The OU players' times in their latest mile run

I'm not accusing anybody of anything, but I find it really hard to believe that Tiny Gallon ran a 6:56.

I'm sorry. I just dont think he could have done it. Maybe he ran FOR 6:56 before he stopped a quarter mile short?

A seven minute mile when you are only running one mile and in reasonable shape is no big deal. You have to remember when you are being timed you you will likely pick it up in the last 1,000 feet because you can see the finish line.
A seven minute mile when you are only running one mile and in reasonable shape is no big deal. You have to remember when you are being timed you you will likely pick it up in the last 1,000 feet because you can see the finish line.

Right, keep in mind the world record is somewhere around 3:40 or so.
6:00 is SLOW for a major D-1 guard. I coached an 8th grade boy who ran 4:53 last year and he isn't athletic at all. You don't have to be sprinting to run a 5:32 mile. That means you are running an average of 1:23 a lap. That is not that fast.

I wouldn't invest too much into these times however to say 6:00 is a fast time for a college basketball player isn't really accurate. I am not athletic at all and ran the 2 mile in 10:57 and the mile around 5:15. I wasn't recruited to play D-1 ball at most schools because "I wasn't athletic."

Running a mile fast in no way determines a person's athletic ability one way or the other. I don't see how you can say it is slow, when they will never run a mile nonstop in a game. It is completely different training. Just like football and basketball are completely different in regards to conditioning. But leave it to you to rag on something and then bless us with us your knowledge about it. Thanks. :clap:clap
Don't rag on these kids for the mile times.

1. it's not intended AT ALL to reflect how quick they are

2. unless you know the splits you have no clue how they were ran. Yo Yo might have had them sprint for a period then leg out the stretch.

3. it is an OFF SEASON regimen. You don't beat kids into season shape in the off-season. That defeats the purpose. You strategically have them do limited conditioning to keep them at a level that is easy to ramp up from when the season starts - allowing them not to wear their bodies down.

I can't believe some of the negative crap spewed here about this. get a grip.
They are not trying to get in "track" shape. The times in the mile can be an indicator of overall endurance and general conditioning but as CoolM said, they do not tell us specific information because we don't know what the guys were asked to do.
To be quite honest each of the players may be instructed to run the mile in a different manner. A long stretch for the big guys, a bunch of short bursts for the guards, maybe a personal challenge on time for a couple who run more...there's no telling so criticizing it is nonsense.
To be quite honest each of the players may be instructed to run the mile in a different manner. A long stretch for the big guys, a bunch of short bursts for the guards, maybe a personal challenge on time for a couple who run more...there's no telling so criticizing it is nonsense.

I agree
I am not trying to question Yo Yo's coaching however the Mile is the most wasted run you can do for a basketball kid. Well the 2 mile might be worse.

It teaches you to pace yourself and to jog. You need to spring in basketball. If you want to run it at the beginning and hten at the end to show progress fine. However Buildups, 150's and 200's are much better for conditioning.

That being said, those mile times are not very good. We have high school kids running faster than that as sophmores.

OK, I didn't realize that posting this would make such and uproar. Just to give you a little background. I coach basketball, I also coach track. I have a decent idea on both.

I played college basketball so I understand that type of running also.

I guess people don't want to hear the truth. Why would you tell someone times for the mile if you are going to run change of pace runs? You don't time those, you just run them. Yo Yo wouldn't tell someone the times if they were not just running the mile.

I guess I am just too negative but a guard who can't run a 6:00 mile now, a couple weeks from practice is either hurt or just not trying.

Running the mile is easy for a guard. I SAID GUARD. I didn't say BIG POST MAN.

Did you guys even read my post above? I said I think the mile is WORTHLESS unless you want a specific distance to show some progress. That sounds like what Yo Yo is doing since they are doing it once a week.

NOWHERE in my post did I say anything negative about the team or their basketball abilities. I explained that I don't think these times mean anything at the same time, those are not great times.

Cool you obviously think I am bashing on the kids or just too negative so I am sorry. Really, you think because I think they should run under 6:00 that is beating them into shape? THE MILE?? REALLY??? Ohhhhhh, splits. Different types of runs. I can't believe someone might do that, I only mentioned that in my first post.

I never said these guys need to be track athletes but D-1 guards need to be in the front and running under 6:00. Sorry that is just my opinion. That is not a negative one.
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Running a mile fast in no way determines a person's athletic ability one way or the other. I don't see how you can say it is slow, when they will never run a mile nonstop in a game. It is completely different training. Just like football and basketball are completely different in regards to conditioning. But leave it to you to rag on something and then bless us with us your knowledge about it. Thanks. :clap:clap

Good job reading my first post.

Rag on something? Saying a time isn't fast is ragging on them? OK, that means when Yo Yo tells Willie, that just isn't good man. He is ragging on him.

Come on guys. READ. I Said the mile doesn't tell you how athletic you are. It teaches you to pace and jog. I like sprints better, buildups with joggig a little to keep your heart rate up.

I SAID THE MILE IS WORTHLESS EXCEPT TO SHOW PROGRESS. Did anyone read that or did you just skip to the part where I said those times are not very good.

