Writer Slams Wayman upon his Death!!!!

This writer shouldn't be fired, he should be forced to live synonomous with this article on his resume.
I have no idea why anybody has their panties in a wad over this article.

If you attended OU at the time like I did this was an awesome event that would have never been possible had Wayman not attended OU.

This is good journalism reporting an important event in a persons life at their passing. It brought back great memories for me and probably not so great ones for Kansas fans. Regardless, it was a big event and was only possible due to the greatness of Wayman Tisdale.

Its the moronic timing. Sometimes I wish you would use your head, bull. Also, it wasn't Wayman's fault/idea that it happened.

I am glad to see the comments roasting the guy. What a tool.
Also, it wasn't Wayman's fault/idea that it happened.

really? too bad. my respect for wayman just shot up 6 billion percent after reading the article.
really? too bad. my respect for wayman just shot up 6 billion percent after reading the article.

Not a chance.

I like it too, fatty. I wish that I was old enough to be able to bask in that moment.
The article is unbelievable. The timing is terrible and the columnist and editor should be suspended.
I have no idea why anybody has their panties in a wad over this article....This is good journalism...

If you truly believe those two comments then I feel as sorry for you as the author of that pathetic article.
Newspapers are losing readers by the masses and their journalist are having to result to shock value. Truly sad...their writing that is...not that newspapers are going away.
Newspapers are going under because the technology has been replaced and an entire new generation does not buy the dirty printed paper that clutters up the house.

LOL @ the nuckledraggers who say newspapers are going under because they disagree with the content. It's ok. There is glen beck for the mental midgets.

As for the article, the timing was perfect. Exactly when was he supposed to bring this up? When people die you reflect on events in their life. This is good journalism. Bad journalism is the 105th about Waymans smile.

Btw when billy dies this story will get told again, as will the story about when he grabbed the mic and told people not to throw things on the floor no matter how bad the officiating is.
I imagine that Woodling will get roasted on OKC-area talk radio today. He sure deserves it. Some of you in the area should post what's being said about him.

Saw on the Insider football board that he's already taken a beating from some other OU-related site that has rather R-rated language that's allowed on their site. :clap
This is good journalism. Bad journalism is the 105th about Waymans smile.

Much of what you stated above is true, but you're wrong about this. If the guy wants to dig for a lesser known story from Wayman's life, positive or negative, more power to him (not that he'd have much luck finding dirt there), but this story isn't even about Wayman. He's barely mentioned in the account. He was not the catalyst for the events of that day, as the writer himself acknowledges (a "bit player," I believe he called him). That story, for better or worse, is about Tubbs, not the teenagers and young adults he goaded into cutting down the nets.

Sorry, but rehashing a 25-year-old story in which the recently departed played a minor (by the writer's own admission) role is lazy, not good, journalism.
By the way, here's the Merriam-Webster definition of journalism:

1 a: the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media b: the public press c: an academic study concerned with the collection and editing of news or the management of a news medium

2 a: writing designed for publication in a newspaper or magazine b: writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation c: writing designed to appeal to current popular taste or public interest

There certainly was no collection of news on his part -- a rehashing, yes, but no collecting. His writing was, by default, designed for publication in a newspaper, but he did not avoid an "attempt at interpretation" -- quite the opposite.

And I suppose he intended the story to "appeal to current popular taste or public interest," but based on the reaction on his own paper's site from non-OU fans, he seems to have missed the boat.
Thank you, skyvue. It was journalism at its ugliest; no doubt about it.

As for Boca's contention that there wasn't a better time to bring this topic up, well here's a thought - How about the actual 25th anniversary of the event? The loser writer couldn't have brought this up three months ago? He had to wait for one of the players to die?

The writer is a LOSER. Case closed.
Newspapers are going under because the technology has been replaced and an entire new generation does not buy the dirty printed paper that clutters up the house.

LOL @ the nuckledraggers who say newspapers are going under because they disagree with the content. It's ok. There is glen beck for the mental midgets.

As for the article, the timing was perfect. Exactly when was he supposed to bring this up? When people die you reflect on events in their life. This is good journalism. Bad journalism is the 105th about Waymans smile.

Btw when billy dies this story will get told again, as will the story about when he grabbed the mic and told people not to throw things on the floor no matter how bad the officiating is.

Your whole post is so wrong on so many levels that it is pointless to begin to refute it in detail. It is interesting that you chose to bring up the subject of mental midgets.
The title of this thread is totally misleading and you wonder how many people even read the article. Nowhere is Wayman trashed in that article. Of course Drudge makes a great living doing this.

From an OU perspective the title of this thread should have been "Great story from Tisdales OU days" because it was a great day that would not have ever occured had Wayman not come to OU. It was only ugly in the eyes of wussy jayhawk fans who looked on in horror as OU thumped them to win the conference then proceeded to cut down the nets.
The title of this thread is totally misleading and you wonder how many people even read the article. Nowhere is Wayman trashed in that article. Of course Drudge makes a great living doing this.

From an OU perspective the title of this thread should have been "Great story from Tisdales OU days" because it was a great day that would not have ever occured had Wayman not come to OU. It was only ugly in the eyes of wussy jayhawk fans who looked on in horror as OU thumped them to win the conference then proceeded to cut down the nets.

