sometimes you wouldn't hear the coaches.... Just like you tune out the crowd. Puts the burden on the coach to get one of his player's attention.
i don't see a problem with any of these, except for the possibility that any dunk by the opposing team in the phog will result in a tech ;)
Lack of quality depth will become a bigger issue with potentialy 3 to 4 fewer time outs in the last 8 minutes. If you have used your depth and have fresh guys on the floor you may choose to pocket your timeouts like Billy would.
For the most part, I'm in favor of all of these rule changes. I think any effort to reduce timeouts and unnecessary stagnation is a positive step. I am a little reluctant on the 6 foul limit. I can see both sides. On one hand, it will eliminate the need to sit star players for long stretches if they get a couple of early fouls. That could have a major impact on the overall quality of games.

On the other hand, I think it eliminates some of the strategy. I think part of the intrigue of college basketball is a coach having to decide to leave a player in with 2/3 fouls or see if a guy on the end of his bench can eat up a few minutes. I'm also afraid it could encourage more physical play at a time when there needs to be an increased emphasis on freedom of movement.
6 Fouls?! That is crazy without the game time being longer. This would benefit teams like WV and I don't want to watch basketball like that.
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6 Fouls?! That is crazy without the game time being longer. This would benefit teams like WV and I don't want to watch basketball like that.

It also reduces the need for a strong bench, which I think is not a good thing (though fatigue is still a factor in that equation).