Bless you with my knowledge? I guess you don't want me to explain my reasoning. I gave you a reference from my coaching and when I was playing in college. I was trying to show that I have a little experience in the issue. I was the least athletic person on my team EVERY YEAR in college and could run those times. That is my way of showing you that I don't think these times matter and at the same time are not very fast.

Wait, you mean there is a difference between sports and conditioning, no way. So that means when I run track workouts they are different than when I work out the basketball guys. Damn, I should have known that. Come on man, I already discussed that the mile isn't a basketball run. Geez

I guess since I was discussing the times and what I think about them, I am the enemy and I am way too negative.

Got it.

I have learned something this time though. Yo Yo might have the guys running different types of miles but still timing it. I am still laughing about that one though.
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Good job reading my first post.

Rag on something? Saying a time isn't fast is ragging on them? OK, that means when Yo Yo tells Willie, that just isn't good man. He is ragging on him.

Come on guys. READ. I Said the mile doesn't tell you how athletic you are. It teaches you to pace and jog. I like sprints better, buildups with joggig a little to keep your heart rate up.

I SAID THE MILE IS WORTHLESS EXCEPT TO SHOW PROGRESS. Did anyone read that or did you just skip to the part where I said those times are not very good.

Bless you with my knowledge? I guess you don't want me to explain my reasoning. I gave you a reference from my coaching and when I was playing in college. I was trying to show that I have a little experience in the issue. I was the least athletic person on my team EVERY YEAR in college and could run those times. That is my way of showing you that I don't think these times matter and at the same time are not very fast.

Wait, you mean there is a difference between sports and conditioning, no way. So that means when I run track workouts they are different than when I work out the basketball guys. Damn, I should have known that. Come on man, I already discussed that the mile isn't a basketball run. Geez

I guess since I was discussing the times and what I think about them, I am the enemy and I am way too negative.

Got it.

I have learned something this time though. Yo Yo might have the guys running different types of miles but still timing it. I am still laughing about that one though.

I don't disagree with much of what you said. When I was in the army I ran a 6:25 mile in combat boots and I am a slow white guy. So, you are correct that the times are not great, if they were all expected to turn in their best one mile times. One more thing to ask would be, was the run timed at the beginning of the workout or at the end? It makes a difference.

If I would have been Yo Yo, I would not have paid a great deal of attention to the individual times as much as I would the "group" times. If the group can average a 6- 6 1/2 minute mile, that isn't bad. If the group averaged an 8 - 8 1/2 minute mile, I would know we had plenty of work to do.
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I apologize if people thought I was ripping on the OU players. I was really just commenting on the times and responding to posters who talked about a 6 minute mile being a good pace. One poster said Cade had to be close to sprinting to run that time, and I know that is not true.

I apologize.
I don't see any reason to apologize. Not that you really need the credentials to have an opinion worth considering, but you do coach the game.

Your thoughts make sense and provide possibly the best addition to the whole discussion.

Seems to me, questioning how a team prepares is a valid point that shows genuine interest in OU basketball. That's part of the reason for the board, right?
These are good times. Is there not a tendency for the upperclassmen to be able to run it somewhat faster? With a couple of exceptions, this is almost upperclass vs freshmen conditioning.

As a comparison, during the Viet Nam Era, the inductees were required to run a mile in less than 8:30 to complete basic training. This included every possible body type. Some rather overweight guys who had no physical ability learned to run it in 8:30. Of course, they lost a bit of weight in the eight weeks of basic. If they could not do it in 8:30, they had to repeat basic training, which was a strong incentive. At the end of eight weeks, probably only ten guys out of the two hundred in a company could not do a mile in 7:15. So, it is possible to get in shape from scratch to do that well in eight weeks.
By the way, after this discussion I ran a mile on the OU track just to see how I would compare. I'm late 20s, in okay shape (run 2-3 times a week), and I'm an average athlete. I ran a 6:50. Almost the same as Tiny Gallon except he outweighs me by about a hundred lbs. I think we should all meet at the track and see what everyone that has posted on this thread can run and then we can compare their times...
From looking at the OU Basketball BLog videos, it appears each player is instructed to run his mile at a certain time. I don't think they were trying to do personal best.
I run a 6.45 mile at 270............on my treadmill. Don't know how good I would fair on a real track.
6:00 is SLOW for a major D-1 guard. I coached an 8th grade boy who ran 4:53 last year and he isn't athletic at all. You don't have to be sprinting to run a 5:32 mile. That means you are running an average of 1:23 a lap. That is not that fast.

I wouldn't invest too much into these times however to say 6:00 is a fast time for a college basketball player isn't really accurate. I am not athletic at all and ran the 2 mile in 10:57 and the mile around 5:15. I wasn't recruited to play D-1 ball at most schools because "I wasn't athletic."

First of all, get that kid into some track meets, the 7-8th grade national champion this year ran 4:44. Second, we aren't talking about 90lb 7-8th graders, or 130-140 lb long distance runners. It takes alot more effort to get these bigger bodies around a track. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of these guys times, and some of them are very good.