Uh Oh, Clippers owner

Nonsense. Sterlings "wife" is suing her to give back all his sugar daddy gifts claiming community property. Obviously if she "stole" money it would be a criminal complaint, not civil.

He's done. Marge Schott V2. Just another old white ignorant clown sent out to pasture to die.
Is he white?

I'm not trying to correct you I know people have differing opinions on if a semite is white. I have Jewish, semitic friends who don't consider themselves white.
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Is he white?

I'm not trying to correct you I know people have differing opinions on if a semite is white. I have Jewish, semitic friends who don't consider themselves white.

You're right. I shouldn't have put that part and removed it. But "white" people taking an overt stand is the only way this garbage will dissipate. I know we are supposed to respect our elders but at some point enough is enough and the crazy old aunt or uncle or grandpa or mother or whatever needs to be told in no uncertain terms those types of beliefs are ignorant and evil and anybody who says them deserves whatever happens to them.
You're right. I shouldn't have put that part and removed it. But "white" people taking an overt stand is the only way this garbage will dissipate. I know we are supposed to respect our elders but at some point enough is enough and the crazy old aunt or uncle or grandpa or mother or whatever needs to be told in no uncertain terms those types of beliefs are ignorant and evil and anybody who says them deserves whatever happens to them.

Wait, I thought "reverse racism" was the REAL problem here? Lol.
You're right. I shouldn't have put that part and removed it. But "white" people taking an overt stand is the only way this garbage will dissipate. I know we are supposed to respect our elders but at some point enough is enough and the crazy old aunt or uncle or grandpa or mother or whatever needs to be told in no uncertain terms those types of beliefs are ignorant and evil and anybody who says them deserves whatever happens to them.
Yea I agree. Silver should come down hard. At some point a stand has to be made. Just taking the offense and hurt it has caused out of it, the NBA has worked very hard to brand itself, and is at an all time high. Silver can't allow things like this to tarnish their brand. He's following up my favorite commissioner of any sport, and has tough shoes to fill. I'll be watching what he does here.

I know one of the previous posts received some derision, but I do agree when people like Sharpton jump at fake controversies it doesn't help as well. But that's a smaller problem compared to clowns like Sterling.
Nonsense. Sterlings "wife" is suing her to give back all his sugar daddy gifts claiming community property. Obviously if she "stole" money it would be a criminal complaint, not civil.

He's done. Marge Schott V2. Just another old ignorant clown sent out to pasture to die.

I can't speak about California but this is not necessarily true in Texas. The police and DA will often say cases of fraud are purely a civil matter.
I can't speak about California but this is not necessarily true in Texas. The police and DA will often say cases of fraud are purely a civil matter.

Can't see how showering your mistress with gifts and cash is fraud, but maybe she did steal some stuff, it would be hard to tell the difference when you're dealing with a billionaire.
I can't speak about California but this is not necessarily true in Texas. The police and DA will often say cases of fraud are purely a civil matter.

Nonsense. Only fake "fraud" allegations that aren't crimes. In any state if you really steal or defraud its a criminal offense. Ask Allen Stanford & Ken Lay if true fraud in Texas is purely a civil matter.
Nonsense. Only fake "fraud" allegations that aren't crimes. In any state if you really steal or defraud its a criminal offense. Ask Allen Stanford & Ken Lay if true fraud in Texas is purely a civil matter.

From what I saw it said that the girlfriend took money from the family trust. They stated it was not criminal because she was given access to it by Sterling. Rest of the family are suing saying its a joint account and she is not listed on the account to access it, thus civil court.

The guy should loose his NBA team, but to me the whole thing sounded like a Jealous boyfriend situation where he is trying to control who she associates with around him. I don't condone it, but I really don't think he was trying to say all Minorities are not welcome at his teams games. I think that part has been taken out of context. But with his history, get rid of him.
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Nonsense. Only fake "fraud" allegations that aren't crimes. In any state if you really steal or defraud its a criminal offense. Ask Allen Stanford & Ken Lay if true fraud in Texas is purely a civil matter.

You don't know what you are talking about. The police and DA (in Texas) routinely decide not to get involved in matters that might be criminal but simply don't interest them for various reasons. That doesn't mean the allegations are true or false. it simply means the DA isn't going to get involved.
I just think its funny Magic Johnson and everyone in LA is acting like this is brand new information. Heard a guy on CBS radio today talking about how Sterling was trying to get rid of all the black tenants in an apartment building he owns in the past and other examples the guy on the radio gave.

