Thoughts from the LNC


Active member
Dec 15, 2014
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Made it down today with my wife, all three kids, and even brought my Dad along for good measure. Thoughts:

—Glad to see a really solid crowd; I was surprised, I’m guessing it was 90% full... I would have thought more like 70%. So I was pleased with that.

—The security check in needs work. Simply not enough people scanning tickets. The lines stretched into the parking lot. I’m not one to complain much about such things and it really didn’t take THAT long to get through, but it could be more efficient on their end.

—I was relieved when it was over. And not just because we won. But because it was over. That was a horrendous basketball team. Quite possibly the worst I’ve ever seen at LNC and I’ve got to be well over 150-175 games now. Neither team did anything well; refs were whistle happy and a crowd that wanted to get involved never had an opportunity. My 9 year old daughter is the most optimistic, glad is half full soul alive and at one point she asked my why this game seemed so boring. I found myself watching the clock and rooting for IT. I honestly just wanted to leave. Brutal game.

—That said, if it’s gonna be brutal, you better win. They did. Second half they were ALL awful, did a few good things. Played hard all game. Avoided disaster. That’s about all there is from today.

—OSU is terrible. That program is in deep trouble. Team just stinks and cupboard looks bare. Bad, bad team.

—Shocked at the erosion of Poke fan base. For obvious reasons, there is generally a good Orange presence at the LNC. Today there was none. In other words, it was like a game at GIA! I kid, I kid. Sorta.

—Bienemy has a bright future. Would like to see him get more time now.

—I’ve been hard on McNeace and I’ll admit I’m not his biggest fan, but we need to cross our fingers that he is back at some point well in advance of March. He brings something to the floor that no one else does. He is our only real size or shot blocking presence. If he’s out for good, it’s a blow to the season.

—I guess it’s good to win a game when you shoot so poorly. But two games in to B12 play and they look far worse than they did in non con. Very rough start offensively. Need to snap out quick or else that Tech D will eat them alive Tuesday.
I think you’re a little tough on the kids on the floor. Both teams competed hard.

Glad you made it out though! I hope to get back soon
Glad you went to the game. This team deserves support. IMHO, you seem to be comparing College basketball to the NBA. They are far different games. I personally enjoy college better. They are certainly different though. OU has the #7 rated adjusted defense out of 300something teams. 7. I am enjoying that this year. These guys have a great shot to go dancing in March. Who would have dreamed that after last year’s collapse and the departures of Trae, McGusty and Shepherd? Unbelievable job by this group.

Defense was good again against OSU.
That was a horrendous basketball team. Quite possibly the worst I’ve ever seen at LNC and I’ve got to be well over 150-175 games now.

I'm hoping you meant to say it was a horrendous basketball "game," not "team."
I'm hoping you meant to say it was a horrendous basketball "game," not "team."

Yes that was one of about five typos in the OP that made me seem a little dumber than reality (which is hard to do).

Yes “horrendous” only applies to this particular GAME, not the teams or players.

I don’t compare the college game to the NBA game, that’s not fair. I compare the college game to the college game. What it was five, ten, twenty, thirty, etc years ago. There has been a marked deterioration in play over time. There are things that can happen to change it and I’m hoping we see them in the coming years.
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The OU security system for getting into the games is terrible. We aren't even remotely prepared for a full arena. Of course outside there was a bunch of parking spots at the LNC but you couldn't get to them without a pass. It is a shame there isn't more support for getting people to the games instead of irritants to them. Obviously our attendance needs all help it can get.

Bienemy will start playing more minutes at the point. Aaron will get less but will also get some minutes as the two.

McNeace didn't turn his ankle again. He was stepped on and it was painful but no new injury. Although he still hasn't shown to be able to play in his current situation.
This is a good basketball team, but they were terrible today. A little letdown. They need to find their shooting touch and get back to being more efficient on offense again.

Tech on the road will be almost as tough as ku.
The OU security system for getting into the games is terrible. We aren't even remotely prepared for a full arena. Of course outside there was a bunch of parking spots at the LNC but you couldn't get to them without a pass. It is a shame there isn't more support for getting people to the games instead of irritants to them. Obviously our attendance needs all help it can get.

Bienemy will start playing more minutes at the point. Aaron will get less but will also get some minutes as the two.

