
I think everyone realizes the pitching in the WCWS is much better than what we see in the regular season.

I don't think anyone expects us to be scoring 8, 10 or 12 runs each game.

I think people also think we shouldn't lose games 1 - 0.

But 1 - 0 would have won the 1st Alabama game and that raises red flags for some people.

I noticed the graphic they put up that showed the number of players who had won multiple player of the year awards. The first one they showed was Cat Osterman. She won the award 3 times and I don't think Texas won a sincle NC while she was there. At that time, if you could score one run against Texas you were in good shape. If you could score 2, you were golden. Because Texas couldn't score worth a damn.

I've said many times that I'm not a softball expert. I would come closer to understanding Einstein's theory of relativity than understanding how a batter can hit to a certain spot on the field or how a pitcher can make a ball curve, drop or rise.

Lastly, we had the best offense in football last year but couldn't win an NC because we weren't a complete team. We want this softball team to be a complete team, playing to the best of their ability in all phases of the game.

Having said that, UCLA looks very, very good. We will have to be on top of our game to beat them even once, much less twice.

Don't disagree with much you said, Proud, but I do take exception to the part where you stated, "I don't think anyone expects us to be scoring 8, 10 or 12 runs each game."

Many Oklahoma fans, including a sizable portion of this board, absolutely expect the Sooners to score 8-12 runs per game, and those fans will always express their displeasure and criticize the players/coaches whenever that doesn't happen. Teams will seldom win every game against the kind of pitching they see in the WCWS. I think we do a disservice to Patty and her players when we criticize them for losing an occasional game (whether it's 1-0 or 10-9) against a team with the position players, pitching, coaching and tradition of Alabama.

I agree that UCLA looks (and is) very good. But I believe it's a tad over the top to say we will have to perform at the very top of our game just to have a chance to beat the Bruins one time. I would contend that UCLA is the team that better be at the top of its game if the Bruins expect to defeat the Oklahoma Sooners and claim the national title. JMO
Let me be clear. One of the great hitters in the history of college softball is Jenny Dalton of Arizona who won three national titles at Arizona. She is also the all -time leader in RBIs in college softball. You might say she knows a bit about hitting.

When she saw OU against Wisconsin, she remarked what was obvious te everyone. OU had been taught to swing at an inside pitch which they drove foul. They also tended to take a pitch on the outside corner for strikes. The Wisconsin pitcher was killing them with it, pitching only 59-60 mph, dropping to the forties with a change.

She said clearly that a team with the great hitters that OU has should consider that pitch on the outside corner like a steak. You just prepare for it and tee off on it. Instead, we were taking it for a strike or trying to pull it, meaning pop ups or grounders to short or third. She made it clear. Good hitters should be prepared for that pitch and should kill it. OU had great hitters. Why weren't we?

Well, we saw the same thing against Fouts that we saw against Menz. She threw it at our hands, and we hit it hard, but fifty feet foul. We let her paint the outside corner without swinging, or we tried to pull it In both cases, we were shut down, losing against Wisconsin and Bama for the same reason.

Why were we not teeing off on that pitch on the outside corner? That should have been sharks to blood. She was serving dinner, in both cases.

Oh. And if you go back through the pages of the NCAA records for OU, you will see that we have a history of nearly always being in the top one or two places in hitting, home runs, and slugging percentage. We recruit some great ones. We had #1 and #7 in home runs (Lauren and Shelby). Ricketts, Romero, Schults, and Flores all had fifty or more.
I think the key to winning the natty is winning tonight. If the Sooners win I think it will be highly improbable that UCLA can win 2 straight. Conversely should the Sooners lose tonight the likelihood of beat Rachel Garcia two straight is very low. She is not the POY back to back years by accident. But FSU beat her twice last year in the semifinals so it can happen. But FSU scored 8 runs on 17 hits in the two games.
You can't prepare for everything, and a batter can't "sit" on everything. It is a cat and mouse type of game batter vs pitcher. We change our approach, and good opponents recognize and change.
We have won 4 national championship, the most of anyone this century, 3rd most of any school. Trust the coaches to get the most possible out of the team, and the players to give their all. But the other team(s) are doing the same, and nobody can win every time. We have a lot to be proud of, so just relax and enjoy.
Well I think we found out which team is superior I don't see us coming back from this. After such a pounding our confidence should be at an all-time low. Even playing our best it would be tough to match what they displayed tonight. Let's hope Garcia is tired tomorrow or they go with a backup picture and we get lucky. I get making mistakes because of nerves, but this is ridiculous. And our batting is so unreliable. Very down on our chances of winning at this point though.
Disappointing to have to say but UCLA is just a better team. Garcia is far superior to "G" and has beat her every time they faced each other. We had fielding errors in both games we paid and they had none.

The bruins have to think that there are 3-4 teams in the Pac 12 that are better than the Sooners and I have to understand why they would think such. In 2 games we have shown them nothing offensively, in the circle or fielding.

