Writer Slams Wayman upon his Death!!!!

LOL @ the nuckledraggers who say newspapers are going under because they disagree with the content. It's ok. There is glen beck for the mental midgets.
If you're going to hurl insults about other people's intelligence, you should at least be aware of the fact that the word "knuckle" has a silent "k" at the beginning.
I actually agree with some of what you were saying about how every article shouldn't be about WT's smile. I love the guy that Wayman was and I was surprised by how strongly I responded personally to his death, but even I feel like his life and legacy are diminished by the laziness of those who are writing about him. I could have written about his smile, hell half of this board did before a single article was written. Hell, I'm pretty uncomfortable with how quickly OUHoops.com and rivals renamed their men's hoops boards. But this article isn't an insight into anything, isn't a different take on his life or even a fair or unfair criticism of a man otherwise universally respected and praised. It is just a meandering expression of memories and resentments.

elmo, I just truly believe most people feel SUCH a love for this man, they feel compelled to continually point out his greatness AND his smile (which is like a trademark for him). I agree it's not very creative, but the guy means THAT MUCH to even media members.

I'm sure many people have Googled the "net" for as many articles, quotes, etc that exist. I found it truly amazing (and tearful) how much people ALL OVER THE COUNTRY loved this dude, from media members to regular sports figures to hall of fame athletes.

It's almost as EVERYONE who EVER met him feels the same way we, as fans, feel about the big man and most of US have never met him.

My point is, I give those media members a "pass" on this one. WWT was THAT great of a man!!!
How many of you watched the game in question? If you didn't you are just running your mouth.

I saw a picture of a reunion with Wayman and some of the guys from that team recently. Do you whiners seriously think they didn't reminisce about the night they cut down the nets at Allen Field House.

I'm glad the reporter wrote this article as it brought back a very fond memory of Wayman. That some jayhawk wuss is still whining 25 years later makes it all the sweeter.
How many of you watched the game in question? If you didn't you are just running your mouth.

I saw a picture of a reunion with Wayman and some of the guys from that team recently. Do you whiners seriously think they didn't reminisce about the night they cut down the nets at Allen Field House.

I'm glad the reporter wrote this article as it brought back a very fond memory of Wayman. That some jayhawk wuss is still whining 25 years later makes it all the sweeter.

I was AT the game in question as a HS Senior, with my mom and dad and my old buddy Tim. What does that have to do with anything you've written in this thread?
Dear boca...

I wanted to just mention to you that I of all people can appreciate someone who is a bit of a contrarian or willing to point something out or speak their mind even knowing full well that few as zero people will agree or even appreciate the point of view.

That said, you sir are an ass clown...

The first thing to point out about the article is that it is in no way good journalism. It isn't insightful, interesting, well-written, investigative, timely or relevant. Taking away the insensitive nature of the article, which I begrudgingly agree is not something he is particularly obliged to do as a columnist, it just isn't a very good article. It doesn't have a clear direction, nor does it make any insightful observations or conclusions. It opens with a brief acknowledgement of its headline, then meanders into the past as more of an indictment of Billy Tubbs and the vindications of Larry Brown. If one of my students turned it in to me, I would give them somewhere between a C and an F, depending on how the assignment was outlined in the syllabus.

I actually agree with some of what you were saying about how every article shouldn't be about WT's smile. I love the guy that Wayman was and I was surprised by how strongly I responded personally to his death, but even I feel like his life and legacy are diminished by the laziness of those who are writing about him. I could have written about his smile, hell half of this board did before a single article was written. Hell, I'm pretty uncomfortable with how quickly OUHoops.com and rivals renamed their men's hoops boards. But this article isn't an insight into anything, isn't a different take on his life or even a fair or unfair criticism of a man otherwise universally respected and praised. It is just a meandering expression of memories and resentments.

Finally, I am not going to spend a lot of time on this, but one of the biggest issues in this country right now whether its reflected in the media, the housing market, credit cards, banking, wall street, political partisanship, or internet communities like message boards or twitter: Everyone and anyone will be cruel, manipulative or abusive to just about anyone else for personal gain. I don't care where your moral compass points or what your thoughts on journalistic ethics are. To me this article is just another sign of how completely the sense of community has been erased in the country.

So there...

Well said (as usual) Elmo...I'm particularly fond of your strong closing statement! :)
LOL @ the nuckledraggers who say newspapers are going under because they disagree with the content. It's ok. There is glen beck for the mental midgets.

Oh and newspapers are going under because they don't report the news anymore, in addition to easier access to online media. The have become pawns.
I'm just glad that I'm not the only one who has now called boca a name. Infractions all around!! :)

As usual boca (aka DCRanch) is living up to his old game in which we used to quote Dumb and Dumber to every post he made.
It would be the only net-cutting a K-State fan would ever see. :ez-roll:

wayman tisdale taking a giant dump on ku needs to be see by all.

Wayman was the man. No shame in that. Dude was a flat out stud. The net cutting was good...gave KU motivation.

What does giving KU motivation matter. If I were a coach winning my first major conference championship, I would want to cut the nets to recognize that team. All of those guys were good guys on that team and Tubbs, despite being very colorful, was a good guy as well. I wish more coaches were like Tubbs, Stewart and Orr instead of these coach speak guys we see now.
I used to work with a huge OU fan (he was an attorney) but he couldn't stand Tubbs. Absolutely despised the guy. He thought Tubbs had no class and was a total embarrassment to the university.

After Tubbs was jogging and got hit by a car he filed suit against the driver of the vehicle. In the lawsuit, Tubbs alleged that he had brain damage from the accident. The guy I worked with said, "If I were on the jury, that is one thing I would have to agree with".
I used to work with a huge OU fan (he was an attorney) but he couldn't stand Tubbs. Absolutely despised the guy. He thought Tubbs had no class and was a total embarrassment to the university.

After Tubbs was jogging and got hit by a car he filed suit against the driver of the vehicle. In the lawsuit, Tubbs alleged that he had brain damage from the accident. The guy I worked with said, "If I were on the jury, that is one thing I would have to agree with".

Billy is one of those people that others tend to love or hate. There is no middle ground. After Billy passes, there will be articles that praise him and articles that condemn him. That's a given. But Wayman is the exact opposite. I think the writer of this article is the first person I've ever seen who has written anything even remotely negative about Wayman. The fact that he wrote it at all says much more about him than it does Wayman.
Billy is one of those people that others tend to love or hate. There is no middle ground. After Billy passes, there will be articles that praise him and articles that condemn him. That's a given. But Wayman is the exact opposite. I think the writer of this article is the first person I've ever seen who has written anything even remotely negative about Wayman. The fact that he wrote it at all says much more about him than it does Wayman.

I agree. The part that Boca is missing in this is that when someone dies, you usually can see the type of life they lived by what is said, written about them. The small incident which the writer chose to remember Wayman does not reflect at all the life which WWT lived. The net cutting incident is a very small bleep on the map which details the mans life.

By choosing to write about that incident, when Wayman has countless known incidents of charity, helping others, and positive influences on so many lives, the writer chose to memorialize him with something that didn't matter at the time of his death......

The article reeks of a guy seeking attention, or a guy who wanted to be different. When you memorialize a recently decesed person, you do so by focusing on the type of person that they were. The incident used is not what WWT was about.

Boca, come on back over to the NBA thread and tell me how over-rated Kobe is.:ez-laugh: You have done enough damage in this thread.:eddie187_jpg_xs:

The Lakers play tonight, so its time for you to bash KB. Is Dontay Jones among your growing list of swingmen who are better than Kobe?:ez-laugh: