Sunday in the Gym with Lon


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2008
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On Sunday, I got to watch the Sooner men practice, and what fun I had. I also had the pleasure of meeting our own Gary (and Paul, who lurks but doesn't post) -- both of them fine gentlemen who sort of showed me the ropes.

I was very impressed that virtually everyone in the gym made it a point to come over and greet the fans who were in attendance -- not only Coach Kruger, but his assistants and grad assistants and I don't know who all else.

Things started in the practice gym with some warmup shooting and then the active players went off to watch film for a half-hour while a couple of the assistant coaches ran the redshirts and some of the walk-ons through some drills.

When Coach Kruger and the active players returned, we moved into the arena where the rest of the practice took place. They went for more than two hours after watching film, and I thought it was cool that they had printed out a stack of rosters for fans to refer to and a full practice schedule that listed each drill they'd be running and how many minutes would be devoted to each (the drills were described in a lingo and abbreviations the meaning of which eluded me, but I'll bet Gary knew what each of them were).

I was impressed, as always, with Spangler's work ethic -- he went hard at all times and hit shots from all over the court. It was interesting to see the assistants really riding Buddy at times -- not in the sense that he was dogging it or anything, but they were really getting after him during a defensive drill. He kept thinking he'd completed it and several times they made him go at it again. He was slightly exasperated, it seemed, but good-natured about it and kept at it till the coaches were satisfied.

I was also impressed by McNeese. He's raw, as others have said, but very athletic and when he delivers a solid play, it's very impressive indeed. During one stretch of scrimmaging, he had four or five good plays in a row, and they were impressive enough to make one almost wish he were playing this season. I will watch his growth and progress with great interest over the coming months and years. He seemed like a good kid too -- positive and fun and friendly.

Buford was hitting threes with regularity, but was having more trouble, on this day anyway, with his midrange shots. But I liked what I saw from him overall.

Many of the fans had left by practice's end (as I said it was a long one -- nearly three hours counting the film session), but as soon as it was over, several of the players hurried right over to those of us who were still on hand to thank us for coming. This caught me by surprise, I have to say, but what a treat to have the players come over and say hello. I'm still something of a kid when it comes to meeting my Sooner heroes (it's probably a little ridiculous for a man in his fifties to get excited about meeting college students, but I can't pretend that I don't).

As you'll see in the attached pictures, I got to meet DJ, Buddy, and Ryan and I spoke briefly to two or three others. And as I was leaving through the exit at one end of the court, I tried to catch Coach Kruger's eye -- he was standing near the top of the key at that end -- just to offer a wave of thanks for his hospitality. He saw me, interrupted his conversation with one of the coaches and hurried over to thank me for coming. I told him that while we fans certainly appreciate the wins, we are also grateful for the way he's running the program -- that he lets fans attend practices, that he recruits young men who are good players but also solid citizens.

All in all, it really was a great time, and I encourage any of you who have never attended a practice to do so at your earliest opportunity. I had a great time (and thanks again to Gary for being so welcoming and helpful).


Thanks for the posting. Glad you could make it to Norman.
Your pictures (except for the one with Spangler) make you look really tall. Great story. Thank you for sharing it.
Your pictures (except for the one with Spangler) make you look really tall. Great story. Thank you for sharing it.

Yes, that wasn't intentional, but when posing with DJ and Buddy, I was standing a row above them. I was about the same height as Coach K, though.
Fantastic post, Sky. Thank you for sharing
Great stuff. Thanks for posting.
Thanks, guys. Another tidbit: Booker was at the practice on Sunday but didn't participate. He was moving pretty gingerly, I have to say. I'm no doctor, but from my strictly amateur perspective, he didn't appear on the verge of returning to action any time soon.
Great post, skyvue. I've admired you as a poster for several years; now it's good to be able to put a face to your writing. I must say, however, that you don't look as much like Groucho as I'd imagined. LOL
This was tons of fun to read. Thanks for doing it.
Great post, skyvue. I've admired you as a poster for several years; now it's good to be able to put a face to your writing. I must say, however, that you don't look as much like Groucho as I'd imagined. LOL

Would that I did! It would surely be an improvement.

Actually, if you by chance remember the once-popular OKC restaurant Molly Murphy's House of Fine Repute, I did play Groucho, in full Marxian regalia, while working as a waiter there, so I did look like him at one time (a collegiate version of him, anyway) for approximately 35-40 hours a week.
How many fans did you yell at to sit down?

Jk, great post. looks like fun. Will have to find time someday to do this with the kids
Will have to find time someday to do this with the kids

You should; I'm sure they'd enjoy it.

It may be that I enjoyed it more than most, given that I live so far away and I so rarely get to connect with the coaches and players who wear crimson and cream, but I think it'd be fun for any fan of Sooner hoops.
Wonderful report!

We, as Sooner fans, are truly blessed to have such a friendly and accessible coaching staff, along with a great group of student-athletes on the basketball team. I cannot wait to go to the LNC to watch them play again on Wednesday afternoon.
Excellent post. I'm so glad that they open up to fans like this. It sounds like you had a great experience. Where else can you get this kind of access to athletes?
Great report. With the pictures added, I feel like I know you now!

I wish our football program were 25% as open as the basketball program......
Great report, Sky! Had me hanging on every word. I enjoyed the pics, too. Now, after all of the years of calling you my friend on fan boards, I can finally put a face with the name.

Lon Kruger is a special man. I'd dare say there aren't many coaches anywhere who would open the door to fans at practice, much less make a special effort to meet and greet everyone in attendance.

OU fans are lucky to have a coach like him!
Great post. I'd like to go sometime. Is the practice schedule posted anywhere? Also, where do you enter the gym?
I tweeted Mike Houck to ask when the team was practicing during my holiday stay in OKC. You could do that, if nothing else. He got right back to me.

To enter, approach the LNC from the south, where the practice gyms are. There's a ramp that slants downward between the two practice gyms (it's easy to spot) and there's a white door at the bottom of that ramp; use that to enter. Gary told me what to do if it's locked, as it sometimes is, but I'm afraid I don't recall what he said (he and I arrived at the same time and I asked him, not knowing it was Gary, how to get in -- he was very helpful in showing me around). Any door that's open on that side of the complex would be fine, though, I'm guessing, and once you're in, just ask anyone you see where to go to watch the men practicing. Everyone I encountered -- and I mean everyone -- was super friendly and helpful. They seem to be very glad to have fans there to watch.
Sky, I forgot to add that your observations about Jamuni McNeace was one of my favorite parts of your report. I think he has a chance to be really good in the not too distant future. Most people don't know that he didn't play organized basketball until he was a sophomore in high school. He was cut from the team as a 5' 10" freshman. By the end of his sophomore season he was 6' 7" and still growing.

So, think about how far he has come in the last two and a half years. IMO, Jamuni has the potential to be a star someday, and we might not have to wait too long to see it.

I was also impressed by McNeese. He's raw, as others have said, but very athletic and when he delivers a solid play, it's very impressive indeed. During one stretch of scrimmaging, he had four or five good plays in a row, and they were impressive enough to make one almost wish he were playing this season. I will watch his growth and progress with great interest over the coming months and years. He seemed like a good kid too -- positive and fun and friendly.