Practices cancelled because of Covid

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So, yes testing is so-so....sickness wasn't death at all...slight fever (100) no taste or smell...

and my best friend Val Baker from OKC legal aide died from it as did my aunt Karen. Glad to hear you made it. But many didnt. And many of those that did suffered more than you. Count yourself lucky and not the whole story.
Count yourself lucky and not the whole story.

A very young colleague of mine lost her father and two of her grandparents, all within a 10-day span and I have many friends who have lost people dear to them, people who were healthy before they caught the virus. I've been lucky so far (both personally and among my loved ones), but someone very dear to me has it right now. She's felt awful for several days but hasn't so far been sick enough for hospitalization, thank heaven.

A friend's father in OKC has leukemia and wasn't able to be admitted to the hospital recently because of Covid-related overcrowding. Thankfully, he was admitted a couple of days later.

All of which is to say, I agree with Coolm.
Cases are exploding in countries that have a lot more strict rules than we do.

This virus is going to do what it is going to do.
Protect the vulnerable and get back to living life.
If you don't feel comfortable living life, make the appropriate changes
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