Phil Jackson's decision and how it could affect OU


Nov 10, 2008
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Phil Jackson has one more year on his contract (09-10) and there are rumblings that he might hang it up this year. That said even if he decides to stay one more year it is pretty much thought of as a certainty he wouldn't sign another contract.

When Phil leaves the Lakers they most certainly will look at Coach K again. Remember they almost got him to come last time. Listening to a Laker reporter yesterday he thought Kobe would want Coach K (Kobe was the driving force behind getting Coach K last time) and that last summer's Olympics experience showed Coach K that he could coach NBA players. Add in that one contract with the Lakers is retirement money and it seems likely to me.

If that happens then I would think Duke would look at Capel as a possible replacement. And we know Duke would be a hard job to turn down.

What do you think?
Nothing to get worried about until Jackson makes his decision. I think he finishes his contract.
First off, I don't think K turns the Lakers down a few years back just to take the job now when it isn't as good. I'd really be surprised if he wound up there.

That said, I think the sooner K leaves Duke, the better. I don't think Capel has the resume to get that job if it opened right now. I think the longer he is at OU and the more successful seasons he puts up, the more likely it becomes that he winds up at Duke down the road. But if it came open early, I don't think there would be a big clamor in K-ville to get Capel.
First off, I don't think K turns the Lakers down a few years back just to take the job now when it isn't as good. I'd really be surprised if he wound up there.

That said, I think the sooner K leaves Duke, the better. I don't think Capel has the resume to get that job if it opened right now. I think the longer he is at OU and the more successful seasons he puts up, the more likely it becomes that he winds up at Duke down the road. But if it came open early, I don't think there would be a big clamor in K-ville to get Capel.

Capels ability to recruit MCDAA's to Oklahoma may make them think twice about his short resume (short for a job like Duke). He played there, he just produced a #1 pick, he has won everywhere he has been, and continues to recruit very well to what they consider a "football" school.
Capels ability to recruit MCDAA's to Oklahoma may make them think twice about his short resume (short for a job like Duke). He played there, he just produced a #1 pick, he has won everywhere he has been, and continues to recruit very well to what they consider a "football" school.

Duke is a football school as well
All things considered, I think Capel would be a very realistic possibility for the Duke job a year from now. I'm having a hard time thinking of elite coaches who would leave their current schools for the Duke job. Although I would guess that being a former Dukie isn't a prerequisite for the job, I'm sure they would like to keep it in-house if possible. Capel's resume is better than Dawkins', and Wojo has no head coaching experience. If Capel gets OU to the Sweet Sixteen and has another very good recruiting class, I can see him being in the mix at Duke, given his ties to the school and his recruiting ability.
Dawkins is the next Duke coach.

Few things are written in stone like this.
Dawkins is the next Duke coach.

Few things are written in stone like this.

i liked Johnny as a player and would like to see him get a shot to follow K, but if he throws up a couple 16 win seasons and Capel is winning 25+ at OU and in the Dance year in, year out with NBA caliber blue chips....I think the Dawkins certainty factor will take a hit with the people who make the decisions at Duke basketball.
Dawkins looks like the next Tommy Amaker to me. They were 20-14 and 6-12 in the Pac-10 last year. He better pick things up and get them into the NCAA if he wants that job. They're not going to pick him over Capel if he continues that.
Rambis, Brian Shaw or Byron Scott will be the next Laker coach.
I think this story is crazy and there is no way Phil is leaving the Lakers. He will probably sign another 7 year contract and coach K is going to finish his career at Duke. Why would coach K need retirement money? I think he has made enough to retire and his kids could probably retire right now as well.
Rambis, Brian Shaw or Byron Scott will be the next Laker coach.

This.... It looks like Rambis thinks it's going to be him. I would prefer Shaw or Scott, especially due to the fact that Rambis showed he couldn't coach his first time around. I also wouldn't mind Mark Jackson or Van Gundy on that list. Ben Howland is going to be a guy who gets some NBA looks because he has a pro temperment. Avery Johnson is a guy that would ruin the lakers.
I think this story is crazy and there is no way Phil is leaving the Lakers. He will probably sign another 7 year contract and coach K is going to finish his career at Duke. Why would coach K need retirement money? I think he has made enough to retire and his kids could probably retire right now as well.

Will somebody ban this guy? He doesn't know what he talking about! :D (This is my brother trying to bust my ba!!s)