

New member
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Going into this game, the Big Twelve is 34-2. Texas Tech lost to Idaho in Lubbock, 88-77.

OU opponents: South Florida, 4-0, Western Kentucky, 1-4, Northwestern, 2-2, UAB, 3-0.


Vendrell 6-2 Jr
Thomas 6-0 Jr
Childress 5-10 Jr
Kuzanic 5-9 Sr
Barnes 5-5 Jr
I see that Kentucky killed South Florida, 86-63. Also, Kansas State lost, 61-70 to Syracuse.

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Can tell you right now we are playing horribly. Any passes down low have been fumbled and turned into turnovers, we are not playing defense whatsoever either, way too many open shots on the perimeter. We're going to get killed if we keep playing like this all game!
EJ and Penzo simply have not improved, and we kind of need them. Shaina has been erratic. We simply have about four freshmen and two sophs, with no bench. We just can't hit free throws.
The biggest difference in the game is UAB 6-19 while the Sooners are 1-11 from 3. Hopefully Taylor can stay out of foul trouble and start to heat up. Only 6 turn overs for the half, big improvement. Stop the stupid fouling and hit some shots, the kids could pull out a W.
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Let's wait and see what halftime adjustments SC makes
Madi always starts the second half strong, we need her to start hot and finish hot...
Pellington a turnover machine, 6 of the Sooners 9. UAB continues to hit the three at opportune times, and we continue to flounder. Proud of Madi coming on strong in the second half. Hope she can take over the fourth quarter and bring home a W.
it's so ridiculous how horrible we are defensively against these three point shooters they have so many open looks it makes me want to cry for these girls. And not having a post presence really is going to kill us down the road, I sound like a broken record, I know. Different season similar start to last season. Will end up losing 3 games in a row as I don't think we'll beat Clemson tomorrow either.
Oh well, I'm sure SC will get the girls ready for their next game
We really need Ana back,, just for depth. I think our not closing on three-point shooters is often fatigue from only using six players.

How much good did EJ, Penzo, and Shaina do today? Madi, Tatum, Taylor, and Jessi carry us right now. Mandy isn't bad. Nydia isn't there yet. We need one, maybe two people, and we need to avoid passing it to the inside. Nydia and EJ can't do anything with it if they do catch it.
I think Llanusa would have made a difference. I am not thinking much into this year. Most everyone is a soph or freshman. It would be nice to have a quality big. Simpson is really undersized for the 5. I think OU needs a JUCO 5 in the late period or a transfer next year.
I agree. This is going to be a ROUGH year. We will get beat by teams we wouldn't have been beat by last year, simply because we don't have the talent down low, even simply for defensive purposes. I mean, at one point Penzo was in there guarding their big girl, which didn't do squat. I'm really disappointed in this team. I guess for some reason I thought Nydia would be a special player immediately, and Willisten would at least play, and maybe even hoped EJ would step up. Mandy Simpson has improved, but she's just too small to play Div I post position with her abilities and skill set. She'd probably be a fantastic Div II or NAIA post player, but it's not enough for OU. I got so frustrated watching today I've decided to stop watching them play this year. I'll follow their results, but i'm not investing anymore time and energy into watching these games, just gets too frustrating.

I hope they make the tournament this year, but I don't think they will. Hate to be so negative but I have to be honest.
I don't know what everyone expected. I didn't think we would be this good.

When I have seen all-star teams play against anything decent, the team that has worked together usually wins. We have trouble with our pros in the Olympics because they aren't a team, and the other team is. Usually, there are one or two games in which they struggle.

We have some talent. But, get serious. These kids are not ready to play at a top twenty level. Give them a couple of more players of the quality of the top six, as well as two years. We really had Ana and Shaina. Ana is injured, and Shaina wasn't an experienced point guard in the first place. She was an athlete who really wasn't all that great at working with the Canadian team. They won because she took off on her own, and nobody could stop her. Made Freshman of the Year the same way. She may as well be a freshman. Has a lot to learn.

If anything, our most stable performers this year thus far have been Tatum, Jessi, Taylor, and Madi. Taylor hasn't been hitting her three in the past two games, maybe trying too hard. But, she has done everything else.

We just don't have reliable juniors and seniors to work with them. Dungee and Mulkey were supposed to be a good class.

What do you think would happen if we were to play UAB in about two months?
I don't know what everyone expected. I didn't think we would be this good.

When I have seen all-star teams play against anything decent, the team that has worked together usually wins. We have trouble with our pros in the Olympics because they aren't a team, and the other team is. Usually, there are one or two games in which they struggle.

We have some talent. But, get serious. These kids are not ready to play at a top twenty level. Give them a couple of more players of the quality of the top six, as well as two years. We really had Ana and Shaina. Ana is injured, and Shaina wasn't an experienced point guard in the first place. She was an athlete who really wasn't all that great at working with the Canadian team. They won because she took off on her own, and nobody could stop her. Made Freshman of the Year the same way. She may as well be a freshman. Has a lot to learn.

