Why does Krugar's office look like a basement?

OU's practice facilities have actually been cited as a positive in recruiting for many years, but HW, who can rarely be bothered to post here at all, gets a bee in his bonnet and starts not one but two threads insisting that they're a problem.

Just imagine if our facilities were as glam as HW wishes they were -- we'd have a team good enough to be ranked #1 in the country.

Oh, wait...

This is no longer the case. Our facilities to practice in are average. Not nearly the size of other places or even baskets. Our administration loves to tell people they are outstanding but the team travels and sees the other places which are much better.
They are again talking about renovating the LNC which again will be a waste of money!
There isn't much support by the administration for basketball. The team just bussed back from Waco because they wouldn't approve a flight back home. They did fly to Waco.
Lack of support for basketball - that must be why Joe C. fired Capel and spent top dollar to get Coach Kruger.

If we put some of the people who criticize facilities in charge, the Athletic Department would be bankrupt in no time at all. You have to have a master plan and follow that plan. It has to be flexible enough so that you aren't behind the 8 ball when donations dry up due to a bad economy. Now, if one of the high rollers on this board wants to pony up a few million to do something for the basketball program, I'm sure Joe E. would be happy to listen to you. Otherwise, they'll just stick to their plan.
OU has earmarked $7M for the BB's new basic look S&C facility. KSU's cost $18M for their stand alone BB practice facility.

Let's get the head guys at OUHoop.com to start a Gofund-type deal to raise $24M with the help of the OU AD's office matching for stand alone BB facilties ONLY on the North side above ground, glass modern facility.

Build a stand alone PALACE on the North side to clear up that LNC eye sore. OU can build upon that structure to give the LNC a new modern look. (Just make sure Populous Architects are the conceptual designers, because they are the best.)

Something tells me $24M will get the job done in Norman with the cost of construction and materials reducing in this market.

OUHoops can roll with it and the OU AD's office will be a part of it with renderings on hand. (A no LNC loading dock disclaimer is on my donation.) This won't disrupt BB activity as OU will still practice in their current loading dock location. After review the current renderings of the S&C facility isn't worth the investment and it doesn't offset the eye sore the LNC has been nicknamed over the years.

Be a leader OUHoops for the future of OU BB. :chestram2:
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:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm
:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm
:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm
:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

No, just do what KSU did and call it a day. Building your basketball facilities 1/2 way under ground on the end of a loading dock was a bad idea from the get go. Were they trying to hide the loading dock? Why not build it in the front of the Lloyd Noble Center to add some sense of architecture to a building that's butt ugly?

Regardless, go big and bold or put it on hold. Piecemealing isn't the solution as it costly, which KSU proves our point. OU has $7M for a S&C center earmarked, so add $11M to that and build like KSU IN FRONT of the Lloyd Noble and make a statement, when fans drive up. Who cares if the dock loaders see the facilities? Leave that for the concert goers.

Just a guess but I'm thinking they put it in the back because for one reason they didn't want to block parking spaces needed on the other 3 sides. If I remember correctly, and it's been a long time since I've been in the LNC, the south side had a much smaller parking lot and not many people parked there.

As for KSU...I don't really care what they or anyone else is doing. It has no relevance to us.
Just a guess but I'm thinking they put it in the back because for one reason they didn't want to block parking spaces needed on the other 3 sides. If I remember correctly, and it's been a long time since I've been in the LNC, the south side had a much smaller parking lot and not many people parked there.

As for KSU...I don't really care what they or anyone else is doing. It has no relevance to us.

Correct, South side is donor, band, cheerleader, and team parking
This is no longer the case. Our facilities to practice in are average. Not nearly the size of other places or even baskets. Our administration loves to tell people they are outstanding but the team travels and sees the other places which are much better.
They are again talking about renovating the LNC which again will be a waste of money!
There isn't much support by the administration for basketball. The team just bussed back from Waco because they wouldn't approve a flight back home. They did fly to Waco.

How are the practice courts average? Do must schools have seoerate facilities for men and women?
Correct, South side is donor, band, cheerleader, and team parking

Ever heard of building a parking garage to integrate the East side to hide the eye sore over there? What's the cost of that? $20M with a modern look? Do that down the road, but let's start on the North end.

You cover the North with a NEW BB facility, you cover the East with a NEW parking facility, then you do a facade on the West side to enclose the look. The loading docks have some improvement in glass, so leave as is. Total cost shouldn't be more than $55M, then your arena looks new on the outside and the REAL BB facilities will recruit like bandits. Once seats are full because of sustained success, the demand will require the interior to be redesigned to sell accommodations.
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Ever heard of building a parking garage to integrate the East side to hide the eye sore over there? What's the cost of that? $20M with a modern look? Do that down the road, but let's start on the North end.

