
I'm visiting my daughter this week and she has 'cut the cord' so there is no ESPN. Trying to follow these games on GameTracker is nerve wracking!

OU 6
Auburn 0

According to game tracker.
Well we couldn't stand prosperity. Really wasn't expecting too much from Stevens, but was disappointed that we started committing errors. Terrible throw from Erin to first, expect more from a player of her calibre/

Oh well, let's put up some more runs and outscore them!
Win or lose I am pleased with the way Chestnut has performed tonight. Lots of pressure and she has held her own.
Yeah, too bad that Patty didn't start Chestnut instead of Stevens.

I guess that I understand her reasoning, though, Stevens being a senior and all, and Chestnut a freshman... a lot of pressure on the big stage.
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Yeah, too bad that Patty didn't start Chestnut instead of Stevens.

Stevens wasn't the only problems two errors by senior outfielders are the reason this game is tied up. Don't forget Auburn scored their 5 runs in the second after two were out. Had 11 AB's 3 hits, 3 walks, 2 errors and 2 unearned runs. Play good defense and we win in regulation.
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Grand slam in the bottom of the 8th for an Auburn win, 11-7. How big was that HR-robbing play by Tiffany Howard in the top of the 6th? We go up 9-7 and likely win it in 7.

Well, we will see what Big Mo can do against a partially-rested Paige tomorrow night.
Go ahead Auburn apologists and tell me after the Carsone post game interview, that Auburn is not arrogant.
Win or lose I am pleased with the way Chestnut has performed tonight. Lots of pressure and she has held her own.

This. Chestnut performed very well, all things considered. A lot to expect from a freshman with limited experience and none on the big stage.

And as far as the Grand Slammer? Pffft. You lose by one or lose by four, same result.
Go ahead Auburn apologists and tell me after the Carsone post game interview, that Auburn is not arrogant.

Yeah, I can't prove it, obviously, but I'd bet money, marbles and chalk that OU would be celebrating tonight had Paige not been pitching non-stop.

I've said this before, but I think that there should be a one day rest day between the elimination games that set up the Championship Series.

Bad luck on our part how the rains came and let Auburn get a game in, but penalized OU by the rainout. No rest For Paige.
We had some letdowns tonight. Frankly, we got exactly what I expected from Stevens. Gasso has remained with her out of loyalty. But, she has not performed like she has learned anything in two years of control problems. She beats herself. She came apart against the lower part of their batting order.

Then, Self cost us two runs by breaking in on a play over her head that she barely missed. They scored on that one, and the person who hit is also scored. At worst, it should have been 7-3.

Chestnut did OK. She actually did better than I expected. Other than the two-run shot to tie, she shut them down for five innings. The game should have never been tied.

After we lost the momentum, the only thing close to a threat was sending Knighten to the plate. She almost produced. Nice catch by Howard, the star of the night.

Hopefully, Paige can get our momentum back. But, who is going to hit other than Romero and Knighten?
We had 10 hits tonight every starter got a base hit except for Erin Miller. Romero and Self had two. This game was lost by the defense. I think Patty stuck with Kelsey because she got two stike outs to start the second after hitting the first batter. But in hindsight should have pulled her after the Jordan HR.

With not throwing Parker at the start of the 3rd or 4th with a two run lead tells me Paige is really tired. Which is to be expected. Hope she has her strength tomorrow night. Unfortunately Auburn now has the momentum going into tomorrow's game.

Also Auburn scored 11 consecutive unanswered runs and that is not the level OU has played at all season. Normally the get back runs allowed in an inning or two. We did not score 3rd through the 8th, 6 innings. Last experienced that kind of drought against Bama March 19, when Osorio no hit us for 6 innings before Romero's single and Knighten's walk off HR.

We have made several outstanding defensive plays but have also made 4 errors in the WCWS after making only 23 for the season. Three (Parker's throw, Miller's throw and Clifton's muff) cost us 3 runs. Self was not given an error for he muff on the fly ball. We need to be error tomorrow night to win.
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Go ahead Auburn apologists and tell me after the Carsone post game interview, that Auburn is not arrogant.

They aren't arrogant. Teams psyche themselves in different ways. THEY BELIEVE! Not apologizing for anything. WHY does everything in the world have to have negativity? WHY can't we just enjoy something that is NOT RELATED to hunger, world peace, hating Muslims, etc.? (sorry, do not intend that to seem rude, but there are so many more important things than a team that is confident AND their coach said good things about Patty and I don't remember her saying good things about's an interview after a game they won and after a game we lost AND WE did not bring the energy and focus that we usually do. We were out of position on defense. Can we bring that or have we been pysched out for game three just kind of deja vu of game 3 in 2012?) Maybe they realize what happened in 2012 and are using that to their advantage to psyche us out, like any smart team would.)
Yeah, I can't prove it, obviously, but I'd bet money, marbles and chalk that OU would be celebrating tonight had Paige not been pitching non-stop.

