Pitino Story finally comes out

I understand what you're saying, Bounce, but that's not the kinda thing you tell people about, unless you want to see your whole world come tumbling down around your feet.

I can't fault the guy for trying to keep the affair a secret. To be honest, I would have done the same thing if I had been stupid enough to be in his shoes. I'm just glad I'm not in Pitino's shoes. But, we should feel sorry for his family, not Rick Pitino.

If I had an affair I wouldn't be able to keep it a secret. The guilt would be too much for me. I can't keep anything a secret from my wife.
If you have a "moral clause" in your contract and nothing happens after this - - what good is it? It obviously shows the moral clause only matters if you start losing and they want to get rid of you.

In the examples above, I think you can make a pretty good argument that none of those are as "morally bad" as what Pitino did - especially when you consider he did it twice. Two of those mentioned earlier involved alcohol (still a bad decision) and were one time events. Pitino had multiple offenses.

I am not saying he should necessarily be fired - but a few game suspension or dock in pay is warranted.
It got Mike Price fired as football coach at Alabama when he took a stripper back to his room after getting drunk at a charity golf tournament. He coached during spring practice but never actually coached a regular season game.

George O'Leary was basically fired at Notre Dame for lying on his resume' about his academic and athletic background. O'Leary lasted 5 days on the job before getting forced out.

Larry Eustachy at Iowa State was fired for partying with co-eds.

Pitino has probably won too many games to get fired. It he only won 60% of his games he might be getting some more heat.

I agree, Pitino has some leeway because of his record and doesn't have any prior transgressions.

Not sure about the Price scandal, but O'Learly lied directly to his employer about his credentials and Larry Eustachy was partying after his team lost to Mizzou.....on the road.

This lady is crazy, now she claims Pitino payed the equipment manager to marry her. She's insane. I do not condone his behavior at all, but this has nothing to do with the Louisville basketball program right now. They will be as strong as ever.
I wonder how many times Pitino has thought he was living his own Fatal Attraction since this all started.