
Some irony: it was the two errors on one play by Carosone, the one who expressed such arrogance, that resulted in the OU win.

I thought this slide into third when the force play had been made before the slide began indicated that it was a deliberate attempt to intimidate. I would bring this before the NCAA for their judgement. Need to cut down on that.

We won despite not having a hit from Miller, Romero, or Knighten. Romero and Knighten have now accomplished something that their sisters did not.

I didn't expect this team to be in the top ten.
Yeah, I think that the experience of pitching in the World Series will benefit Jaden Chestnut greatly, perhaps accelerating her development into a good backup to Paige Parker. Paige is only a soph, Chestnut a senior., so if we can get at least one more good pitcher to supplement Paige in the pitching rotation, we should continue to be going far in post-season play.
Yeah, I think that the experience of pitching in the World Series will benefit Jaden Chestnut greatly, perhaps accelerating her development into a good backup to Paige Parker. Paige is only a soph, Chestnut a senior., so if we can get at least one more good pitcher to supplement Paige in the pitching rotation, we should continue to be going far in post-season play.
Yeah, I think that the experience of pitching in the World Series will benefit Jaden Chestnut greatly, perhaps accelerating her development into a good backup to Paige Parker. Paige is only a soph, Chestnut a senior., so if we can get at least one more good pitcher to supplement Paige in the pitching rotation, we should continue to be going far in post-season play.

Jayden Chestnut is a freshman. Kelsey Stevens is a senior. Mariah Lopez the top high school pitcher, Melanie Olmos a top 100 high school pitcher are both right handers. Nicole Mendes is a LH pitcher and centerfielder is the third pitcher coming in in the 2016 freshman class.

A real testament to good pitching beats good hitting is the fact that OU scored zero runs in the 4th-8th inning of the championship series. Great pitching with great defense is tough to consistently beat.
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A) It was not the same for all teams; Auburn got their first game in before the rain, so they had a day of rest while we were playing ours; as another poster says on here, you're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts;

B) The errors and miscues not officially categorized as errors have been mentioned several times; but I guess you are the only one that sees everything and know the answers to everything;

C) They weren't flat and unfocused; I totally don't know where you pulled that out of; e.g. did you see the infield single Aviu got, totally on hustle?; they probably were tight, but wouldn't you be with the pitchers we had to go with?; the defense probably felt they needed to make extraordinary plays because of whom we were pitching, and that's totally contrary to how they normally play; e.g. the Erin Miller error, where she tried to throw out the runner at first after a single into the outfield?

D) Everyone on here knows, knew and had concerns about our pitching depth; you're not some softball expert educating us on things we don't understand about the game;

E) Since you know more about defensive alignments than Gasso, maybe we should replace her with you; I mean we only had the leading defensive team in the nation, and the second best of all time; but I'm sure you know better;

WOW, you need to take a chill pill. I was just commenting on what I saw. That's what this board is about. I do not claim to be an expert and I have never said anything negative about Patty.

AS FAR AS FACTS, It is the same for everyone. We could have just as easily
been the one to get their game in and Auburn not. SO NOT changing facts. It was a situation which occurred which could not be foreseen. EVERYONE is in the same position to have those situations happen.
A) Their coach did say good things about OU after the win; but he certainly did not after the game 1 loss;

B) I submit for your consideration two quotes from Carasone:

Holly Rowe: What were you thinking when you were down 7?
Carasone: I just smiled....OU had no idea....

Holly Rowe: ....Paige Parker tomorrow...?
Carasone: problem....we got her in the seventh last night

If those statement aren't arrogant, then I guess the word should be removed from the dictionary, because that is textbook arrogance, not to mention a total lack of respect for the opponent;

C) As stated in another post, the ladies did seem tight, likely due to whom we were pitching; they likely felt pressure to make extraordinary plays, which is not their norm;

D) It would seem you have little confidence in OUr ladies, if you think they won't bring it today;

E) Where do you get off lecturing me?; I am entitled to express my distaste for arrogance and disrespect; I hate it if OUr players do it, just as much as when others do it; that's a big reason I love Stoops as he generally nips that in the bud; I hate it when Russell Westbrook does it; I think it reflects poorly on the Thunder and Oklahoma; but don't lecture;

F) and finally, if you don't think the SEC is arrogant, in all that they do, you clearly haven't been watching much sports;

Applause! This was a double-win because it was not only for a title, but it was also a defeat for an apparently mouthy (including the coach) SEC bunch.
No wonder the game was over in under one hour and 19 minutes!

