Some negative threads for an 11-0 team

Maybe we should implement a mandatory, positive intro, before each post. That way no feelings are hurt before posting the dumb ideas or thoughts you have about our team. Example:

(Title)Man, Cousins made some awesome passes against Hawaii!

Message: However, I thought his shot selection was very suspect while our lead was dwindling.

Would that work? Seriously, what has this board turned into? Where is the real drama? This is an undefeated team that is really fun to watch. However, they are not perfect nor should they be. But thats where the fans come in.

I know all I hope is that, before someone posts on here, they make sure they're posting something worth being on this board. Nobody wants this board to dip into the slime of one of these OU football message boards. We come here for intelligent OU basketball conversation that sadly does not exist anywhere else. I crave decorum and especially solid insight. Ripping a player or coach or making personal attacks is ridiculous and shouldn't be tolerated. I think people should really pay attention to the games, educate themselves on the game of basketball and this team, take a deep breath, and then post. Valid criticism is fine but I've read a lot from people just making fools of themselves.

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I know all I hope is that, before someone posts on here, they make sure they're posting something worth being on this board. Nobody wants this board to dip into the slime of one of these OU football message boards. We come here for intelligent OU basketball conversation that sadly does not exist anywhere else. I crave decorum and especially solid insight. Ripping a player or coach or making personal attacks is ridiculous and shouldn't be tolerated. I think people should really pay attention to the games, educate themselves on the game of basketball and this team, take a deep breath, and then post. Valid criticism is fine but I've read a lot from people just making fools of themselves.
What planet did you fly in from, Mr. Logical?

Great post. Wonderfully worded. :oldwt356:
While I do see some reactionary posts, I usually see mostly constructive criticism. Who doesn't see room for improvement? To play this well and have plenty of room to improve is a good thing this early in the season.
While I do see some reactionary posts, I usually see mostly constructive criticism. Who doesn't see room for improvement? To play this well and have plenty of room to improve is a good thing this early in the season.

LOL. Can't believe you're serious.

But that's not a reference to WaymanFan's post. He doesn't usually dwell on the negative. I would, however, like to add a different perspective:

Non-championship caliber teams don't normally jump out to 20-point leads against decent opponents.
It may just be me automatically tuning out the crazy ones. I don't even click on those threads. :)
Timing, yes, but also the ratio of negative to positive. When an 11-0 team that's ranked second in the country wins a competitive tourney in Hawaii, and all some see fit to post afterward are lists of negatives? That's understandably going to irritate some other posters.

Praising what the team did right in addition to critiquing what they did wrong would, I feel confident, bring a much different response.

No one thinks the team can't improve. No one. And I don't think there's a poster on this board who wouldn't be fine with us discussing the various areas in which improvements could be made. But if all a fan ever does is point out what the team did/does wrong? Sorry, but that person's in line for the Mr. Bad Vibes award.