The Sooner Nation demands an apology, sys.

It's a message board, people. No need to get upset over anything.

That said, people who make comments like sys's above usually live a very miserable existence.
i will not apologize for my remark, nor explain it.

i respect this board enough to assume that most of you can figure out my tone & intended meaning for yourselves if you read the thread with that intent. if not, perhaps sam, or someone else familiar with goemaw and it's posters, will explain it; i don't believe that i should have to. i actually thought (still think) that it was a relatively clever comment, in it's brevity if nothing else.

as far as banning me, i've enjoyed this board very much, and would like to continue to have the opportunity to comment on ou, kstate and the big 12 in general at this site. but if having to censor myself on kstate boards is a condition of participating here, then i would obviously choose the kstate boards over ouhoops.

Maybe someday when you grow up and become an adult you'll realize that there are some things you just shouldn't joke about, even on the internet. Bye.
It's a message board, people. No need to get upset over anything.

That said, people who make comments like that usually live a very miserable existence.

Reminds me of the OSU fans sitting behind me that were screaming "break his leg! break his leg!" every single time Adrian Peterson touched the football in Stillwater during the '04 Bedlam game. But at least they weren't screaming "I hope he dies! I hope he dies!"

Pretty much daily something on the internet reminds me that there are a lot of pathetic humans out there.
what OU fan would waste time reading a kansas aggy board to begin with?
i will not apologize for my remark, nor explain it.

i respect this board enough to assume that most of you can figure out my tone & intended meaning for yourselves if you read the thread with that intent. if not, perhaps sam, or someone else familiar with goemaw and it's posters, will explain it; i don't believe that i should have to. i actually thought (still think) that it was a relatively clever comment, in it's brevity if nothing else.

Do you make quips about the departed at funerals and refuse to apologize for or explain them? Do you expect the mourners within earshot to figure out your tone and intended meaning?

The posters on that poor excuse for a board you were hanging out on were trashing Austin Box mere days after his death. You either took part in speaking ill of the dead or made a glib comment on what the others were saying. If the former, you deserve whatever you're getting here. If the latter, you display a special brand of arrogance in characterizing your remark as "clever" and refusing to either explain or apologize for the post.

If you haven't learned by now that tone and attitude in text-based electronic communications -- whether on web boards, in emails or via texts and IMs -- is very often misunderstood, then you must be brand new to the online world. Sarcasm online is a tricky thing, indeed, and when it is used in a comment that -- on its surface, at least -- celebrates the death of a 22-year-old young man who was much beloved by so many, then it exhibits sheer stubbornness and even gall to pretend that clarifications, if not apologies, are not in order.

It seems clear now that you're claiming -- if only indirectly -- that you were commenting on the other posters' sentiments. I feel safe in assuming, given the intelligence exhibited in their posts, that the vast majority of them didn't grasp your meaning, that your oh-so-clever dig at them sailed right over their heads.

So nice job all the way around. You've offended many here, and your intended barb at those in the other community was so artfully subtle that they had no idea they'd been insulted.

Seems you missed the target in just about every way possible.
i will not apologize for my remark, nor explain it.

i respect this board enough to assume that most of you can figure out my tone & intended meaning for yourselves if you read the thread with that intent. if not, perhaps sam, or someone else familiar with goemaw and it's posters, will explain it; i don't believe that i should have to. i actually thought (still think) that it was a relatively clever comment, in it's brevity if nothing else.

as far as banning me, i've enjoyed this board very much, and would like to continue to have the opportunity to comment on ou, kstate and the big 12 in general at this site. but if having to censor myself on kstate boards is a condition of participating here, then i would obviously choose the kstate boards over ouhoops.

would love to meet up with you, make my day punk!
Well, I think that is about as insensitive and petty as anything I have ever read. Still, I don't think it really makes sense to ban someone for something they said on another site
God WILL judge them one day. ban him from this board.
I was waiting for something along the lines of "I have First Amendment rights," etc etc.

Originally Posted by sys
i will not apologize for my remark, nor explain it.

i respect this board enough to assume that most of you can figure out my tone & intended meaning for yourselves if you read the thread with that intent. if not, perhaps sam, or someone else familiar with goemaw and it's posters, will explain it; i don't believe that i should have to. i actually thought (still think) that it was a relatively clever comment, in it's brevity if nothing else.

as far as banning me, i've enjoyed this board very much, and would like to continue to have the opportunity to comment on ou, kstate and the big 12 in general at this site. but if having to censor myself on kstate boards is a condition of participating here, then i would obviously choose the kstate boards over ouhoops.

Rationalization of bad behavior at it's finest. It reminds me of the 10 year old who said, 'But, Mom, everyone else is doing it!'

When given the choice between being crass and insensitve or mature, you chose crass and insensitive.

I agree w/ the poster who said people shouldn't be banned from this board for things they post on other boards, but don't be surprised if no one ever responds to anything you post in the future.
Do you make quips about the departed at funerals and refuse to apologize for or explain them? Do you expect the mourners within earshot to figure out your tone and intended meaning?

The posters on that poor excuse for a board you were hanging out on were trashing Austin Box mere days after his death. You either took part in speaking ill of the dead or made a glib comment on what the others were saying. If the former, you deserve whatever you're getting here. If the latter, you display a special brand of arrogance in characterizing your remark as "clever" and refusing to either explain or apologize for the post.

