What is it with people leaving early?


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Is this Los Angeles? NYC? Is 20 minutes you save going to make a huge difference in your life? PATHETIC
I would guess that they are NOT leaving, but going to the concourse and watching the balance of the game so that they can leave earlier.
While I certainly agree with you, OU's traffic control after the game is very poor. The cops man the lights, but they sit in their cars and watch the lights work. They close down lanes forcing fewer exit directions. Plus, they haven't figured out that there closed lanes could be used to funnel traffic one way.

Nevertheless, I would scan the tickets for those leaving (offer them a free coke for the exit scan), collect the information over the whole year and then cull out some folks that don't need to renew their season tickets.

It really is silly to go to a game and leave with five minutes left.
My dad used to go stand at the top of the concourse and watch the end of a game. He had a 45 minute drive back to OKC and hated to sit in the parking lot after a game. I'm sure that in their minds, they don't consider it 'leaving the game early'. It looks much worse in person than it does on TV.
True in some cases, but many just keep walking out the door. Their choice I guess, but they've been doing it for years. If OU would put modern exit control in place, maybe they would find it easy enough to get out.
a couple in front of me left with 2 minutes left in the game. i couldnt believe it.
This year has actually been much better than in previous seasons...believe it or not. As mentioned above, some folks just go watch the final few minutes from the upper concourse.
I watched this during the OSU game, realizing that people wouldn't be leaving. I watched masses go up the stairs and also watched the doors at the exits. The doors (hardly) ever opened. People just watch up top...it's easier to get out, I guess. I don't have any problems because I park close to the exits, but to each his own I guess.
Joe C. should order his yellow-vested gestapo security squadron to lock the doors and don't let anyone out until the final buzzer sounds.
With all due respect to those who want to watch from the upper concourse, the crucial time of the game is from the 3 minute mark on. Noise coming from the top of the arena isn't nearly as impactful as noise from the first level.
I'm pretty much with you guys, but today we were one of the offenders. My 3 y.o. was ready to go about midway thru the 2nd and he was letting everyone know... We hit the door about 3 minutes to go after Ryan's dunk. Sometimes people have their reasons....
It was a Saturday noon game. Does it matter? You gonna get home too late? Stay and cheer for your team. It's ridiculous.
That's what gets me. There was no excuse today. No OU football. No Dallas cowboys. No Minnsota Vikings. It wasn't dinner time. No women's game. Nothing. None of the other lame excuses I hear time and time again. No excuse whatsoever. If you have small kids, fine, I understand. But most if not all of the people I saw leaving didn't.
I never leave early even blowouts, but if they pay their money they can do what they want io
I don't understand this. I personally have no trouble getting out and home. I also don't have any problem with the traffic control. I park on the nw side by the exit and go left to highway 9. I am on I35 in 5 minutes going north. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
As I'm sitting here watching Mich/UCONN, I can't help but wonder why we can't have an atmosphere like that. Every time I watch a game from there or Mich. St. they have the students all across one side and right down on the court. Not only that, but they are all wearing the same color. The team can't help but look over there and get fired up. Oh, and no one is leaving their seat early. We should be able to do this.
I don't understand this. I personally have no trouble getting out and home. I also don't have any problem with the traffic control. I park on the nw side by the exit and go left to highway 9. I am on I35 in 5 minutes going north. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.


I was at campus corner no more than 10 minutes from the time I started my vehicle after the game yesterday.
i started going to games with my dad in the late 70's, it's always been like this.

Dad would stay to the end of every game (as a donor, too....gasp!).

and peoples want an "on campus arena". how do you think that will go for parking/exit out of Norman?
As I'm sitting here watching Mich/UCONN, I can't help but wonder why we can't have an atmosphere like that. Every time I watch a game from there or Mich. St. they have the students all across one side and right down on the court. Not only that, but they are all wearing the same color. The team can't help but look over there and get fired up. Oh, and no one is leaving their seat early. We should be able to do this.

We did. It was called the Crimzone but wasn't set up well due to the entire section being roughly on the same level meaning people in the back couldn't see and a lot of games it wasn't full. So they took it away. I still think it would've worked on one side (the side you see on TV) if they would've taken away the upper deck student seating and forced students courtside...
One problem is that the donors who do it get parking near the door. Usually I don't park in the donor section--I did yesterday and it was a HUGE pain in the ass. Normally I'd be home in ten min, yesterday it took me thirty min because of getting out of the parking lot.