
I preface almost every post I make on this thread by saying that my only softball experience was of the sandlot variety in the nearest vacant lot. Any hits I got were pure luck! But I have been told that good hitters can control their bats enough to avoid popups etc. Obviously, they aren't going to do this every time they are at bat since .400 is considered an excellent batting average. But should good hitters be able to avoid popups?

I agree with what you said about the forecast for this year before the addition of G and Saile.

Of course all our discussions are theoretical in nature based on what we were taught about the game. The true reality is the general consensus says great pitching beat great hitting most of the time. Each pitcher's style significantly impacts how hitters react. Rise ball hitter promote more pop ups and strikeouts. Drop ball pitchers more ground balls. It is difficult to hit a pitcher that has multiple speeds of a rise, curve and drop. That is why Garcia is the two time POY.

There are several things you can do to alter the impact of a pitchers style. Last night OU did a very good job of laying off the rise ball and avoiding the K's but still popped up several pitches.

IMHO tonight we need to continue to take the riseball, start attacking the first pitch strike that is not a change, hit the ball hard and hit it where they ain't. If we do I think we score 4+ runs. Should we do so, "G" does her job and we play Sooner defense we should get the W. However that it is easier said than done.
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In my view, last night was simple. We looked tired and without an ounce of emotional energy or "edge". We looked like we had played two emotional and dispositive games requiring complete focus that didn't end until midnight. Oh yeah, we did do that.

I don't follow baseball, but there would be violent revolution if they ran a men's sports championship the way they run softball. It is beyond unfair and absurd. If I had been in Vegas, I would have bet my mortgage that we were going to be killed last night. I told this to my wife before the game.

I thought the ladies drove as fast as they could considering they were operating on fumes and didn't have any gas.

Here is hoping we can reinvigorate by tonight. The Garcia kid is money, so it will be tough.

As for team weaknesses, I am not a softball guy and won't pretend to know a thing about it other than it makes for good TV (unlike baseball). This being said there are a number of "expert" talking heads saying we take too many pitches and are doing something, as a whole team, fundamentally that results in too many pulled hits that go foul to the left. Several have complained about our inability to advance runners with bunting and ground balls to the correct side of the infield. I will only say that we do seem to pop up in insane amount of the time and so we need to review something.

all in all, good job so far by the ladies. Forget last night, chalk it up to circumstances, and get after UCLA tonight. I will be watching it for sure.
In championship games, more games are lost than won. The first key is no mistakes in the field. Make the right throws to the right bases.

When Juarez and Lopez are sharp, their first pitch is nearly always a strike. I think ESPN made the observation in a good game that G pitched that the first pitch was a strike to the first eleven hitters. Her stuff depends on keeping the hitters under her control, which means throw strikes. Nearly every big hit comes when you are behind in the count. G had an off night with her control, Lopez was worse. Saile was absurd. The playoffs may be too much for Saile.

If G throws strikes, this is anyone's game. One game doesn't make a season. Shay hit a home run off of Garcia (had a grand slam off Garcia in 2017). They were originally in the same class. Elam hit the ball hard twice against Garcia. Lyons tripled to right, notice that Shay hit it to right center and Lyons to dead right. Don't get caught up in pulling everything trying for home runs. If Elam and Lyons can hit Garcia, why can't Romero and Aviu?

Attack the ball where it is pitched. Don't make mistakes. We looked like a team of freshmen on defense. We had three errors made by seniors. Get your heads on straight and attack UCLA. Both games are winnable. Throw first pitch strikes. Get them on their heels and see how they like it...

UCLA was beaten at home (I think) by Arizona twice, and Michigan. They lost to Oregon after everyone had decided Oregon was terrible. They lost to a Stanford team that had absolutely no business in the NCAA field. They lose some that cause you to question why. We lost to Wisconsin. Other than that, it took Florida State in Florida, UCLA in California, and Alabama to beat us. Act like it.
In championship games, more games are lost than won. The first key is no mistakes in the field. Make the right throws to the right bases.

