
Hoping to see young Caleigh get her groove back this week in the Supers. Still, her glove is valuable to the team even when she's not producing at the plate.

One of the ESPN commentators said (and I paraphrase) "Clifton may be the best athlete on a team full of athletes." Don't know if that's true, though I really have no reason to doubt it. But I do know that it's great to see a small-town Oklahoma girl succeeding on such a grand stage.
Caleigh was Class 2A Basketball All-State last year. That may be why she is considered best athlete. Having known her all of her life I can guarantee you she is a stud athlete. When she was in the 7th grade I tried to talk her into going to OU basketball camp. She played softball every summer so she was recruited as a softball player. She was not on the basketball summer travel squads so she was not noticed as a basketball player. If she would have played summer travel ball instead of softball she would have been recruited as a basketball player. When she was a Freshman she played against T'ona and LaNesia in the playoffs and was every bit as good as those two.
Hoping to see young Caleigh get her groove back this week in the Supers. Still, her glove is valuable to the team even when she's not producing at the plate.

One of the ESPN commentators said (and I paraphrase) "Clifton may be the best athlete on a team full of athletes." Don't know if that's true, though I really have no reason to doubt it. But I do know that it's great to see a small-town Oklahoma girl succeeding on such a grand stage.

Not contradicting your statement but the statement I heard indicated that Patty had said Caleigh was maybe her best athlete. Info like that could definitely have been presented more than once over the entire regional.
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Calculated the batting averages and homeruns for the starting lineup for the last ten games. The starters are hitting .379. Each starters batting average is:

Aviu .500, 4 rbi's
Knighten .481, 12 rbi's, 2 HR's
Pendley .438, 10 rbi's, 3 HR's
Miller .419, 8 rbi's, 3 HR's
Self .391, 6 rbi's
Romero .343, 6 rbi's, 1 HR
Arnold .333, 2 rbi's
Wodach .291, 4 rbi's, 1 HR
Clifton .227, 5 rbi's, 2 HR's

My observations attending all the home games is Wodach is swinging better than her .291. She has hit several blue darters at 'em for outs lately. Caleigh may have the freshman pressure of the playoffs getting to her as she is 0-8 without much good contact but three games does not a trend make. However she is 1-11 in the last 5 games. Also she has had 8 free passes followed my Miller with 7 and Self with 5.

Pendley is probably swing the bat as good as anyone and with power as she has 3 dingers. Knighten and Clifton have 2, Miller, Wodach and Romero have one each. Aviu is swing the bat extremely well too and Miller is being Miller very consistent and produces with pressure on her. Knighten has been the most consistent hitter with hits in 9 of the last 10 games. Aviu has hits in 8 of the last 10.

I'm not going to go back and look right now. But, I wonder if Caleigh's downturn in hits didn't coincide with her shift to #2? I'm not sure she is as experienced as some in situational hitting, which is a key to #2.
Not contradicting your statement but the statement I heard indicated that Patty had said Caleigh was the best athlete. Info like that could definitely have been presented more than once over the entire regional.

No problem. I certainly could have misunderstood.
I'm not going to go back and look right now. But, I wonder if Caleigh's downturn in hits didn't coincide with her shift to #2? I'm not sure she is as experienced as some in situational hitting, which is a key to #2.

Strictly from memory but I think she first hit in the #2 hole against Tulsa and I remember she had a good series against Tech as I remember her hitting a dinger in game 3. I know she did not have a hit against OSU, Wichita or Ole Miss.
People on are talking about rumors of a new softball facility.
People on are talking about rumors of a new softball facility.

That would be outstanding but with the oil patch in the doldrums I suspect updating Marita Hynes would more along the lines of Joe Castiglione's thinking. MH could be make first class for probably less than $10 million.

Using Oregon's new facility as a bench mark a new facility would be $25 million. That may be more than Joe C. wants to spend with two more rounds of GFMS upgrades and a Loyd Noble improvements already on his agenda and their cost projected to be in excess of $300 million. .

ON the other hand Boren might be able to find two donors that will fund 75% of the cost of a replacement for MH. For certain Patty could use a new first class facility to keep up in the arms race being forced on her by Oregon, Baylor, Alabama, LSU, aTm, etc.
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It seems that the consensus on here, is that I "worry a bit too much".


First, I clearly stated I had concerns. Concerns are not to the level of worry, at least not from my perspective. There are always concerns. Every team has weaknesses. Florida doesn't score much. Can their pitching, defense and clutch hitting overcome that. It usually does. But they have concerns, just like everyone else.

Secondly, I did clearly say that I felt the ladies would find a way to advance. They are, after all, one of the best defensive teams in the country, and they have a deep and balance batting lineup, that hits for average among the best. And in the regional, they have been clutch. On top of that, they have Paige, who when on, is as good as any pitcher in the country.

