Uh Oh, Clippers owner

Are you kidding me? Just because you wouldn't care if an owner is a racist (whose racist comments you have declared are "insensitive truths"), that doesn't mean the rest of the population agrees with you. Again, what planet do you live on?

I would have to admit, if I paid my hard earned dollars for tickets to the Thunder, and there owner did something like this, I would still attend the games as if I did not go, I would be wasting my money. Unless I could find someone to buy them.

Its like with my OU basketball tickets. Either I use them, or I give them to someone to use for every game even the bad games or down years. I feel like I wasted my money if they are not used.
What's worse? A player being acused of rape and still being able to play or an owner being accused or racism and being forced to sell his team?

I would guarentee that if a black owner made similar comments it would be swept under the run.
So putting the racism talk behind us does anybody else think it is weird that all of these accusations have been around for years and nothing was done? But then Magic gets involved, after tryign to buy the Clippers several times apparantely, and **** hits the fan?
What's worse? A player being acused of rape and still being able to play or an owner being accused or racism and being forced to sell his team?

I would guarentee that if a black owner made similar comments it would be swept under the run.

I don't like the league's soft stance on criminal behavior. But I also don't think that justifies not punishing others. I'd rather a little hypocrisy than every one get away with their reprehensible behavior.
No I very clearly stated that what she did was likely illegal. And she could be prosecuted for it. It doesn't matter re: Donald Sterling's business partners decision to react to what he did.

Not wanting to defend sterling, but question for you or anyone that is a lawyer. If the recording never came out, and she went on some show and talked about what he said. So it became his word agains hers as he would never admit to saying it without proof. Whould he still deserve or get a lifetime ban?

That is the only reason I feel that the recording being illegal makes a differance. Not that he shouldn't pay, but the state should make someone else pay for it as well.

But its out there and he does deserve a lifetime ban, if not just for this, but for everything else he has said.
An interesting wrinkle... what if the recordings were legal?
As for why Stiviano taped so many conversations ... as TMZ Sports reported, she told friends the Clippers owner WANTED her to record him and he knew he was being recorded ... partly because he frequently forgot what he said and the tapes refreshed his memory ... at least that's her story.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/category/tmzsports/3/#ixzz30J9fWzLn

Sterling is even stupider than previously thought if so
An interesting wrinkle... what if the recordings were legal?

Sterling is even stupider than previously thought if so

Well they are both idiots then. He for asking her to record, and her for actually doing it as she was on the tapes as well.

I also saw her attorney said a 3rd party may have recorded it and been with them at the time. It gets more interesting. The truth is probably less fun then the media is making some of it,.
And why is that? Do you not believe in capitalism? What if others say that atheists shouldn't be allowed to own businesses?

Not the same argument, IMO.....

I agree with this but don't count on sharpton/jackson ever shutting up

They always shut up when they have no platform. Check their history. Very few listen to them anyway.

oh you can say that b/c you are black right?

Say what??? Did you read the transcript?? He called blacks niggas. I was pointing out he can go back to his private room and use the word liberally. I don't use the word at all. The negative connotations of the word made me remove it from my vocabulary years ago..... Don't understand why anyone, of any color would want to use the word to describe anyone else.....

You see Bounce, you probably would be better served to pull back, breath, and take a good look at your personal stance on this issue. I understand that you and several other posters I have followed over the years are very passionate about what you perceive as a double standard in society that leans in favor of blacks. You might be surprised to know, but to a certain extent I agree with that.

I spend a lot more time educating young black kids on why we should hold our community more accountable, and why we should stop pointing the finger at every little incident we deem as racism, and focus on uplifting the black community. It has been my mantra for years. With that said, this is not a small incident, and this situation can't be shrugged off by finding other incidents where a black person may have gotten away with an injustice against a white person. That is an easy game to play, and it can proven on both sides, IMO.....

I never get so far to the left or right of an argument that I can't see the other sides views. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Just like when the poster on the old boards who attacked my son's murder as a joke, went after your brother's death, I defended you because it was right. I will defend you again because it would again be wrong for him to make light of your loved one's death. I can put aside the fact I don't have share your political, social, and racial views, to defend you when I see a need.

I think you have gotten kind of jaded about these issues, based on some of your arguments I saw in the past. Regardless of anything else, Sterling has shown himself to be a racist outdated idiot, and as a society we need to all take a stand against that mentality. Same with people like Sharpton, IMO....
Not wanting to defend sterling, but question for you or anyone that is a lawyer. If the recording never came out, and she went on some show and talked about what he said. So it became his word agains hers as he would never admit to saying it without proof. Whould he still deserve or get a lifetime ban?

That is the only reason I feel that the recording being illegal makes a differance. Not that he shouldn't pay, but the state should make someone else pay for it as well.

But its out there and he does deserve a lifetime ban, if not just for this, but for everything else he has said.