When Juarez and Lopez are sharp, their first pitch is nearly always a strike. I think ESPN made the observation in a good game that G pitched that the first pitch was a strike to the first eleven hitters. Her stuff depends on keeping the hitters under her control, which means throw strikes. Nearly every big hit comes when you are behind in the count. G had an off night with her control, Lopez was worse. Saile was absurd. The playoffs may be too much for Saile.

If G throws strikes, this is anyone's game. One game doesn't make a season. Shay hit a home run off of Garcia (had a grand slam off Garcia in 2017). They were originally in the same class. Elam hit the ball hard twice against Garcia. Lyons tripled to right, notice that Shay hit it to right center and Lyons to dead right. Don't get caught up in pulling everything trying for home runs. If Elam and Lyons can hit Garcia, why can't Romero and Aviu?

Attack the ball where it is pitched. Don't make mistakes. We looked like a team of freshmen on defense. We had three errors made by seniors. Get your heads on straight and attack UCLA. Both games are winnable. Throw first pitch strikes. Get them on their heels and see how they like it...

UCLA was beaten at home (I think) by Arizona twice, and Michigan. They lost to Oregon after everyone had decided Oregon was terrible. They lost to a Stanford team that had absolutely no business in the NCAA field. They lose some that cause you to question why. We lost to Wisconsin. Other than that, it took Florida State in Florida, UCLA in California, and Alabama to beat us. Act like it.

In my view, last night was simple. We looked tired and without an ounce of emotional energy or "edge". We looked like we had played two emotional and dispositive games requiring complete focus that didn't end until midnight. Oh yeah, we did do that.

I don't follow baseball, but there would be violent revolution if they ran a men's sports championship the way they run softball. It is beyond unfair and absurd. If I had been in Vegas, I would have bet my mortgage that we were going to be killed last night. I told this to my wife before the game.

I thought the ladies drove as fast as they could considering they were operating on fumes and didn't have any gas.

Here is hoping we can reinvigorate by tonight. The Garcia kid is money, so it will be tough.

As for team weaknesses, I am not a softball guy and won't pretend to know a thing about it other than it makes for good TV (unlike baseball). This being said there are a number of "expert" talking heads saying we take too many pitches and are doing something, as a whole team, fundamentally that results in too many pulled hits that go foul to the left. Several have complained about our inability to advance runners with bunting and ground balls to the correct side of the infield. I will only say that we do seem to pop up in insane amount of the time and so we need to review something.

all in all, good job so far by the ladies. Forget last night, chalk it up to circumstances, and get after UCLA tonight. I will be watching it for sure.

I hadn't thought about your sentence that I bolded before but I agree with you. I usually watch the baseball CWS and it takes 10 days to complete, not 5 or 6. I had always assumed that this was because baseball pitchers need time to recover and softball pitchers don't need as much time to recover. I suspect part of the reason is that the NCAA and ESPN don't want to devote that much time and money to softball. I always blamed ESPN and the NCAA for not halting the Alabama game due to rain when they should have because $$$$$$$.
In my view, last night was simple. We looked tired and without an ounce of emotional energy or "edge". We looked like we had played two emotional and dispositive games requiring complete focus that didn't end until midnight. Oh yeah, we did do that.

I don't follow baseball, but there would be violent revolution if they ran a men's sports championship the way they run softball. It is beyond unfair and absurd. If I had been in Vegas, I would have bet my mortgage that we were going to be killed last night. I told this to my wife before the game.

I thought the ladies drove as fast as they could considering they were operating on fumes and didn't have any gas.

Here is hoping we can reinvigorate by tonight. The Garcia kid is money, so it will be tough.

