Texas Tech


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Nov 3, 2015
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Tech has fired Candi Whitaker. My money is on Sheryl Swoopes to be the next head coach after this season.
Wow! That’s a little uncalled for at this point of season but, its Tech.
Weird timing. This is her 5th year at Tech. She has not produced. I still thought she would not be fired until the season is over.
Their AD said he "Made the decision last night".

I guess that means he thought Candi should have beaten BU in Waco. Hmmmmmm.
It has to be more than just losing to Baylor in Waco.

Come on, MPS. It was tongue in cheek. But that does seem like a weird moment to make such a decision. But he said it.

I was disappointed in his comments for the football championship committee meetings (he was their spokesman). He did not come across as a deep - or even mid level - thinker.

Wonder if Whitaker pushed Balcomb out the door to make way for Swoopes? Balcomb has been way more successful in her career than Candi ever was although I never did understand why she would leave South Carolina for Tech anyway. Marsha was still in athletic department and I wonder if she had any input with what’s going on. It’s about as classless as you can get to fire collegiate coach before season is over and this is way early in the season.
Come on, MPS. It was tongue in cheek. But that does seem like a weird moment to make such a decision. But he said it.

I was disappointed in his comments for the football championship committee meetings (he was their spokesman). He did not come across as a deep - or even mid level - thinker.

I do tend to take posts literally unless there is an emoji. :o
I was also shocked they let her go at this time. However, she did lose at home by 41 to OSU then by 48 to BU. Back to back huge losses will cause a lot of discussions about someone's job status.
I was also shocked they let her go at this time. However, she did lose at home by 41 to OSU then by 48 to BU. Back to back huge losses will cause a lot of discussions about someone's job status.

You don’t do this at this point of season in women’s collegiate basketball unless there’s some improper activities going on. Not really any doubt she should be fired but not now. No real benefit.
Sheryl Swoopes was said to be a extremely difficult to play for, and frequently threatening players with the loss of their scholarships...

Tech has to be one of the harder coaching jobs, and it will take any coach atlest 2-3 seasons to turn it around unless the coach can get a few big time recruits to sign. That being said, I think Swoopes would be a good move, and it could change the big 12 by adding an African American coach...
Good for Tech, if they feel she isn't doing a good enough job they should let her go.
Tech has struggled to replace Sharp, obviously. They may have to re-think their "hiring one of our own" philosophy, which also includes Koach Kardashian (Kingsbury).
Tech has struggled to replace Sharp, obviously. They may have to re-think their "hiring one of our own" philosophy, which also includes Koach Kardashian (Kingsbury).

Hiring one of our own is often the demise of a program. You need to make every effort to get the very best person available for the position and while possible is rarely one of your own. Most just want to hire someone they are already warm and snuggly with best available be damned.
Tech has struggled to replace Sharp, obviously. They may have to re-think their "hiring one of our own" philosophy, which also includes Koach Kardashian (Kingsbury).

O-Stank and their famous inferiority complex, try as hard as they can to follow the “hiring one of our own” philosophy too! Lots of similarities between pokes and sand aggies, in addition to the ‘pull my finger’ hand signal!
O-Stank and their famous inferiority complex, try as hard as they can to follow the “hiring one of our own” philosophy too! Lots of similarities between pokes and sand aggies, in addition to the ‘pull my finger’ hand signal!

It's actually worked out pretty well for OSU with the exception of Sean Sutton.
Sheryl Swoopes was said to be a extremely difficult to play for, and frequently threatening players with the loss of their scholarships...

Tech has to be one of the harder coaching jobs, and it will take any coach atlest 2-3 seasons to turn it around unless the coach can get a few big-time recruits to sign. That being said, I think Swoopes would be a good move, and it could change the big 12 by adding an African American coach...

I just do not think Swoopes is a good coach and will not get the job done.

Also, it seems all major sports at Tech are down. Location is probably one thing. I do not know about the other. Have no idea about facilities or recruiting, the support of the alumni. I keep wondering when Kingsberry is going to given the boot.

To statements by others, I am not sure it is a bad thing to fire someone at this time. May not be the best time to get another coach but believe they need someone else.
O-Stank and their famous inferiority complex, try as hard as they can to follow the “hiring one of our own” philosophy too! Lots of similarities between pokes and sand aggies, in addition to the ‘pull my finger’ hand signal!

Josh Holliday. John Smith. Mike Gundy. Alan Britton. Those are the "in-family" current coaches at Oklahoma State. I don't think you can argue with any of the success each of those have had. Sean Sutton had issues other than coaching.
Josh Holliday. John Smith. Mike Gundy. Alan Britton. Those are the "in-family" current coaches at Oklahoma State. I don't think you can argue with any of the success each of those have had. Sean Sutton had issues other than coaching.

Mike Holder and Burns Hargis and Booger Pickens (ruler of all) too. They also have ONE female coach for women’s teams (for a few years, there were none). I think they’ve hired from poke family mostly from necessity as I don’t think stoolwater is for everyone thus revolving door for football until Gundy took over. I guess it’s successful for the pokes!