Would he get it? Probalby not. Should he? I don't know. It's not as damaging to the brand when he can deny it. I'm honestly not sure I would believe he was this big of a racist without hearing the tapes.

I'm not of the opinion that racists should be unable to own a business. I am of the opinion that their businesses should be boycotted. The reason this is a slam dunk issue is because he damaged the league's brand, despite Bounce's assertions to the contrary, and as such the ownership have to protect their interests and get rid of him.
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In an unprecedented step, he also encouraged the NBA board of governors to vote to terminate Sterling's ownership — forcing him to sell the team. It would require a three-fourths majority vote to force a sale. Silver says those proceedings will start as soon as possible.

"As for Mr. Sterling's ownership interest in the Clippers, I will urge the board of governors to exercise its authority to force a sale of the team and will do everything in my power to ensure that that happens," he said.

He is confident that the owners will back his effort to force a sale, saying, "I fully expect to get the support I need from the NBA owners to remove him."

No ifs ands or buts. They can and are terminating his ownership. There is no place in society for racist pigs or their defenders. As for bounce, as the President said, just let him keep talking.

No ifs ands or buts. They can and are terminating his ownership. There is no place in society for racist pigs or their defenders. As for bounce, as the President said, just let him keep talking.


Per espn
"NBA commissioner Adam Silver said he will try to force the controversial owner to sell his franchise. Sterling has also been fined $2.5 million, and Silver made no effort to hide his outrage over the comments."

Dosn't sound automatic based on that. But I hope it is.
In sort of related news


Did you see that a Warriors coach was fired for recording meetings and conversations with staff. He would even leave his phone behind on purpose for when he was not around. The article seems to point that he may have been giving it to management.

Wonder what is on those tapes and how reaction would be to some of them. I remeber when some of the saints tapes came out ( not comparing the reason for tapes coming out) but some of the reactions to language and how they talked to each other and about other teams was interesting. You had a former athletes defending the language and saying that was just locker room and you had some media saying it was uncalled for.
No ifs ands or buts. They can and are terminating his ownership. There is no place in society for racist pigs or their defenders. As for bounce, as the President said, just let him keep talking.


I also think they may have an issue as if I remeber what I read before the team may be under a family trust. That means more then just him technically own the team. If they try to sell it, the others can sue to stop it. Could be a long process. The same article said his wife still goes to games and wants to keep the team.
Well, we had a President who was compromised by tapes that he had authorized to assure his place in history.

I was impressed by the way that Silver responded to the misdirection question of whether a tape of a private conversation should be used to force punishment by the NBA. His response was simply that the information revealed a reality that was unacceptable to the NBA. There is no discussion. That evasion was cut off.

The NBA, as do most professional sports leagues, defines who is an acceptable owner, and some applicants have been rejected. It is apparent that the Constitution of the NBA permits a forced sale, which is not surprising. We are not yet aware of the terms under which this sale can be directed.
Just heard Norm Nixon on the radio here in LA. He knows Sterling from way back. Anyway, he said they players are not going to allow the owners vote on terminating the Clippers ownership to drag out. They are going to demand it happens immediately. Well before the playoffs end or you could see them boycott the games. Not just the Clippers, all of them. So any owner thinking of wiggling out with some bogus excuse is going to be put in the spotlight negatively.

Kudos to them.
The NBA, as do most professional sports leagues, defines who is an acceptable owner, and some applicants have been rejected. It is apparent that the Constitution of the NBA permits a forced sale, which is not surprising. We are not yet aware of the terms under which this sale can be directed.


The NBA constitution allows owners to decide who is in and who is out. It's not a free market, if you don't fit the bill, you aren't allowed in.
This will absolute BS if he is forced to sell HIS business. Kick him out of the league and kick his team out of the leauge but it isn't right that he is forced to sell his property.

OH and read Trammels article today. Hit the nail on the freaking head
This will absolute BS if he is forced to sell HIS business. Kick him out of the league and kick his team out of the leauge but it isn't right that he is forced to sell his property.

Nobody is listening to the meaningless barking dogs chasing the car of progress down the road.

Bark on doggie.

Going to be great when college football and basketball players are unionized and have the power to force positive change just like the NBA players are. Out with the old, in with the new.
This will absolute BS if he is forced to sell HIS business. Kick him out of the league and kick his team out of the leauge but it isn't right that he is forced to sell his property.

OH and read Trammels article today. Hit the nail on the freaking head

It's not his business. It's a franchise.
Nobody is listening to the meaningless barking dogs chasing the car of progress down the road.

Bark on doggie.

Going to be great when college football and basketball players are unionized and have the power to force positive change just like the NBA players are. Out with the old, in with the new.

Pretty sure the NBA has been unionized since the 50's. If they are just now "forcing positive change", I'd say they need to do a better job of operating their union.