In lieu of the timing of this article AND your posts in this thread, I would suggest you take your trash to another board. YOU didn't read the article if you think the intent of the article was to NOT trash WWT. There's no place for an article like this at this time (or ever regarding a great person like WWT), but to write it immediately after his death is just one of the WORST things I've EVER read in a newspaper.

BTW, I'm gonna chance getting banned from this site by saying you are a complete classless idiot!

There I feel better. Admins, feel free to ban me...it's just something I felt compelled to do.
Newspapers are going under because the technology has been replaced and an entire new generation does not buy the dirty printed paper that clutters up the house.

LOL @ the nuckledraggers who say newspapers are going under because they disagree with the content. It's ok. There is glen beck for the mental midgets.

As for the article, the timing was perfect. Exactly when was he supposed to bring this up? When people die you reflect on events in their life. This is good journalism. Bad journalism is the 105th about Waymans smile.

Btw when billy dies this story will get told again, as will the story about when he grabbed the mic and told people not to throw things on the floor no matter how bad the officiating is

Are you really that dense? It was not Wayman's call to cut down the nets. It was Billy Tubbs. Shouldn't you go start another thread about Arizona? Use your freakin head.
The title of this thread is totally misleading and you wonder how many people even read the article. Nowhere is Wayman trashed in that article. Of course Drudge makes a great living doing this.
In my defense to your criticism of me let me note the following:

A) I posted this at 4:27AM, was still half-asleep, and realized quite quickly that the title I had posted wasn't exactly what I wanted to say

B) If you look closely to my first post in this thread, you'll see that I attempted to edit the title to something more accurate but was unable to do so...the title I wanted to replace the original with can be seen as the header of that first post.

C) You come across as a tremendous douche bag and I am only making the clarifications for those who haven't decided to turn my post into some type of political battle between right and left. Dick.
In my defense to your criticism of me let me note the following:

A) I posted this at 4:27AM, was still half-asleep, and realized quite quickly that the title I had posted wasn't exactly what I wanted to say

B) If you look closely to my first post in this thread, you'll see that I attempted to edit the title to something more accurate but was unable to do so...the title I wanted to replace the original with can be seen as the header of that first post.

C) You come across as a tremendous douche bag and I am only making the clarifications for those who haven't decided to turn my post into some type of political battle between right and left. Dick.

I would just ignore him, kcoukid. He was the same way on the other board under the name, dcranchsooner. He got banned over there several times.

RIP WT! :eek:ldwt356:
First of all, the a$$clown who authored this piece is a columnist, so he is entitled to his opinion as far as his editor or publisher will allow. Second, the decline of journalistic integrity has progressed since the idol worship of Woodward and Berstein after Watergate due to the instillation of ideology and political slant in non opinion piece articles. Certainly, newspaper readership decline has been influenced by technology significantly, but I think people are sick and tired of reading opinion in articles that should be strictly about the facts.

With all that being said, the timing of this column was terrible, and anyone with any class would not have written or printed this crap. Was it cool for OU to cut down the nets in Allen Fieldhouse; obviously not from a Jayhawk fan perspective, but to characterize Wayman Tisdale as a bad guy because he was involved in this incident is misleading and moronic.
C) You come across as a tremendous douche bag and I am only making the clarifications for those who haven't decided to turn my post into some type of political battle between right and left. Dick.

Thanks for posting this. This is truly how I felt about boca, but tried to sugar-coat it somewhat.:clap
Dear boca...

I wanted to just mention to you that I of all people can appreciate someone who is a bit of a contrarian or willing to point something out or speak their mind even knowing full well that few as zero people will agree or even appreciate the point of view.

That said, you sir are an ass clown...

The first thing to point out about the article is that it is in no way good journalism. It isn't insightful, interesting, well-written, investigative, timely or relevant. Taking away the insensitive nature of the article, which I begrudgingly agree is not something he is particularly obliged to do as a columnist, it just isn't a very good article. It doesn't have a clear direction, nor does it make any insightful observations or conclusions. It opens with a brief acknowledgement of its headline, then meanders into the past as more of an indictment of Billy Tubbs and the vindications of Larry Brown. If one of my students turned it in to me, I would give them somewhere between a C and an F, depending on how the assignment was outlined in the syllabus.

I actually agree with some of what you were saying about how every article shouldn't be about WT's smile. I love the guy that Wayman was and I was surprised by how strongly I responded personally to his death, but even I feel like his life and legacy are diminished by the laziness of those who are writing about him. I could have written about his smile, hell half of this board did before a single article was written. Hell, I'm pretty uncomfortable with how quickly OUHoops.com and rivals renamed their men's hoops boards. But this article isn't an insight into anything, isn't a different take on his life or even a fair or unfair criticism of a man otherwise universally respected and praised. It is just a meandering expression of memories and resentments.

Finally, I am not going to spend a lot of time on this, but one of the biggest issues in this country right now whether its reflected in the media, the housing market, credit cards, banking, wall street, political partisanship, or internet communities like message boards or twitter: Everyone and anyone will be cruel, manipulative or abusive to just about anyone else for personal gain. I don't care where your moral compass points or what your thoughts on journalistic ethics are. To me this article is just another sign of how completely the sense of community has been erased in the country.

So there...