It did start at 6:00 CSTDST. Not sure how long it lasted. So did you get to see it? You know if you have espn on cable or satellite, you can log-in to your account on a computer or tablet and watch games away from home. Well, I guess that goes for any channel you get at home. Only thing I have noticed is that I have Cox cable and landline and I can't login on my friend's cox account. I can login on my sisters since she is on dish but it hasn't worked that well, so I gave up trying.
Anyway, hope you got to see.
No press conference yet, but the trophy presentations and the announcement of the all-tournament team is on ESPN3. Maybe the press conference will show up later.
It did start at 6:00 CSTDST. Not sure how long it lasted. So did you get to see it? You know if you have espn on cable or satellite, you can log-in to your account on a computer or tablet and watch games away from home. Well, I guess that goes for any channel you get at home. Only thing I have noticed is that I have Cox cable and landline and I can't login on my friend's cox account. I can login on my sisters since she is on dish but it hasn't worked that well, so I gave up trying.
Anyway, hope you got to see.

I didn't get to see any of the games. I'm at my daughters and she doesn't have cable - just Netflix, Apple TV and Hulu. I would have missed today's game in any case because it was my grandson's birthday and we all went out to dinner.
Perhaps some here will enjoy this post game video. Note the long embrace between Gasso and Myers at the end of the video. To me that suggest they are fairly close to each other. Another note mentioned in the broadcast was that Melyssia Lombardi played JC ball for Clint Myers prior to coming to OU to play for Patty. Also Lombardi's math tutor was Clint's 8th grade son Casey.
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Auburn is a team that clearly got hot in the tournament. But we had one thing they didn't. PAIGE, she is the most valuable player in the country. She just willed her way to a national championship. Had some rough spots but just would not give in.

Would have been a great story if Stevens had one more good game in her. I can understand why Patti went with her. She had world series experience and was a senior. You could say she should have been pulled after the three run homer but with two out and the bottom of the lineup coming up it was a good chance she would make it through.

I wondered if Gasso would bring Paige in with the 7-0 lead but it appears that she just wasn't able to pitch last night. She warmed up when we still lead 7-5 but sat down and apparently wasn't able to pitch effectively. So Patti went on with Chestnut and it would have worked if Knighten's shot had been six inches longer.

I though all of the SEC teams were hot-dogging the entire tournament. And ESPN was egging it on with constant shots at hot-dogging players and wild fans. I don't know if it was arrogance but none of the other teams acted that way. There is a big difference in being excited vs showing the other teams up.

Our young players got a major dose of big showcase pressure and came through but not without some blips. We had some bad luck with hard hit balls hit right attum, but we hit very few of the hard shots in the gaps we have been accustomed to. The experience should pay big dividends in future years if we can keep our hat sizes in check and continue to work to improve.
2nd dirty slide by Auburn in this series. There was no need to slide as the runner was out by 5 or 6 steps and the ball was already out of Romero's hand when she slid.

Believe that was one slide by Auburn that you are calling dirty. The other slide that people questioned was by an LSU player with Romero at third.
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I though all of the SEC teams were hot-dogging the entire tournament. And ESPN was egging it on with constant shots at hot-dogging players and wild fans. I don't know if it was arrogance but none of the other teams acted that way. There is a big difference in being excited vs showing the other teams up.

Yes, it was very annoying to watch the choreographed celebrations accompany even the most basic/routine defensive plays.

The series MVP award should be shared by Paige and Auburn's Carosone. Paige for her clutch pitching and Carosone for her first inning defensive meltdown. Karma is a wonderful thing.

Actually, I have no hard feelings for the Auburn players. Their BS is very annoying, but they are very good players and gave our Sooners all we could handle.
I didn't get to see any of the games. I'm at my daughters and she doesn't have cable - just Netflix, Apple TV and Hulu. I would have missed today's game in any case because it was my grandson's birthday and we all went out to dinner.

Well you couldn't miss that birthday dinner. I was tense in game 2 and three but not one. I don't like the stats ou provides on CSTV, I go to for stats for wbb and softball. I don't have cable either. I did watch a game in OKC and then the last two here in Norman. MUCH better than the radio and stats sheet.
Yes, it was very annoying to watch the choreographed celebrations accompany even the most basic/routine defensive plays.

The series MVP award should be shared by Paige and Auburn's Carosone. Paige for her clutch pitching and Carosone for her first inning defensive meltdown. Karma is a wonderful thing.

Actually, I have no hard feelings for the Auburn players. Their BS is very annoying, but they are very good players and gave our Sooners all we could handle.

Wasn't it Carasone who made the post-game comment after Game 1 something to the effect that "we are just getting warmed up"?

I wonder if she is warmed up yet?:chestram2:
Howard, Carosone, Rhodes, Walters, Davis, and Harper are seniors. That removes a lot of home run power from this lineup. Cooper is their only superstar returning, with Martin and Carlson returning in the circle.

We lose Self, Miller, Stevens, Nirschl, and Townsend.