If anything, our most stable performers this year thus far have been Tatum, Jessi, Taylor, and Madi. Taylor hasn't been hitting her three in the past two games, maybe trying too hard. But, she has done everything else.

We just don't have reliable juniors and seniors to work with them. Dungee and Mulkey were supposed to be a good class.

What do you think would happen if we were to play UAB in about two months?
If both played the same as today UAB would win again..I understand that OU should get better with more games under their belt, but the other team should too.
Exactly! it would be one thing if the errors that were made were abnormal for a SC team but they are not! The constant foolish turnovers, unforced errors that cost us valuable points, the overall sloppiness that you Don't see in teams like Tennessee, which played right before we did. You could tell even though a lot of their players are new just overall different class of play. To be quite honest, it almost looked like we were a high school team playing after the Tennessee vs Clemson game. I do agree that our youngest players are our best players, by far, which says a lot about our coach and our program, don't you think? If our worst most inconsistent unproductive players were our upperclassmen last year and once again this year, doesn't that say something in itself? I know SC does the most she can with the talent she's able to bring to OU, but holy crap, that doesn't mean it's still not frustrating to watch them play! call me selfish, I don't want to wait two more years for them to be decent, we say that every year, pretty much. Afraid to say next year would be the same thing, no productive consistent reliable post presence, yet again. I really hope I'm wrong and that this team turns around and it's a joy to watch them play but I was a trooper watching pretty much every game on TV last year and it gave me gray hair, I'm not going to put myself through it this year unless the unforced stuff improves.
I’m glad Madi went 8-9 from the line, that’s a major turn around, I hope she can keep it up...
I’m glad Madi went 8-9 from the line, that’s a major turn around, I hope she can keep it up...

Excellent point, Mac.

On the other hand, there is no excuse for hitting 3 out of 17 threes. Or having any player hit less than 50% of their free throws. But our coaches just laugh that off and make no serious effort to correct it.

The other day, SC said she "loves" seeing the players fail. Somehow she thinks that gives a chance to improve, so she seems to relish seeing them mess up. Now that is silly. Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. If she wants acceptable free throw shooting, she must demand it. If she was self disciplined, she would demand that any player who shoots below 50& on free throws in a game must hit 15 in a row in practice before she gets in another game.

And we need to put a stop to practicing against guys. We have enough players to practice against each other. Even the most obvious gain from that - that everyone gets more practice - is clear. So she brings in other people so our actual players can watch practice instead of participating? Weird, weird, weird. Sitting and watching is no way to improve your skill set - or even your conditioning.

It's going to be a long year. Shaina is no where near as valuable as Ana. We will struggle our hearts out until she gets back, then who knows how long it will take for her to get back in condition. Shaina lacks discipline. That is one of the reasons she is so inconsistent. A couple of excellent games, then a few really lousy ones.

Yes, it's going to be a long year. And SC made it worse by refusing to play home games. Someone look up last year.

1. How many home games did we play?

2. How many home games did Baylor play?

3. How many home games did Texas play?

4. How many home games did Okla State play?

5. How many home games did Iowa State play?

Excellent point, Mac.

On the other hand, there is no excuse for hitting 3 out of 17 threes. Or having any player hit less than 50% of their free throws. But our coaches just laugh that off and make no serious effort to correct it.

The other day, SC said she "loves" seeing the players fail. Somehow she thinks that gives a chance to improve, so she seems to relish seeing them mess up. Now that is silly. Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. If she wants acceptable free throw shooting, she must demand it. If she was self disciplined, she would demand that any player who shoots below 50& on free throws in a game must hit 15 in a row in practice before she gets in another game.

And we need to put a stop to practicing against guys. We have enough players to practice against each other. Even the most obvious gain from that - that everyone gets more practice - is clear. So she brings in other people so our actual players can watch practice instead of participating? Weird, weird, weird. Sitting and watching is no way to improve your skill set - or even your conditioning.

It's going to be a long year. Shaina is no where near as valuable as Ana. We will struggle our hearts out until she gets back, then who knows how long it will take for her to get back in condition. Shaina lacks discipline. That is one of the reasons she is so inconsistent. A couple of excellent games, then a few really lousy ones.

Yes, it's going to be a long year. And SC made it worse by refusing to play home games. Someone look up last year.

1. How many home games did we play?

2. How many home games did Baylor play?

3. How many home games did Texas play?

4. How many home games did Okla State play?

5. How many home games did Iowa State play?


The reason teams practice against the scout team (in this case, guys) is so they can get looks against the other team's offense/defense, etc.

I promise you that scout team players don't benefit much from those situations, those situations are designed to get the starters and rotation players ready to play in games. That's why some coaches like to use "other" players to run scout team. I'm not saying there is no benefit but it isn't much. If a player were to be tearing it up on scout team, they'll be in the rotation.

The younger players get plenty of work in individual and team drills and then a little work against the scout team.
UAB---we had one more rebound. UAB had 14 turnovers. We had only 11, but 6 of those 11 turnovers were by Shaina.

Shaina shot about 49% from the field last year. This year it is 43%. She is trying too hard.