If you haven't learned by now that tone and attitude in text-based electronic communications -- whether on web boards, in emails or via texts and IMs -- is very often misunderstood, then you must be brand new to the online world. Sarcasm online is a tricky thing, indeed, and when it is used in a comment that -- on its surface, at least -- celebrates the death of a 22-year-old young man who was much beloved by so many, then it exhibits sheer stubbornness and even gall to pretend that clarifications, if not apologies, are not in order.

It seems clear now that you're claiming -- if only indirectly -- that you were commenting on the other posters' sentiments. I feel safe in assuming, given the intelligence exhibited in their posts, that the vast majority of them didn't grasp your meaning, that your oh-so-clever dig at them sailed right over their heads.

So nice job all the way around. You've offended many here, and your intended barb at those in the other community was so artfully subtle that they had no idea they'd been insulted.

Seems you missed the target in just about every way possible.

Good post, skyvue. The shots this guy is taking are all well deserved; you just have a way of conveying your thoughts better than most of the rest of us.

As for as the part I "bolded" above, I believe you – and others – are letting sys off a little too easy. I read all the posts on the first page of that despicable thread, and I find nothing that makes me believe sys was commenting on the ugliness and stupidity displayed by his fellow posters. To me, it was simply a case of a bunch of morally bankrupt individuals lining up and taking turns to see who could make the most distasteful comment about this poor kid's untimely death. For sys to even vaguely imply that his post was intended to shame those other posters is both laughable and sad.
Good post, skyvue. The shots this guy is taking are all well deserved; you just have a way of conveying your thoughts better than most of the rest of us.

As for as the part I "bolded" above, I believe you – and others – are letting sys off a little too easy. I read all the posts on the first page of that despicable thread, and I find nothing that makes me believe sys was commenting on the ugliness and stupidity displayed by his fellow posters. To me, it was simply a case of a bunch of morally bankrupt individuals lining up and taking turns to see who could make the most distasteful comment about this poor kid's untimely death. For sys to even vaguely imply that his post was intended to shame those other posters is both laughable and sad.

I agree with these sentiments and unfortunately my attempt to rationalize what a seemingly thoughtful and intelligent poster might have been doing gave the proverbial "inch of daylight" for what was clearly a disturbing post.

Whatever, people say and do pretty weak stuff on the internet millions of times a day, if mocking some kids accidental death is one of them, then more power to them I suppose. Hope this board never turns into anything like that.
sys is a good poster on here. If he says anything like that on this message board then by all means ban him.

The goemaw board is based on the shock factor. What you read on that thread (including sys' retort) goes on every day on there. They think its funny. I don't (except when it pertains to Kansas U or the state of Kansas which is a worthless state). But I don't think we should be in the buisness of banning people based on what they say on other MBs.

Just my two cents.
Not that I spend much time alone in the dark dull over what some guy I wouldn't know from Adam said on a message board, what would seem more egregious than joking about someone's death is lumping Austin in with Osama bin Laden.
Not that I spend much time alone in the dark dull over what some guy I wouldn't know from Adam said on a message board, what would seem more egregious than joking about someone's death is lumping Austin in with Osama bin Laden.

That's the whole basis of their board - to try and "out shock" the post above theirs. Its about as fake as their five minutes of fame with the octagon of doom.

Its what ive come to expect from second rate schools like Tech, OSU, and KSU. The worst that i've ever read on the internet was from an osu fan named megapoke on the old rivals board. The stuff he wrote about OU fans, players and coaches was morbid.
sys is a good poster on here. If he says anything like that on this message board then by all means ban him.

The goemaw board is based on the shock factor. What you read on that thread (including sys' retort) goes on every day on there. They think its funny. I don't (except when it pertains to Kansas U or the state of Kansas which is a worthless state). But I don't think we should be in the buisness of banning people based on what they say on other MBs.

Just my two cents.

i don't care if he said that **** on another board. he said it. whether he thought it was funny or not, he said it. it speaks to his character that he would makes jokes about a young man who just passed and at the same time compare him to OBL.

But he's probably jerking off at his moms house to all this attention he is getting
Do you make quips about the departed at funerals and refuse to apologize for or explain them? Do you expect the mourners within earshot to figure out your tone and intended meaning?

i would take issue with your analogy. there was a thread here discussing box, and i did not comment in it. i commented in a thread on a different board. a board where i have only seen one ouhoops poster ever post (and one where i have some thousands of posts, none of which, prior to this, have ever been linked or discussed on any other board).

i would not consider posting on goemaw to be analogous to commenting at box's funeral. while perhaps not quite analogous to the sanctity of my own home, i would argue that it is much farther removed from anyone connected to box than his funeral.

i acknowledge that many posters here likely felt some connection with box, through following ou football, and that some smaller percentage may have had a more personal connection. i agree that it would have been insensitive to post irreverently about his death here, due to those reasons. however, i did not do that.

i posted on a board where the only poster who claimed any connection with box was speaking quite poorly of him, and did not appear to require or merit any consideration for his feelings. furthermore, it is a board that is accustomed to frank, even shocking, opinion. i do not believe that my comment offended anyone within its intended audience; an opinion supported
by the comments following my own.

as such, i consider my comment to have been appropriate to its intended audience, and hence decline to defend or apologize for it. i realize that this may be unsatisfactory to many here. i regret that, but insist that i did nothing to bring my comment to their attention, or in any way confront anyone that may have been impacted by box's death.