What does everyone think happened to Christian James game this year?

I'm confused by your response to my post. Maybe you didn't read all of it, or perhaps you didn't read what I said about CJ's slump being tied to Woodard going down with an injury.

His shooting performance during the early part of the season and in a scrimmage against Oregon fits the timeline I established in both posts: No sign of a slump when he was shooting 50% from three in the first ten games of the season. Woodard goes out with an injury and CJ's shot goes south in the very first game when Jordan was no longer available and stays there. That's why I think he put undue pressure on himself, went into a shooting rut and never recovered.

sorry ada I grouped yours and another post together ... I totally agree with you on the Jordan going down pressure angle ..

I don't agree with the extra weight being the issue ..
sorry ada I grouped yours and another post together ... I totally agree with you on the Jordan going down pressure angle ..

I don't agree with the extra weight being the issue ..

Fran said as much during one of the later games, maybe KU? Anyway, I'm guessing Fran got his info from somewhere in the program or as a basketball coach he could tell James was too chubby to keep up.