As for team weaknesses, I am not a softball guy and won't pretend to know a thing about it other than it makes for good TV (unlike baseball). This being said there are a number of "expert" talking heads saying we take too many pitches and are doing something, as a whole team, fundamentally that results in too many pulled hits that go foul to the left. Several have complained about our inability to advance runners with bunting and ground balls to the correct side of the infield. I will only say that we do seem to pop up in insane amount of the time and so we need to review something.

all in all, good job so far by the ladies. Forget last night, chalk it up to circumstances, and get after UCLA tonight. I will be watching it for sure.
Good post.
I do not think our team will be down mentally for Game 2. The beating will serve to enhance their determination and will result in intense, controlled and disciplined play. This team wants to win. It comes down to Jaurez and whether she will have her edge - when she has her edge she is wicked on the mound. I am cautiously optimistic. Win or lose, Game 2 will be entirely different.

I sure do hope that you are right, Stringmusic. Would be great to take it to a 3rd game, even if we wind up losing the series.

The bolded portion is, IMO, absolutely critical. As G goes, so goes the Sooners at this point. As Syb noted, the better teams have found that they can play small-ball against us if Mariah is on the mound.
I was just getting ready to post something along the lines of the point that CowboySooner made, when I read his post IRT the back-to-back game with Bama taking some gas out of our tanks. While it is true that UCLA also had a severe, extra-inning test with Washington, there is no gainsaying that due to only playing one game (but WINNING) they had a day of rest before their game with us. OU had much less time than did UCLA to regroup.

I am of the opinion that our back-to-back games with Bama had an effect, and not a good one. Just one of the factors that played into last night's game, though.

UCLA is dang good, no two ways about it.
Best team won. We avoid the wild pitches/passed ball and we would have possibly won. We got what we earned. Great effort tonight. Was pleased with Syd, Fale and Shay tonight. Also the bottom of the order. As Syb posted earlier championships are frequently lost not won. No wild pitches/passed balls and tonight might have been a W.
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Great effort by a tremendous team and coaching staff.

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I'm not 100% we didn't throw her out at the plate. One view looked like she was probably safe, but the other view had me leaning slightly toward out. Much better way to go out than last night. Shay is as clutch as they come.
This is hearsay but two friends that I watch the softball games with also tailgate with the player's parents and family before every home game. They tell me the parents have told them that Brooke Vestal is transferring after the season/semester.

I have seen nothing from the media confirming she is leaving the program. But with "G", Saile and Lopez returning her opportunities in 2020 will be very limited.

She did not play as a H.S. senior do to injury and redshirted this year. Not really playing next year would be 3 years with virtually no playing. Her goal may be to transfer somewhere that has the opportunity for her to be the team ace.

We will know for certain before long.

Does she think she can't break into the rotation or does she want to go to a school where there is no 'rotation' and be the only starting pitcher? If she's as good as advertised, I see no reason she couldn't break into the starting rotation. We have 2 very good pitchers but they aren't Kelaini Ricketts, Paige Parker or Paige Lowrey. If, however she want to be the only starter, that's probably the best decision for her.
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Shay has been my favorite. She tied the game against UCLA yesterday and today, only to have us blow it as soon as UCLA came up.

Two critical things: G threw three HR's off of 1-0 pitches. She has to get that first pitch over. Somebody thought too much of her curve.

Caleigh had her worst night: Romero doubles to lead off and sets the tone for the game. Instead of moving her into scoring position, Caleigh struck out---couldn't lay off the rise (neither could Green). Then,, with the bases loaded and one out in a 3-3 game, anything she does gets a run home. She struck out on the rise again. Usually smarter than she was in the championship series.

Clifton, Alo, and Green were 0-what 12?

Tough to replace Clifton, Romero, Aviu, and Shay. I don't see freshmen that can do it. I don't think we will be back next year.
I'm not 100% we didn't throw her out at the plate. One view looked like she was probably safe, but the other view had me leaning slightly toward out. Much better way to go out than last night. Shay is as clutch as they come.