Our slim chance to win tomorrow has to be built on their becoming over confident.
We have done a poor job of fielding bunts this year. It cost us against Wisconsin, and now UCLA. Giving up those runs on errors after we had just tied the game was a spirit breaker.

None of OU's pitchers had good control tonight. That hurt. If you miss your zone, you can get burned. I think G lost her spirit when her defense let her down so badly.

It really didn't help that we had a chance to get back in it with a one-out triple, only to have Romero pop up, She was hot a week or so ago. Has only had one decent game in the CWS, in a funk where she is not meeting the ball. Even after that, Alo almost put us ahead.

Then, the wheels came off. We used to be able to bunt runners into scoring position. Not the past couple of years. We have done a poor job of moving runners up, lot of non-productive outs.

I have not given up on tomorrow. Things happen. I haven't seen OU look this bad. But, we have not been stellar in the playoffs this year. Our seniors are not stepping up.
We have done a poor job of fielding bunts this year. It cost us against Wisconsin, and now UCLA. Giving up those runs on errors after we had just tied the game was a spirit breaker.

None of OU's pitchers had good control tonight. That hurt. If you miss your zone, you can get burned. I think G lost her spirit when her defense let her down so badly.

It really didn't help that we had a chance to get back in it with a one-out triple, only to have Romero pop up, She was hot a week or so ago. Has only had one decent game in the CWS, in a funk where she is not meeting the ball. Even after that, Alo almost put us ahead.

Then, the wheels came off. We used to be able to bunt runners into scoring position. Not the past couple of years. We have done a poor job of moving runners up, lot of non-productive outs.

I have not given up on tomorrow. Things happen. I haven't seen OU look this bad. But, we have not been stellar in the playoffs this year. Our seniors are not stepping up.

Absolutely correct on every point. This team has not been playing its "A" since the OSU series in the regular season.

In 2 games against the Bruins they out scored 23-4. Out hit us 24-11. We had 5 errors they had 0. They hit 6 home runs we hit 3. All of our runs but 1 were on bases empty homers.

IMO chance of OU beating Garcia twice with her 1.03 era are realistically very slim. I'll be happy if we just look good closing out the series. I don't want this game to be what the senior's remember as the central point of their last WCWS experience. I want them to go out with style.
We have done a poor job of fielding bunts this year. It cost us against Wisconsin, and now UCLA. Giving up those runs on errors after we had just tied the game was a spirit breaker.

None of OU's pitchers had good control tonight. That hurt. If you miss your zone, you can get burned. I think G lost her spirit when her defense let her down so badly.

It really didn't help that we had a chance to get back in it with a one-out triple, only to have Romero pop up, She was hot a week or so ago. Has only had one decent game in the CWS, in a funk where she is not meeting the ball. Even after that, Alo almost put us ahead.

Then, the wheels came off. We used to be able to bunt runners into scoring position. Not the past couple of years. We have done a poor job of moving runners up, lot of non-productive outs.

I have not given up on tomorrow. Things happen. I haven't seen OU look this bad. But, we have not been stellar in the playoffs this year. Our seniors are not stepping up.

I agree 💯
We had a couple chances when we were only down two to one and I believe it was Lyons hit a triple only to have Romero leave her stranded and the next batters as well. Then it just seems like every whole possible to be found UCLA found it and our defense fell apart. I wonder if part of it was how mentally drained they were after yesterday. All I know is I'm sure Washington's thinking they are the second best team in the nation and their game should have been the national championship game. Any other team in that league knows better because we've beaten them or they just know better. I want to be optimistic and chalk this off as a one-off horrible game. But if Juarez struggles again tomorrow I don't have faith in Lopez or Saile to keep us in it... This is when I wish we had developed our number one high school prospect pitcher this season but apparently she's injured, and then transferring out most likely. having to true aces would have served us well tonight. Although our defense didn't do us any favors, the one time they let us down this year probably.
I agree 💯
We had a couple chances when we were only down two to one and I believe it was Lyons hit a triple only to have Romero leave her stranded and the next batters as well. Then it just seems like every whole possible to be found UCLA found it and our defense fell apart. I wonder if part of it was how mentally drained they were after yesterday. All I know is I'm sure Washington's thinking they are the second best team in the nation and their game should have been the national championship game. Any other team in that league knows better because we've beaten them or they just know better. I want to be optimistic and chalk this off as a one-off horrible game. But if Juarez struggles again tomorrow I don't have faith in Lopez or Saile to keep us in it... This is when I wish we had developed our number one high school prospect pitcher this season but apparently she's injured, and then transferring out most likely. having to true aces would have served us well tonight. Although our defense didn't do us any favors, the one time they let us down this year probably.

Do you know the part i bolded for sure or is it just a WAG?
Do you know the part i bolded for sure or is it just a WAG?

This is hearsay but two friends that I watch the softball games with also tailgate with the player's parents and family before every home game. They tell me the parents have told them that Brooke Vestal is transferring after the season/semester.

