Where will we finish in conference


Active member
Dec 3, 2008
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Thought it would be a good topic with conference play opening tomorrow. I don't usually get involved in pre-season predictions but what the heck.

It appears that Baylor is Baylor, Texas will be tough for us with their inside bigs and West Virginia looks strong.

OSU can be tough with Mack and Gray but they seem to struggle on offense at times.

Iowa State is steady and well coached. Jones is excellent but they will not dominate us inside like Baylor, Texas, OSU, and Texas Tech, yes Texas Tech.

Kansas State has a couple of bigs, one of which is more than just a big but they have not impressed me so far.

TCU has some size but otherwise pretty ordinary. Kansas is improved but not scary.

Our outcome depends on:

A better answer inside. I think we would be better with Maddi and Gabbi inside rather than Simpson and any other combo. Scott may be key if she can get into the game.

We have much more scoring ability than last year. If Maddi and Ana can stay out of foul trouble and reduce the turnovers we should do better this year. A major key is the extent to which opposing teams can control Taylor.

Between Baylor, Texas, West Virginia we will win two at most but could be less.

We should win at least four and maybe more against Kansas State, Kansas and TCU.

It is very hard to win at Ames but we should win at least one against the Cyclones.

Texas Tech with their good point guard and inside size we go 2-0 or 0-2 but probably a split at best.

I think we could go 8-10, but better if we find better inside play. Probably 10-8 at best. Worst case is probably a 6-12 finish again but I think we are a little better than that. My prediction is 8-10. Hope we do much better.

To go 10-8 we have to win at least 3 against Baylor, Texas, West Virginia and OSU. Depends how well we play against Oklahoma State.

Need to go 3 against Iowa State and Tech. Unlikely but hard.

And 4 against the two Kansas teams and TCU. Could win 5 here.
Ok St
K St
The conference is very difficult to predict this year.

1. Baylor---but not by as much as some think. They have killed some weak teams. But, they lost to S. Carolina and squeaked by a couple they should have won. Cox?

2. West Virginia---their only loss was to Creighton. But, they did beat Mississippi State on the road and scored wins over a good Syracuse and a decent Michigan State team recently. Other than that, soft schedule, and they barely beat Cornell. A very weak #2.

3. TCU---lost at A&M and Middle Tennessee State. But, they opened Big Twelve play with a win at Austin over Texas. Suspect. But, so is everyone else.

4. Texas----losses to Hawaii, NC State, South Florida, Arizona, and now, TCU. But, they did beat Tennessee on the road and Stanford in Austin. Who are they? Erratic play from what should be good talent.

5. Oklahoma---if OU were to play Northeastern State on the road, we could lose. But, we may be able to beat any team in the conference as well. Three good scorers and the best shooter in the conference. Wish we had either Scott or Nydia ready to play inside.

6. Oklahoma State---losses to Oregon, Louisville, and A&M aren't bad. But, they have played nobody else. May be better than #6, but they haven't shown it yet.

7. Iowa State----lost to Drake, Iowa, and Northern Iowa. Beat everyone else. May be better than they look since there are no Iowa teams in the conference. But, they haven't beaten anyone yet, either---except Texas Tech, badly, in Lubbock.

8. Texas Tech---can they beat a Big Twelve team? Beat a lot of very bad teams before being killed by the Cyclones.

9. Kansas---undefeated. But, the only decent teams they have played were St. Mary's and St. Louis. Nothing to tell what they can do.

10. Kansas State---they simply haven't shown that they can play against D-1 talent yet. Should be better than this.
Oklahoma State
Texas Christian
West Virginia
Iowa State
Texas Tech
Kansas State
West VA
Okla. State
Iowa State
TX Tech
K. State
Somewhere too far down the Big XII chain to make sense considering the support this program has received, the salaries paid (and currently paid) and past accomplishments.
Somewhere too far down the Big XII chain to make sense considering the support this program has received, the salaries paid (and currently paid) and past accomplishments.

What’s the ranking of the coach’s salaries for the conference?
What’s the ranking of the coach’s salaries for the conference?

I have no idea and not worth the time to research considering SC is given $1.3M GUARANTEED (this year) that has been extended through 2021. A better question is what Div. I WBB coach still has their job with her salary with the consistently declining record each year and then has her $!M plus salary contract extended and guaranteed to boot???? AND without a NC! Since they are determined to keep her hanging around, one would think they would have at least reduced the base salary since it's guaranteed and built in some incentives. None of it makes sense considering the players she has (or somebody or her staff recruited since she doesn't like recruiting) signed and results in a steady nose dive to the bottom of the conference.
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1. Baylor
2. West Virginia
3. Iowa State
4. TCU
5. Texas
6. Kansas
7. OSU
8. OU
9. TTU
10. KSU
What’s the ranking of the coach’s salaries for the conference?