You can see a couple angles of the final score there. It was close but I don’t think Elam got the tag.

I’ll never forget that the final at bats for both Shay and Lauren Chamberlain (5 years ago) were home runs. That was an amazing moment in the top of the 7th.

You can see a couple angles of the final score there. It was close but I don’t think Elam got the tag.

I’ll never forget that the final at bats for both Shay and Lauren Chamberlain (5 years ago) were home runs. That was an amazing moment in the top of the 7th.

My wifi isn't working well enough for videos, but I believe you. Really tough break. Had they not brought in the pinch runner we'd have thrown her out, and likely would have with one out instead of two. Might even have been able to make a diving catch had there been a runner at third. Regardless, proud of how this team fought back today. Had they forced a game 3, they were not afraid to go up against Garcia.
The UCLA coach was very gracious in her postgame presser, very complimentary of OU and our program. Classy.
Shay has been my favorite. She tied the game against UCLA yesterday and today, only to have us blow it as soon as UCLA came up.

Two critical things: G threw three HR's off of 1-0 pitches. She has to get that first pitch over. Somebody thought too much of her curve.

Caleigh had her worst night: Romero doubles to lead off and sets the tone for the game. Instead of moving her into scoring position, Caleigh struck out---couldn't lay off the rise (neither could Green). Then,, with the bases loaded and one out in a 3-3 game, anything she does gets a run home. She struck out on the rise again. Usually smarter than she was in the championship series.

Clifton, Alo, and Green were 0-what 12?

Tough to replace Clifton, Romero, Aviu, and Shay. I don't see freshmen that can do it. I don't think we will be back next year.

We have a high quality freshman class (8 recruits, 3 pitchers and 6 ranked in the top 61 and 4 top 35) coming in and return all our pitching but I too expect the 2020 team to take a step back. I will be surprised if we are a top 8 seed for the tournament.

It will also be intersting to see the immediate impact on recruiting in California. Patty has always been able to identify a select few Cali kids but this finals in going to be used to negatively recruit against the Sooners.

Also I was hoping for a WCWS win to be the driving force to get the new softball field proposal the big investor needed to get it started. Instead I see that drive for money taking a little longer getting to fruition especially with a drop off in 2020 team performance.

Still cannot get over surrendering 8 home runs in 2 games to a team that hit only 70 in 60 games. Also 5 errors and 4 WP/PB's. Not the championship softball we have come to expect.
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Shay has been my favorite. She tied the game against UCLA yesterday and today, only to have us blow it as soon as UCLA came up.

Two critical things: G threw three HR's off of 1-0 pitches. She has to get that first pitch over. Somebody thought too much of her curve.

Caleigh had her worst night: Romero doubles to lead off and sets the tone for the game. Instead of moving her into scoring position, Caleigh struck out---couldn't lay off the rise (neither could Green). Then,, with the bases loaded and one out in a 3-3 game, anything she does gets a run home. She struck out on the rise again. Usually smarter than she was in the championship series.

Clifton, Alo, and Green were 0-what 12?

Tough to replace Clifton, Romero, Aviu, and Shay. I don't see freshmen that can do it. I don't think we will be back next year.

I agree! So very proud of Shay and how she came through clutch for the most part during the final series. Romero played like a leader as well. The other seniors I'm very disappointed in. Especially CC. Mendez also hit very well at times and has one heck of an arm! I'm hoping next season Alo plays more like she did her freshman year, or at least hits like it. What is this incoming class looking like? Do we have any shot at all of being the same caliber team next season? I really hope vestal stays and shows us what she's got next year because I don't have a whole lot of confidence in Lopez and Juarez can't be one hundred percent every single game as we've seen. I have bitter taste in my mouth about all this... if we had played them close in the first game like last night I'd feel better about it all... I hate seeing quotes out there that UCLA dominated us because they absolutely did not in game 2.
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