we owe DFW Hoopster an apology


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Before the season started he stated that OU could possibly finish as low as 9th in the league. The majority of us, including myself, ripped him to shreds for that statement. Obviously he was quite prophetic.
Before the season started he stated that OU could possibly finish as low as 9th in the league. The majority of us, including myself, ripped him to shreds for that statement. Obviously he was quite prophetic.

Last time I checked, conference play had not started
Before the season started he stated that OU could possibly finish as low as 9th in the league. The majority of us, including myself, ripped him to shreds for that statement. Obviously he was quite prophetic.

way to humble yourself

maybe the people on this board who complain so much about our players NOT being humble, could learn something from your example
No, but I don't see them finishing 9th either.

Who can we reasonably be predicted to finish ahead of right now other than Colorado, Nebraska and maybe Iowa State?

The highest I can possibly see this team finishing right now is 8th.
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It all depends on how we match up. I think we match up well with 75% of the Big 12, not so good against the other 25%. The primary match-up question each game will be Tony Crocker against his wing or forward opponent.

Against UTEP, Tony was up against a 6'11 guy who was every bit as athletic as Tony and could challenge his shots. Also he could shoot over Tony. UTEP also had the advantage in a few other spots except for center. I think Caracter vs Tiny was a wash.
Nothing can be predicted with this team....not bad or good...

This team could very well go 10-6 in conference and make the tourney...

just the same, it could go 6-10 and be praying for an NIT bid...

If this team had no talent and was playing like this then i would agree there is no way they can finish with a decent record in conference...

I just have more faith in Capel, the pieces are here to make some noise...and it is still early, we have seen improvment (then regressed)...

I just know in a few years since Capel has been here there have been points during the season where some fans blasted him and the team and then they came back to win some pretty big games, with less talent as well...so lets not give up just yet...
I thought DFW decided everyone here was just too mean to him and left the board?
I am not going to apologize to someone that calls our players names over on the Baylor fan board. BUT, the part that makes me sad is that OU is playing exactly like the team that we made fun of so much last year...Baylor. We are Baylor right now. Ironic and sad.
I am not going to apologize to someone that calls our players names over on the Baylor fan board. BUT, the part that makes me sad is that OU is playing exactly like the team that we made fun of so much last year...Baylor. We are Baylor right now. Ironic and sad.

Lighten up a little big. Last year I was at the exact point you are when thinking about the Pokes. Later in the season a light bulb came on and they turned into a very good basketball team. The same can happen for OU. I will admit for us Poke fans it is somewhat pleasing to watch the Sooners play at this point in time. :)
At this point, DFW's prediction that OU would finish ninth in conference is no more accurate than my prediction of a 10-6 record. So, let's wait until the season plays out before we throw this team under the bus and give up all hope of a recovery. I have seen more than my share of twists and turns in OU basketball over the years, both good and bad.
Well he didn't really predict that ou definitely would finish 9th, just that it was possible. I ripped him for even suggesting that it was possible. At this point from what I have seen this year it is absolutely possible. That's what I'm apologizing for.
Well he didn't really predict that ou definitely would finish 9th, just that it was possible. I ripped him for even suggesting that it was possible. At this point from what I have seen this year it is absolutely possible. That's what I'm apologizing for.

Ah, so you're the one who should apologize. Maybe we should change the title of this thread to "I, seniorsooner, humbly and ashamedly apologize to DFW Hoopster for stepping on his Baylor toes." ;)

Just joking, seniorsooner. I doubt if DFW was expecting an apology from you. He's not that kind of guy. Now, if you insulted Scott Drew, that's another matter entirely. lol
So, let's wait until the season plays out before we throw this team under the bus and give up all hope of a recovery.

This team deserves to be thrown under the bus right now.
I don't think playing hard and playing with heart is too much to ask. Nor do I think it's something that we should give them time to learn.
Seniorsooner- classy move on your part and unnecessary. It's a long season and Capel is a good coach. They'll be playing much better ball soon.

Big Time- I called Willie Warren "Crazy Pills II" on the Baylor boards. I've been calling him that since last year. Like Artest, Willie lacks maturity- you never know what you will get from him. Sorry to offend you with the comment but it is true.

I agree with you that so far there are similarities to OU this year and Baylor last year. Definitely doesn't mean OU is destined for 5 big12 wins. OU has more talent to work with to right the ship. But the interior defense and mental toughness will have to improve dramatically.

Tony- I have posted less on the board not because some "mean posters were hurting my feelings". I got tough skin. I just felt my posting was becoming too divisive and although most of my posts were tongue in cheek... some like the Longhorn who posts here was challenging me to throwdown over every word I wrote. And I'm short-tempered enough to take him up on that so I felt like it was a good idea for me to take a vacation from ouhoops.com.

I am full of crap with a lot of what I post. Very biased just like all of us are. But I did have insight before the season started that Ekpe Udoh was a pro and would make a huge difference for Baylor this year. OU would be looking at a totally different season had they landed Udoh. Sometimes it just takes one guy like that to hide a lot of weaknesses.

I did argue that defense is a combination of mindset and personnel. Everyone has knocked Drew for being a terrible defensive coach. Since I have attended many practices, I knew it was not for lack of emphasis. I'm sure Capel works on defense during most of his practices this year. Sometimes the personnel doesn't cooperate.

Drew in the past like Capel this year has had poor personnel to work with defensively- short guards, slow unathletic bigs and an athletic PF in a SF mind (Gallon/Rogers). Baylor this year has great defensive personnel- thanks in large part to Udoh. And the results prove it. Baylor is outrebounding teams by 12 per game and holding opponents under 35% shooting. Last year, they allowed 45% FG pct.
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