Thirdly, while the points made by others, countering my concerns, are accurate and valid, so are the points I made. With regard to the Sooners, I simply pointed out we don't have much pitching depth, nor HR power. Both are shortcomings we'll have to overcome. And my points re U La La are also valid and accurate, with the most cogent being that they have a Chamberlain-like player in Lexi Elkins. You can make an excellent pitch, and she still can hit it out. Chamberlain played a huge part in taking the first game of the 2013 championship series, game 1. She hit a downright nasty, low and inside pitch and lifted it out to give us the win. Keilani and Gascione did the rest.

Fourth, one of the points I highlighted was the NCAA's consistent practice of making our road as difficult as possible. I don't see how anyone can argue that.

Fifth, part of the theme of what I was presenting, was that this may not be a walkover. We may have to really work to get past U La La, and maximize our strengths.

And finally, as just an interesting observation, ESPN picked our super and one of the four to watch. LSU/JMU because of the pitching and the mid-major/SEC matchup; UCLA/Oregon, because of it being a conference rematch, and the lower seed took the series on the higher seed's field during the regular season; Mizzou/Michigan, because Mizzou is so hot, and seemingly inspired by the plight of their coach; and OU/ULaLa because they feel U La La was underseeded, and they have a Chamberlain type player and we don't. I find it interesting that ESPN echoed some of the same points I did.

Not trying start any arguments. I just feel that my concerns aren't overblown and invalid, the "sky is falling" points.
LOL. I don't think the "worry" comments were aimed specifically at you, MGB. It's just a way for some of the more positive posters to encourage others to tap the breaks when their Negative Nancy side starts to show.

I routinely visit this and several other Sooner boards, and I never cease to be amazed by the negative outlook some posters have, even after OU easily wins a game or series. It's the same with every Sooner sport, not just softball. If Paige doesn't toss a no-hitter and strike out at least 12 batters, or if the Sooner football team gives up more than 100 yards total offense in a game, the Chicken Little crowd comes out in full force, declaring that the Sooners will be toast if they don't play better the next game.

On one board, posters were wringing their hands and wondering how in the world we could hope to beat ULL in the Supers if we keep playing as poorly as we did in the regionals. And that was after we won our three games by a combined score of 19-3. Paige gave up just 11 hits (less than four per game) in the regionals and the team batting average was .336. But some were saying that our freshmen developed a case of the nerves at the plate and Paige wasn't as dominant as they thought she should be.

For what it's worth, your contention that ULL will be no walkover will get no argument from me. If the Sooners continue to play with the same mindset and intensity as they've had for the last month, I do believe we'll win the series, and perhaps in just two games. But the Cajuns will likely be a bigger challenge for the Sooners than was Ole Miss. I don't think they have anyone on their staff as good as Osias, but their pitching is adequate and, like you said, their hitters are very dangerous. Thursday night can't get here soon enough.
I don't know that a consensus has ever been reached on this board.

Shay is one of three left in the running for Freshman of the Year. I think she is highly deserving. She has had some key hits, and has become a pretty fair first baseman after playing second and left field.

I think it was Shay that revealed, after hitting a key home run against Osorio, that those who play AAU (in a specific league?) have already seen the top hitters and pitchers while in high school. They aren't intimidated by them when they get to college. I think that shows up in Romero, Knighten, and Aviu.
LOL. I don't think the "worry" comments were aimed specifically at you, MGB. It's just a way for some of the more positive posters to encourage others to tap the breaks when their Negative Nancy side starts to show.

I routinely visit this and several other Sooner boards, and I never cease to be amazed by the negative outlook some posters have, even after OU easily wins a game or series. It's the same with every Sooner sport, not just softball. If Paige doesn't toss a no-hitter and strike out at least 12 batters, or if the Sooner football team gives up more than 100 yards total offense in a game, the Chicken Little crowd comes out in full force, declaring that the Sooners will be toast if they don't play better the next game.

On one board, posters were wringing their hands and wondering how in the world we could hope to beat ULL in the Supers if we keep playing as poorly as we did in the regionals. And that was after we won our three games by a combined score of 19-3. Paige gave up just 11 hits (less than four per game) in the regionals and the team batting average was .336. But some were saying that our freshmen developed a case of the nerves at the plate and Paige wasn't as dominant as they thought she should be.

For what it's worth, your contention that ULL will be no walkover will get no argument from me. If the Sooners continue to play with the same mindset and intensity as they've had for the last month, I do believe we'll win the series, and perhaps in just two games. But the Cajuns will likely be a bigger challenge for the Sooners than was Ole Miss. I don't think they have anyone on their staff as good as Osias, but their pitching is adequate and, like you said, their hitters are very dangerous. Thursday night can't get here soon enough.