McNeace didn't turn his ankle again. He was stepped on and it was painful but no new injury. Although he still hasn't shown to be able to play in his current situation.

Great news about McNeace, Vbdad! Ankles can take a long time to heal. An injured ankle might remain sensitive for months sometimes, even years (voice of experience). But, if Jamuni will trust the expert ankle wrap and make up his mind to play through a little pain, his injured ankle will actually get stronger.

Good to hear that Bieniemy will get more playing time. He has earned it. It’s also good to know that Harmon’s back up at the point next year is already on the team.
I ran into the 'clear' bag restriction. They said we can give you a clear bag and came back with a zip lock bag. I bet the people who clean the arena come up with a lot of zip lock bags that people forget when they leave. I ended up taking my purse back to the car and stuffing the things I needed in my pockets.

I understand and appreciate the metal detectors. I even understand and appreciate the limitation on the size of bags. Some women like to carry a bag that is as big as a small suitcase and that's security folks shouldn't have to look through a bag that big. But the clear bag policy is taking it too far.
Solid post Skins. I agree with about everything you said. My 23 year old son who has been an OU fan since he was born said the first half was the worst half of basketball he has ever watched. It is worrisome that 2 games in we have struggled mightily on offense but at least we were aggressive and got free throws. As Al Davis said, "just win baby".

One of my concerns is not the team but the official reviews that have become common place this year. What a way to throw a wet blanket on a game, taking nearly 5 minutes in the first half to review a simple foul on a ball out of bounds. The argument for review is to "get it right", but a 5 minute review over a common play to assess a "contact" foul, whatever that is. Something needs to change there or it will further detract from college basketball.

Finally, the parking thing is ridiculous. I actually have a pass that I left at home and had to park out on the grass because an entire quadrant of parking is reserved but only half full. C'mon Joe C or somebody in charge, we have to do better than that!
Good thread. Agree with much of this.

I listened to the Toby Roland radio show this morning. He does the radio broadcasts for OU football, men's basketball and baseball. He made an interesting comment about the game. He said that in the pre-game, as soon as he saw that Paul Janssen was a referee, Toby said "oh no" to himself, as he knew it would be an ugly, disjointed game with no flow. Paul Janssen is "whistle happy" and likes to call lots of fouls.

I thought it was an interesting observation from Toby, as he rarely makes negative comments about anybody.
I have been attending OU basketball games since I was in the womb, and I cannot recall an uglier stretch of hoops than the first half on Saturday. I talked to a guy who DVR'd the game and forgot to add the extension, and he told me that the recording cut off with nine minutes to go. That's on the officials.

If they did away with replay for everything but getting off a shot at the end of either half it would not hurt my feelings in the least. I no longer care if they get a call right or wrong. End of half, end of game. That's it. Jesus H. Tap Dancing Christ, the Malice at the Palace took less time to sort out.
Good thread. Agree with much of this.

I listened to the Toby Roland radio show this morning. He does the radio broadcasts for OU football, men's basketball and baseball. He made an interesting comment about the game. He said that in the pre-game, as soon as he saw that Paul Janssen was a referee, Toby said "oh no" to himself, as he knew it would be an ugly, disjointed game with no flow. Paul Janssen is "whistle happy" and likes to call lots of fouls.

I thought it was an interesting observation from Toby, as he rarely makes negative comments about anybody.

And let's hope that crew is the exception to the rule. There were very few fouls called in the first half in Lawrence, and I heard the KU radio crew mention that the crew working their game at ISU also let the teams play. Their overall impression is that for the most part, the refs will be less likely to call fouls now that conference play has started. I don't know why it is so tough for some officials to find the right balance between letting teams play while not letting them get away with mugging the opponent every time down the floor.
I have been attending OU basketball games since I was in the womb, and I cannot recall an uglier stretch of hoops than the first half on Saturday. I talked to a guy who DVR'd the game and forgot to add the extension, and he told me that the recording cut off with nine minutes to go. That's on the officials.

If they did away with replay for everything but getting off a shot at the end of either half it would not hurt my feelings in the least. I no longer care if they get a call right or wrong. End of half, end of game. That's it. Jesus H. Tap Dancing Christ, the Malice at the Palace took less time to sort out.

