Texas loses Enemkpali

Oliver Hardy

Active member
Nov 24, 2010
Reaction score
Enemkpali just went down with a Hand-like knee injury. In fact, she was screaming louder and in more pain than Hand and I heard Whitney first-hand.

Tough loss.

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Texas season is not going to be the same, plus senior year.......affect her wnba draft status. Hate that for her and the team.
From what I saw in Norman, Texas had one player that I thought would start at OU, Enempkali. She was the only thing that Texas brought to the table in that game. She was awesome on the boards. I just don't see Texas doing well without her.
Texas and Baylor can't shoot. They are 0-13 from three. Uh-oh. I jinxed it. McCarty made a three for Texas, now 1 of 8. BU is 0 for 7. Fouls killing Texas.
Real shame about Enemkpali....such a great player! Her screams were horrible!
So sorry for her, and yes, those screams were horrible.....Prayers are headed her way.....A huge loss for Texas....