I've said this before, but I think that there should be a one day rest day between the elimination games that set up the Championship Series.

Bad luck on our part how the rains came and let Auburn get a game in, but penalized OU by the rainout. No rest For Paige

BUT it's the same for all teams. Auburn just happens to have more than one good pitcher. So they were better tonight. ALSO, we made some defensive errors that haven't been mentioned. Like just not paying attention and letting that runner get to third because no one was there. Kelsey had gotten there not soon enough. Where was Romero or the catcher and we just looked flat, not intense, and not paying attention. We weren't in good defensive position several times tonight. SEEMS the coach or someone would have done something one of the times, the other it was just the players. They need to come back focused and loose and having fun. Know that focused and loose seems like an oxymoron but we know it isn't.
BUT it's the same for all teams. Auburn just happens to have more than one good pitcher. So they were better tonight. ALSO, we made some defensive errors that haven't been mentioned. Like just not paying attention and letting that runner get to third because no one was there. Kelsey had gotten there not soon enough. Where was Romero or the catcher and we just looked flat, not intense, and not paying attention. We weren't in good defensive position several times tonight. SEEMS the coach or someone would have done something one of the times, the other it was just the players. They need to come back focused and loose and having fun. Know that focused and loose seems like an oxymoron but we know it isn't.

A) It was not the same for all teams; Auburn got their first game in before the rain, so they had a day of rest while we were playing ours; as another poster says on here, you're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts;

B) The errors and miscues not officially categorized as errors have been mentioned several times; but I guess you are the only one that sees everything and know the answers to everything;

C) They weren't flat and unfocused; I totally don't know where you pulled that out of; e.g. did you see the infield single Aviu got, totally on hustle?; they probably were tight, but wouldn't you be with the pitchers we had to go with?; the defense probably felt they needed to make extraordinary plays because of whom we were pitching, and that's totally contrary to how they normally play; e.g. the Erin Miller error, where she tried to throw out the runner at first after a single into the outfield?

D) Everyone on here knows, knew and had concerns about our pitching depth; you're not some softball expert educating us on things we don't understand about the game;

E) Since you know more about defensive alignments than Gasso, maybe we should replace her with you; I mean we only had the leading defensive team in the nation, and the second best of all time; but I'm sure you know better;
They aren't arrogant. Teams psyche themselves in different ways. THEY BELIEVE! Not apologizing for anything. WHY does everything in the world have to have negativity? WHY can't we just enjoy something that is NOT RELATED to hunger, world peace, hating Muslims, etc.? (sorry, do not intend that to seem rude, but there are so many more important things than a team that is confident AND their coach said good things about Patty and I don't remember her saying good things about's an interview after a game they won and after a game we lost AND WE did not bring the energy and focus that we usually do. We were out of position on defense. Can we bring that or have we been pysched out for game three just kind of deja vu of game 3 in 2012?) Maybe they realize what happened in 2012 and are using that to their advantage to psyche us out, like any smart team would.)

A) Their coach did say good things about OU after the win; but he certainly did not after the game 1 loss;

B) I submit for your consideration two quotes from Carasone:

Holly Rowe: What were you thinking when you were down 7?
Carasone: I just smiled....OU had no idea....

Holly Rowe: ....Paige Parker tomorrow...?
Carasone: problem....we got her in the seventh last night

If those statement aren't arrogant, then I guess the word should be removed from the dictionary, because that is textbook arrogance, not to mention a total lack of respect for the opponent;

C) As stated in another post, the ladies did seem tight, likely due to whom we were pitching; they likely felt pressure to make extraordinary plays, which is not their norm;

D) It would seem you have little confidence in OUr ladies, if you think they won't bring it today;

E) Where do you get off lecturing me?; I am entitled to express my distaste for arrogance and disrespect; I hate it if OUr players do it, just as much as when others do it; that's a big reason I love Stoops as he generally nips that in the bud; I hate it when Russell Westbrook does it; I think it reflects poorly on the Thunder and Oklahoma; but don't lecture;

F) and finally, if you don't think the SEC is arrogant, in all that they do, you clearly haven't been watching much sports;