Politically Correct Hypocrisy taught at college campuses?

That is the biggest problem with black America today. They still think it's white folks that are holding them down. Despite the fact that we have a 1/2 black President. Despite the fact that one of the best golfers of all time is 1/2 black. Despite the fact that the NBA is full of blacks. Despite the fact that a black man just got accepted to every Ivy League school. Despite that fact that there are thousands of blacks that didn't let "whites" stand in their way, and now have college educations, good jobs, good families, and live a good life. But somehow, when a black man doesn't make anything out of his life, that is b/c the white man didn't let him.

Is there still racism in this country? Sure. I'd be a fool to say otherwise. But racism isn't what is holding black people back. It's black people that are holding black people back. And until they realize that and start doing something about it, they will continually have all of the problems (and more) that jmizzy mentioned above.


Stereotype much?

You're ascribing arguments by a few people to an entire race of people.

This, right here, is why we're even having this discussion today, not because a few black people blame whites for their lot in life, but because some whites take those arguments and apply them to an entire race of people.

Of course racism is the reason. You aren't suggesting that the members of the black community have lower morals, not very smart, and incapable of doing skilled white man's work are you? That would be racist wouldn't it? You aren't one of those are you?

Look up racism in the dictionary. Well, we don't have to. You just defined it for us.

Stats are stats. Facts are facts. You tell me why the black crime rates are so high? You tell me why the black on black violence is so high? You tell me why the education levels for are lower for black people?

Keep blaming it on racism and it won't change. Ever. It's a vicious cycle. It's been over 50 years since the civil rights movements and over 150 since slavery. Time to stop blaming past generations and make a change. We have a black president in america. Socially, there is no greater time to live in america. Yet nothing is getting better in the black communities. It isn't a white man problem
an honestly, it is a slap in the face to me and many others that the problems are always blamed on us
Do you and others just sit back in an ivory tower and make these declarations? I ask because this is a very naive statement. If you think that racism isn't right at the core of black crime numbers, black education issues, and black employment issues then you are just ostriching your way to a self-satisfying answer

My job? criminal defense attorney.

I might just go on to add. There is no statistic, evidence, or documentation of any kind that indicates drug use is higher in the black community than it is in the white community. However, blacks are arrested, charged, and incarcerated for drug offensives at a vastly higher rate than whites. And even when whites are caught up in a drug charge, they get on average much lighter sentences. That is racism with consequences.
haha figures

ha ha figures?

I have one of the most important jobs in this city. I help thousands of people and see some of the most egregious conduct performed by both state as well as private actors. I literally hold peoples' futures in my hands.

Not sure what is so funny about that. I take it rather seriously.
I might just go on to add. There is no statistic, evidence, or documentation of any kind that indicates drug use is higher in the black community than it is in the white community. However, blacks are arrested, charged, and incarcerated for drug offensives at a vastly higher rate than whites. And even when whites are caught up in a drug charge, they get on average much lighter sentences. That is racism with consequences.

Oh so we are fighting about how long criminals are getting punished for? yep sounds like a winning fight to me.

How about instead of fighting about punishment, you start fighting to stop the crimes?

Drug usage may be the same between whites and blacks, I don't know. But are you really trying to say that the white man is holding the black man down because the length of punishment for drug use is longer? REally?

That is why it will never get better. Fighting for things that are not going to change anything. You have to get to the core. That core is the culture.

Stop blaming all the problems on white man and do something to change the culture.

I'm done talking about this because obviously I am a racist. I'm sorry for not taking responsibility for the struggles of black men.
I just the deleted the post I was going to make. I'll just reduce it down to this. You are a sad case and a ignorant man.

Of course you don't agree, you are a bleeding heart liberal.
Stereotype much?

You're ascribing arguments by a few people to an entire race of people.

This, right here, is why we're even having this discussion today, not because a few black people blame whites for their lot in life, but because some whites take those arguments and apply them to an entire race of people.


I feel confident in saying that it's not a select few doing what I suggested they are doing. It's the majority. Pretty sure there are studies/stats that back me up on this.
Oh so we are fighting about how long criminals are getting punished for? yep sounds like a winning fight to me.

How about instead of fighting about punishment, you start fighting to stop the crimes?

Drug usage may be the same between whites and blacks, I don't know. But are you really trying to say that the white man is holding the black man down because the length of punishment for drug use is longer? REally?

That is why it will never get better. Fighting for things that are not going to change anything. You have to get to the core. That core is the culture.

Stop blaming all the problems on white man and do something to change the culture.

I'm done talking about this because obviously I am a racist. I'm sorry for not taking responsibility for the struggles of black men.

There is nothing I can do about it. Racist are like bridge players and 5 card stud players. They will eventually die out.
I might just go on to add. There is no statistic, evidence, or documentation of any kind that indicates drug use is higher in the black community than it is in the white community. However, blacks are arrested, charged, and incarcerated for drug offensives at a vastly higher rate than whites. And even when whites are caught up in a drug charge, they get on average much lighter sentences. That is racism with consequences.

I just shake my head and snicker at ANYONE who has the audacity to try to tell me that prejudice within the CJS doesn't disproportionately affect members of the black community. They have NO clue what is really happening.