I agree, the guy is an old fart with old time views but no place in the NBA or any other sport for those comments.
Just like players and coaches get fined for what they say if it hurts the league's image Sterling should too.

yes he should be fined heavily but people calling for his head are just being ignorant. There will be a big legal fight if they try to force him to sell his company.

The could probably find at least one player on each team that has done stuff worse that what Sterling did. He made some horrible racist comments in private. And guess what, California is a two party consent state fro recording. So these were done illegally. So she illegally baited and recorded him.

Don't get me wrong, he is a racist. But so are many other blacks out there just as racist. There are black frats, black clubs, black groups. It's not like sterling said these things on the record or to the media. He pays millions of dollars to minorities. He is dating a minority.

I think the real issue here is that he knows that she is sleeping around with blacks and he doesn't want it made known because he is a racist and doesn't want to be seen dating a woman that sleeps with black people.

It's sad but these are the stories that dominate US headlines.
yes he should be fined heavily but people calling for his head are just being ignorant. There will be a big legal fight if they try to force him to sell his company.


It entirely depends on what the bylaws and constitution of the league says. Unfortunately, it is private so we don't know what it says but it appears the players are going to try and push for the NBA to make him sell the team if the language is there to do so.
It entirely depends on what the bylaws and constitution of the league says. Unfortunately, it is private so we don't know what it says but it appears the players are going to try and push for the NBA to make him sell the team if the language is there to do so.

And if that is the case, is what he said really worthy of making him sell his team? Do his public actions not speak louder than his private words? Freedom of speech anyone? I would love to secretly tape some of the black players and coaches around the league and see what they say about old white owners, or women, or drugs,etc.
And if that is the case, is what he said really worthy of making him sell his team? Do his public actions not speak louder than his private words? Freedom of speech anyone? I would love to secretly tape some of the black players and coaches around the league and see what they say about old white owners, or women, or drugs,etc.

Not the "freedom of speech" line again. I wish people understood what that actually means.

And if the NBA owners want him out of the league and can do so via their bylaws and their lawyers think it can hold up then they have that power. It is their club and their rules.
And if that is the case, is what he said really worthy of making him sell his team? Do his public actions not speak louder than his private words? Freedom of speech anyone? I would love to secretly tape some of the black players and coaches around the league and see what they say about old white owners, or women, or drugs,etc.

Please stop with the freedom of speech stance...it's not applicable in this scenario.
Not the "freedom of speech" line again. I wish people understood what that actually means.

And if the NBA owners want him out of the league and can do so via their bylaws and their lawyers think it can hold up then they have that power. It is their club and their rules.

I understand the freedom of speech line. I honestly don't know what the bylaws say but I highly doubt that they can make somebody sell their own business when they haven't legally done anything wrong. hell owners who have actually committed crimes haven't been forced to sell. ARe we placing racist words above drunk driving and drug use now? or battering of women?
Please stop with the freedom of speech stance...it's not applicable in this scenario.

it was in the context of my post. I wasn't saying that his rights were infringed upon...just that he is allowed to say what he said and I don't think that the NBA has the right to make him sell because of what he said.
I heard this on the radio this morning, is it really a punishment for him to sell the team. He bought the team for 15 million, if and when it is sold it is estimated to be between 750 mill to a billion dollars ( per the radio). Even if he is forced to sell, he will be making a bank.

NBA owners do not want him to sell his team for less then its worth as then that will lower the value of their team when it comes time to sell.

The person on the radio said ban him from any team interactin (including attending games) for 5-10 years. That way he can sell if he wants but it wasn't the league forcing him to make an obscene profit.
Also, I think it's laughable the way the Clips are handling it. Put up or shut up. Don't give a speech about thinking about forfeiting a game but deciding to play and then go do the antics of wearing warmups inside out and throwing them in the center of the court. Either make a stand or don't.
Also, I think it's laughable the way the Clips are handling it. Put up or shut up. Don't give a speech about thinking about forfeiting a game but deciding to play and then go do the antics of wearing warmups inside out and throwing them in the center of the court. Either make a stand or don't.

You're on a roll today.