I have seen nothing from the media confirming she is leaving the program. But with "G", Saile and Lopez returning her opportunities in 2020 will be very limited.

She did not play as a H.S. senior do to injury and redshirted this year. Not really playing next year would be 3 years with virtually no playing. Her goal may be to transfer somewhere that has the opportunity for her to be the team ace.

We will know for certain before long.
All I know is I'm sure Washington's thinking they are the second best team in the nation and their game should have been the national championship game.

They have a great team, and they're welcome to think that. They may even be right, but they sure had their hands full against OSU.
I do not think our team will be down mentally for Game 2. The beating will serve to enhance their determination and will result in intense, controlled and disciplined play. This team wants to win. It comes down to Jaurez and whether she will have her edge - when she has her edge she is wicked on the mound. I am cautiously optimistic. Win or lose, Game 2 will be entirely different.
I agree 💯
We had a couple chances when we were only down two to one and I believe it was Lyons hit a triple only to have Romero leave her stranded and the next batters as well. Then it just seems like every whole possible to be found UCLA found it and our defense fell apart. I wonder if part of it was how mentally drained they were after yesterday. All I know is I'm sure Washington's thinking they are the second best team in the nation and their game should have been the national championship game. Any other team in that league knows better because we've beaten them or they just know better. I want to be optimistic and chalk this off as a one-off horrible game. But if Juarez struggles again tomorrow I don't have faith in Lopez or Saile to keep us in it... This is when I wish we had developed our number one high school prospect pitcher this season but apparently she's injured, and then transferring out most likely. having to true aces would have served us well tonight. Although our defense didn't do us any favors, the one time they let us down this year probably.

Difficult for the Huskies to have that argument. They went 2-2 in this year's WCWS. Also against UCLA they were 0-4 while be run ruled once and shutout once.

Arizona's argument is much better they are also 2-2 in the WCWS and were 2-2 against UCLA. They beat Garcia 5-4 with 3 HR's while UCLA also committed 2 errors. In 15.2 innings Arizona scored 9 runs and hit 6 HR's off Garcia. Their record against her was 1-1.
Many here will like to think of last night's game against UCLA as an anomaly and perhaps others an abomination but if you look at the Sooners performance against the upper division Pac 12 schools UCLA, Washington, Arizona, ASU and Oregon we are 3-6 the last two years while committing 9 errors, being shutout 3 times and last night's beat down. . Perhaps getting beat last night by the bruins was not an upset but predictable.

What success we have had against Pac 12 teams while going 8-6 has mostly been against the bottom dwellers with a 5-0 record against Oregon State and Utah.

Get a W tonight Boomer Sooner!!!
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I agree Arizona has more success against UCLA. Maybe not necessarily that Washington is a better team but maybe they just saw them more and so they were more better prepared for them. The two times we face them this season we've been blown out both times. I hope last night embarrassed and pissed are girls off a bit to be motivated to come out and play some real ball tonight and show them why we were ranked number one most of the season! I don't want us to get bageled in this series and embarrass ourselves I at least want to put one good beating on them, go Sooners!!!!
I think it is important for the girls to bring their "A" game tonight win or lose. The seniors have earned the right to go out with style. It is softball so our "A" game can definitely eck out a W. Win tonight and anything can happen Wednesday.

I definitely think that UCLA is the better team and Garcia is the difference. However Wisconsin beat the Sooners one game showing anything can happen on a given night. The league leading Dodgers and Yankees are only 29-9 against the division cellar dwellers this year. It is the name of the game.

Get a W tonight Boomer Sooner!!!
There is one thing and only one thing that gives me a little bit of hope for tonight: only ONE OU batter struck out last night and it was a freshman pinch hitter in the bottom of the 7th. We were making contact with the ball.

Need G to dig deep and throw some filth for us tonight.
Also let us not forget with the graduation of Parker and Lowary last year this was supposed to be a down year for the Sooners had Patty not found Juarez and Saile. We are actually very fortunate to be in the finals.

Now we just need to get lucky and win a couple of games.

We were making contact last night against Garcia who is a strikeout pitcher but we really were not hitting the ball hard as a general rule. Too many pop ups and routine fly balls.
Also let us not forget with the graduation of Parker and Lowary last year this was supposed to be a down year for the Sooners had Patty not found Juarez and Saile. We are actually very fortunate to be in the finals.

Now we just need to get lucky and win a couple of games.

We were making contact last night against Garcia who is a strikeout pitcher but we really were not hitting the ball hard as a general rule. Too many pop ups and routine fly balls.

I preface almost every post I make on this thread by saying that my only softball experience was of the sandlot variety in the nearest vacant lot. Any hits I got were pure luck! But I have been told that good hitters can control their bats enough to avoid popups etc. Obviously, they aren't going to do this every time they are at bat since .400 is considered an excellent batting average. But should good hitters be able to avoid popups?

I agree with what you said about the forecast for this year before the addition of G and Saile.