You notice that too??? :ez-roll::ez-roll::ez-roll:
Did Kady have anything interesting to say on Sportstalk?
I suspect based on Pa8gee's remarks after the Ole Miss game that she is well rested, wasnt tired by the three days pitching and is looking forward to the LaLaland contest. If so, they may be in trouble because Patty will no doubt pitch her as many days and it takes.
Did Kady have anything interesting interesting to say on Sports Talk?

After hea ing Paige talk after the last Ole Miss game she is clearly well rested after pitching three days in a row and looking forward to the LaLaland contests. They could be in trouble. If we keep hitting then we are big trouble for other teams. Maybe Florida's pitching could slow us down. Maybe.
When you get to the World Series, everyone has one good pitcher who can shut you down. If that shutdown performance comes in the first day, you may end up in the loser's bracket.

When OU has won the title in the World Series, we have been undefeated throughout the playoffs. This means that we never had to use a second pitcher, i.e., dropping into the loser's bracket. That is quite possible this year. We could win out.

If you face a pitcher going through a Monica Abbott type performance, you probably don't stand a chance unless your pitcher can hold them down until she tires. But, with the type of pitching that I have seen thus far, it comes down to who has the best hitters. Although we don't have that dominant hitter this year, we do have several hitters who can take over a game. There are times that you can't pitch to Miller, Knighten, Aviu, Pendley, or Self. Wodach has had her moments, as has Caleigh. Based on recent performance, I'd rather face about anyone not named Shay with runners on base, needing a two-out hit. Romero is better than we have seen. I think we have more different players that can break a game open.

If we get into the loser's bracket, I think we have a problem. There, you need a second pitcher capable of beating one of the top eight teams in the country. I think only Florida has that. Everyone else will need to score some runs. The advantage is that you are facing their weaker pitchers as well. Stevens can be pretty difficult to hit, even for a good team, if she can just throw strikes.

Four solid performances by Paige, and we could win this thing.
The biggest concern now is Friday. We need to win on Friday with the possibility of closing it out in game 2. The NCAA forces a doubleheader in the Supers on Day if the two teams split. Last year, OU won the first game but lost the second and both pitchers pitched all three games. So Paige has experience in pitching 3 games in two days.

Kelsey Stevens will be fragile against ULL. She won a slugfest in 2014 at Lafayette on a Friday night then got blasted in both games on the following Saturday. However, she got the last laugh and beat ULL 3-1 in the WCWS only giving up a homer in the 7th to Lexi Elkins. That series marked the start of the injury to Lauren - it might have been different if she played.

Lexi Elkins is not Lauren Chamberlain - Lauren played against the best day in day out at OU. Lexi has faced subpar comp for the most part. I think Lauren is the natural when it comes to hitting but she was also one fine first baseman.

The key to the series to me is OU's defense compared to ULL. I would not be surprised to see OU exploit ULL's defense with some small ball. Of course, Paige is huge - good pitching almost always beats good hitting.
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When you get to the World Series, everyone has one good pitcher who can shut you down. If that shutdown performance comes in the first day, you may end up in the loser's bracket.

When OU has won the title in the World Series, we have been undefeated throughout the playoffs. This means that we never had to use a second pitcher, i.e., dropping into the loser's bracket. That is quite possible this year. We could win out.

If you face a pitcher going through a Monica Abbott type performance, you probably don't stand a chance unless your pitcher can hold them down until she tires. But, with the type of pitching that I have seen thus far, it comes down to who has the best hitters. Although we don't have that dominant hitter this year, we do have several hitters who can take over a game. There are times that you can't pitch to Miller, Knighten, Aviu, Pendley, or Self. Wodach has had her moments, as has Caleigh. Based on recent performance, I'd rather face about anyone not named Shay with runners on base, needing a two-out hit. Romero is better than we have seen. I think we have more different players that can break a game open.

If we get into the loser's bracket, I think we have a problem. There, you need a second pitcher capable of beating one of the top eight teams in the country. I think only Florida has that. Everyone else will need to score some runs. The advantage is that you are facing their weaker pitchers as well. Stevens can be pretty difficult to hit, even for a good team, if she can just throw strikes.

Four solid performances by Paige, and we could win this thing.

You are right on when you say staying in the winners bracket is key for the Sooners. We may even need 5 good performances from Paige should our opponent in the finals also be undefeated.

Should that be Florida things could be real tough but the three teams that beat the Gators were excellent hitting teams like OU that got solid pitching to beat the Gators Alabama beat the Gators 2-1 and 3-0 going winning the series. Auburn split with the Gators winning 5-4 and 2-1. A&M beat the Gators 6-4. Florida only allowed more than 2 runs in a game 6 times 5 of those were to aTm, Auburn and Bama. MSU scored three runs. They only allowed more than 3 runs three times in the season giving up 6 to the aggies and 5 twice to Auburn.