You cover the North with a NEW BB facility, you cover the East with a NEW parking facility, then you do a facade on the West side to enclose the look. The loading docks have some improvement in glass, so leave as is. Total cost shouldn't be more than $55M, then you arena looks new on the outside and the REAL BB facilities will recruit like bandits. Once seats are full because of sustained success, the demand will require the interior to be redesigned to sell accommodations.

Getting out of the LNC parking lot is notoriously slow and adding a parking garage to one side would be even worse. That's a horrible idea.

BTW, how much are you donating to the OU basketball program? I would guess ZERO but if you really want some of these things to happen then call Joe C and tell him you are donating $100K or more to get new offices and an updated basketball practice facility. Put your money where your keyboard is.
How are the practice courts average? Do must schools have seoerate facilities for men and women?

When OU built their practice facility it was one of the very few in all of college basketball and was hailed as state of the art.
Exactly and how is one gym different from another. It is a full size court with small courts crossing it just like the KSU picture. I just don't get the complaints. Now if the issue is the locker room needs to be remodeled or the offi few need to be remodeled i culd see that. But that cannot cost much.

They could raise $1,000,000 from ordinary fans giving $100 to $1,000.
Exactly and how is one gym different from another. It is a full size court with small courts crossing it just like the KSU picture. I just don't get the complaints. Now if the issue is the locker room needs to be remodeled or the offi few need to be remodeled i culd see that. But that cannot cost much.

They could raise $1,000,000 from ordinary fans giving $100 to $1,000.

There isn't room to do individual workouts on the side baskets when a full court drill is being run. So time is lost when individual instruction could be done on the side.
The facility was supposedly state of the art when it was built. Some of this was because it was attached to the main arena instead of being at two sites. I assume it was true but it wouldn't be the first propaganda any university has stated. Remember this was done in the Sampson era which is a long time ago.
I'm not a big donor nor will I become one but I can report what the staff thinks about the situation.
I love the "we should build this!!" people raising a stink, then when it comes time to write a check, are no where to be found.
There isn't room to do individual workouts on the side baskets when a full court drill is being run. So time is lost when individual instruction could be done on the side.
The facility was supposedly state of the art when it was built. Some of this was because it was attached to the main arena instead of being at two sites. I assume it was true but it wouldn't be the first propaganda any university has stated. Remember this was done in the Sampson era which is a long time ago.
I'm not a big donor nor will I become one but I can report what the staff thinks about the situation.

If Sampson was involved, I'm sure details weren't considered, knowing he dressed the same everyday. :facepalm
I love the "we should build this!!" people raising a stink, then when it comes time to write a check, are no where to be found.

You have to set a self access platform to raise money from renderings that actually sell FUTURE of OU basketball. Not loading docks to be expanded.

A gofund-type platform is more successful than you think in today's era. OU could raise $25M in six months in a gofund-type platform. The old smile and dial and mailers don't work in today's fundraising efforts unless a handful of big donors make it happen. OU has to think future in the fundraising. And, a new BB facility above ground in a spot to showcase this program would be a major hit.

OU's fund raising is old school and limited to lethargic funding platforms, most of which focus on fans with season tickets. I'd participate far greater than $250, and I don't have access to games. I won't participate in funding basement or loading dock projects that don't seriously highlight the BB program.
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Getting out of the LNC parking lot is notoriously slow and adding a parking garage to one side would be even worse. That's a horrible idea.

BTW, how much are you donating to the OU basketball program? I would guess ZERO but if you really want some of these things to happen then call Joe C and tell him you are donating $100K or more to get new offices and an updated basketball practice facility. Put your money where your keyboard is.

Flat parking is the most inefficient format to flow traffic in and out of venue with so many bottlenecks. Have you been to big city arenas with garage parking and more fans the the LNC? The flow is fast, knowing the control of such flow is through traffic controllers rolling cars in and out.
Exactly and how is one gym different from another. It is a full size court with small courts crossing it just like the KSU picture. I just don't get the complaints. Now if the issue is the locker room needs to be remodeled or the offi few need to be remodeled i culd see that. But that cannot cost much.

They could raise $1,000,000 from ordinary fans giving $100 to $1,000.

Nobody cares about polishing the turd that now exists. That's a wash, rinse and repeat mentality that OU has had towards this BB team for decades. :facepalm
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Another bragging area for the administration is the girls facilities match the boys and that doesn't matter one bit to the men's program. It is great for Coach Coale.