Heck ... even as I am typing this I get a call from a black man serving weekends on an order of incarceration (OI) for a misdemeanor charge. There are 4 persons total doing the same Saturday-Monday periods - 3 white persons and him. The 3 white guys are all released at 5 am on mondays so they can get back to work. My guy has a job as well but they won't process him until 7 at night for some reason that no one can seem to articulate.

What's the difference? Of course they won't say "we're racist and we want to screw him over". But everything else being equal what else is one supposed to deduce?

Do NOT try to tell me that racism doesn't affect blacks vis a vis crime, education, employment etc... I see it daily. I have to work against its' effects daily. I have too many people every week detained for such atrocious crimes as driving while black, walking while black, standing around while black, associating with one another while black - you get the pattern here?

To even suggest otherwise is nothing short of incredibly naive and out of touch with reality.
I love conversations like this. The white trash in people really comes out. It's like the President said last year. When dealing with ignorant racists & dumb people you really don't have to do anything, just let them talk and their true colors come shining through.

Ignorant white trash has always been and still is the scourge of this country. Worthless dead weight.

Yep, I'm ignorant white trash. Way to be tolerant there ol boca
There is nothing I can do about it. Racist are like bridge players and 5 card stud players. They will eventually die out.

Yep. And then whom will be to blame? Uncle toms? We've already heard from people that obama isn't black enough. At first it was we need a black president. Well you get one and things still don't change and now it is that he isn't black enough.

The GOP had a black candidate and the tolerant left criticized him as being an uncle tom.

Again, it will never change until people start taking responsibility for themselves and stop blaming people
Of course you don't agree, you are a bleeding heart liberal.

No WT. I'm not a bleeding heart liberal. I'm a Republican. I have been for almost 50 years. But, I am not your kind of Republican. I am a Dwight D Eisenhower and William F Buckley kind of Republican. You know, the smart kind.

And, unlike the knuckle draggers, I do not formulate my world view from listening to Rush and watching Fox News.
I just shake my head and snicker at ANYONE who has the audacity to try to tell me that prejudice within the CJS doesn't disproportionately affect members of the black community. They have NO clue what is really happening.

Heck ... even as I am typing this I get a call from a black man serving weekends on an order of incarceration (OI) for a misdemeanor charge. There are 4 persons total doing the same Saturday-Monday periods - 3 white persons and him. The 3 white guys are all released at 5 am on mondays so they can get back to work. My guy has a job as well but they won't process him until 7 at night for some reason that no one can seem to articulate.

What's the difference? Of course they won't say "we're racist and we want to screw him over". But everything else being equal what else is one supposed to deduce?

Do NOT try to tell me that racism doesn't affect blacks vis a vis crime, education, employment etc... I see it daily. I have to work against its' effects daily. I have too many people every week detained for such atrocious crimes as driving while black, walking while black, standing around while black, associating with one another while black - you get the pattern here?

To even suggest otherwise is nothing short of incredibly naive and out of touch with reality.

you work with criminals daily. so, yeah. I'm not talking about the punishment. I'm talking about stopping the crimes. You would think that if black people know there is racism in the courts, they would stay out of the courts.
you work with criminals daily. so, yeah. I'm not talking about the punishment. I'm talking about stopping the crimes. You would think that if black people know there is racism in the courts, they would stay out of the courts.

No, I work with people ACCUSED OF CRIMES daily. You do understand the difference, right? Or does that pesky Constitution get in the way?

Do you also understand that if you're accused of something you didn't do you must still go to those courts to defend yourself?

"they would stay out of the courts"? you REALLY need to think a little harder before you type.
I just shake my head and snicker at ANYONE who has the audacity to try to tell me that prejudice within the CJS doesn't disproportionately affect members of the black community. They have NO clue what is really happening.

Heck ... even as I am typing this I get a call from a black man serving weekends on an order of incarceration (OI) for a misdemeanor charge. There are 4 persons total doing the same Saturday-Monday periods - 3 white persons and him. The 3 white guys are all released at 5 am on mondays so they can get back to work. My guy has a job as well but they won't process him until 7 at night for some reason that no one can seem to articulate.

What's the difference? Of course they won't say "we're racist and we want to screw him over". But everything else being equal what else is one supposed to deduce
Do NOT try to tell me that racism doesn't affect blacks vis a vis crime, education, employment etc... I see it daily. I have to work against its' effects daily. I have too many people every week detained for such atrocious crimes as driving while black, walking while black, standing around while black, associating with one another while black - you get the pattern here?

To even suggest otherwise is nothing short of incredibly naive and out of touch with reality.

Slow down big boy. I know it is a rarity, but I was trying to agree with you on this one.
No, I work with people ACCUSED OF CRIMES daily. You do understand the difference, right? Or does that pesky Constitution get in the way?

Do you also understand that if you're accused of something you didn't do you must still go to those courts to defend yourself?

"they would stay out of the courts"? you REALLY need to think a little harder before you type.

I understand all of this completely. AGain, get out of lawyer mode for a little bit lol
I understand all of this completely. AGain, get out of lawyer mode for a little bit lol

No, you dont understand it or you wouldnt have made those comments. They have no control over whether or not they are in court ... and the fact you call them criminals pretty much shows your colors.

I know you were agreeing Gary. I was agreeing with your furtherance and furthering.