Last I seen, 1st is KM and SC was 2nd..which I guess is okay since SC will finish second today behind KM
Last I seen, 1st is KM and SC was 2nd..which I guess is okay since SC will finish second today behind KM

Now that's funny...really funny!:ez-roll::ez-roll:

I don't think Mulkey will tolerate her team coming into Norman over confident. She'll have a fit right there on the sideline for all of us to see...and not care!
OU has a 1 game lead on Tech and a half game lead on Tech and a 3 game lead on Kansas while being tied with the pukes for 9/10 in theconference..

Fortunately of the lower echelon only OU gets both Tech and Kansas at home which hopefull is good for two conference wins giving the Sooners 7 likely conference wins. I see no way we upset Baylor, Texas or TCU all on the road. Hence a final conference record of 7-11 in my mind is almost a given. And there is a possibility we lose to Tech or Kansas at home and finish 6-12 in conference for a season final of 14-16 or 13-17. JMHO.

TCU has won 8 of their last 10 with their 2 losses to Baylor.
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I'm not at all confident that we win again this year. One question is how many players get injured and how seriously against Kansas. They have a male coach and most of the conference refs do not hold them accountable for rough -even very rough - play. Did you notice that the K State coach spent most of the game far out of the coaches box - about half way from the box to mid court - sometimes actually on the court? At least once we were trying to inbound and he was standing almost against our player. The ref did finally make him move a couple of feet - but not back in the box. That has to be seriously intimidating to a player. And it is cheating. By both the coach and the refs.

Plus we still play both Baylor and Texas. Kansas & Tech have but one game between them against either of them the rest of the way.

I expect we end up with at most one more win - and likely no wins. Losing record in the league and a horrible record for the year. I wish we would just stay home from the conference tournament and forfeit the first game - which we would almost certainly lose anyway. If we are very lucky we finish 9th instead of 10th.

Do we finish with a losing record overall????

I think the Big 12 is just average this year and we finish next to last....:mad:

Looking at this and the teams we've had in the past even as recent as the 2017 season we could easily be in fourth place. No doubt if we were the 2017 team as far as consistency goes and turnover numbers we would have won our last three games...our program has declined so drastically that not one single game in conference play is a guarantee. That's saying a lot. This type of play should be a wake-up call to Joe, and if he hasn't already should be having many serious talks with SC. She's not showing she has any great plans to improve the program with next year's recruiting class. it'll be talk talk talk, stressing defense again at the beginning of next season just like it was this season and we will have another horrible season. UNLESS Joe makes the necessary change. I've never said this before, but I hope we lose every single game we have remaining, which would be losing our last 8 consecutive games, in order for SC to get what she's had coming for a while and that's the boot. if we lose 8 in a row to end our season, make that nine with the first round of the tournament, and our AD does nothing then he is a coward.
Outside looking in if we can win 3 more games I think we might can atlest make the big dance, I believe we were at 500 on the season the last time the team got in...
It will surprise me if we do not finish 14-16 overall, 7-11 in conference play. I see KU winning (?) the cellar spot with WV edging out TTech for runner-up cellar dweller. Then OU followed by OSU.

Of course, it's a given that smug Mulkey will be atop the conference.

Oh, how I wish that Sherri hadn't decided to rest on her laurels about 10 years ago...
Outside looking in if we can win 3 more games I think we might can at least make the big dance, I believe we were at 500 on the season the last time the team got in...

That may be wishful thinking, Mac.

While anything is possible, it may take nearly a miracle for us to win even one more game.

One question is how many of our players get injured Wednesday night? It is likely to be very physical with out girls knocked all over the court, but many fouls called against us anyway.

It is unbelievable that the "Bugged up 12 conference" is still assigning an official to a game involving a referee whose wife played for one of the teams involved. Why would you ever do that?
That may be wishful thinking, Mac.

While anything is possible, it may take nearly a miracle for us to win even one more game.

One question is how many of our players get injured Wednesday night? It is likely to be very physical with out girls knocked all over the court, but many fouls called against us anyway.

It is unbelievable that the "Bugged up 12 conference" is still assigning an official to a game involving a referee whose wife played for one of the teams involved. Why would you ever do that?

Can you clarify, Sweetest? Which official and his wife played for whom?