Every time there is the slightest shove or one guy bowing up at all they go to the monitor. It’s absurd. I would classify that play near the bench with Reynolds to be a very mild “dust up.” Two guys going for the ball, mild agitation, very slight “push” if you want to call it that. It’s a play-on. To stop the game for five minutes to review is madness. The reason this was such a poor game to watch was because EVERYONE was bad; players, refs, coaches taking unnecessary time outs. It wasn’t a hard-nosed, physical, defensive battle. I can live with those. That was all just bad basketball. Again, if you’re gonna be bad, then be bad and win and we can burn the tape and move on. Mission accomplished there.
Every time there is the slightest shove or one guy bowing up at all they go to the monitor. It’s absurd. I would classify that play near the bench with Reynolds to be a very mild “dust up.” Two guys going for the ball, mild agitation, very slight “push” if you want to call it that. It’s a play-on. To stop the game for five minutes to review is madness. The reason this was such a poor game to watch was because EVERYONE was bad; players, refs, coaches taking unnecessary time outs. It wasn’t a hard-nosed, physical, defensive battle. I can live with those. That was all just bad basketball. Again, if you’re gonna be bad, then be bad and win and we can burn the tape and move on. Mission accomplished there.

I was gonna argue and defend OU - but you're right. It was bad. I don't think anyone was there with their "A" game except the fans. They did a great job showing up and everything failed them.

Historically I hate the games over and just past the holidays. Always seems to be a bunch of crap. We were just in a good groove and boom the holidays interrupted and now we'll hafta get back up to speed. Not sure there's any way to stop it either.

I like to stay away from blaming things on refs. That said I completely agree about the excessive calls and whatnot. Refs should be barely seen and never heard. These guys need to learn that.

I would like to see what coach Lon's goals are in his substitution patterns so I understand some of his decisions better. It's not that I disagree with what he does. He certainly knows better than I. I'd just like to know for my own education and maybe some other fans' as well.
The key to a good season is continuous improvement. As a season marches on, teams either get better of worse. I hope coolm's comments about the holiday break is the explanation for the apparent regression in the OU teams development, at least offensively.

The good news is the solid team defense is still there and the effort remains at a high level.
I would like to see what coach Lon's goals are in his substitution patterns so I understand some of his decisions better. It's not that I disagree with what he does. He certainly knows better than I. I'd just like to know for my own education and maybe some other fans' as well.

I've heard him explain that he likes to get his bench guys in the game early so they have a chance to get in the flow of the game rather than sitting for too long and then coming in cold at a key moment. It also helps him figure out which bench guys are playing well on a given night. And just from watching, he will usually sub when someone picks up a quick foul. For example, if James gets an early foul, the first guard off the bench will likely come in for him. If Reynolds or Calixte is the one to get an early foul, they will be the one replaced instead of James. And I think sometimes defense factors in more than we might realize. Last week in Lawrence, he took Manek out for a stretch in the second half, even though Brady was playing well offensively, and I think it was because Self has just gone to Lawson for two or three straight buckets with Manek on him in the post.

That said, he usually shortens his rotation as conference play comes around. He likes this team's depth, so he may not do that quite as much, but I do think he will probably go with his best lineup more often. I noticed that James played almost all 40 against KU, despite his shooting struggles.
I would like to see what coach Lon's goals are in his substitution patterns so I understand some of his decisions better. It's not that I disagree with what he does. He certainly knows better than I. I'd just like to know for my own education and maybe some other fans' as well.

I brought this up in the game thread and then was chastised by one of the sunshine nazis. I didn't say Lon was dumb or that he didn't know what he was doing, but of course, it triggered a poster or two to respond.

Again like you, it's not that I disagree....but I was puzzled by the timing of his first sub on Saturday.
The hunting for Reynolds’ “technical” was atrocious

Wasted 10 minutes then they made up a foul to justify it
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I brought this up in the game thread and then was chastised by one of the sunshine nazis. I didn't say Lon was dumb or that he didn't know what he was doing, but of course, it triggered a poster or two to respond.

Again like you, it's not that I disagree....but I was puzzled by the timing of his first sub on Saturday.

I am just as guilty as anyone else of railing on people. It's frustrating when you think you know what the goal is and it seems to be something completely different. I think it's natural curiosity coupled with fandom.