217,724 Permit Holders in Oklahoma


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2008
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For those interested in firearms ...

217,724 = Permit holders in Oklahoma as of March 2015
(From page 15 of the following report / PDF File)

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States
Report from the Crime Prevention Research Center


(excerpts from the Summary Page)

  • Since 2007, permits for women has increased by 270% and for men by 156%.
  • Some evidence suggests that permit holding by minorities is increasing more than twice as fast as for whites.
  • Concealed handgun permit holders are extremely law-abiding. In Florida and Texas, permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors or felonies at one-sixth the rate that police officers are convicted.


On a related topic for those interested in firearms, Samuel Colt (one of the pioneers of America firearm manufacturing), was a fascinating fellow.


More firearms equal a higher crime rate. The statistics are undeniable and irrefutable. All those guns ensure is that Oklahoma remains one of the 10 worst states for violent crime. Congrats!!
More firearms equal a higher crime rate. The statistics are undeniable and irrefutable. All those guns ensure is that Oklahoma remains one of the 10 worst states for violent crime. Congrats!!

Do you have a good source on this? I would be interested to send it to my uncles, with whom I typically spar.
States with the worst gun violence:

1. Alaska
2. Louisiana
3. Mississippi
4. Alabama
5. Montana
6. Arkansas
7. Wyoming
8. Oklahoma
9. New Mexico
10. Tennessee

"Like all states with the most gun violence, Oklahoma also does not require a permit to purchase a rifle, shotgun or handgun." link from June 15, 2015

Guns make you less safe. Not requiring a permit to purchase a handgun in 2015 is pure stupidity. Of course being conservative and intelligent do not correlate.
States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2013 Confirms

link from January 29, 2015

Oklahoma is also 8th worst on this list. Notice the same conservative states over and over. Illinois which dummy conservatives point to to claim gun laws don't work? 40th worst. link

Stricter gun laws and fewer guns lead to less gun violence and deaths. of course anybody with a brain knows this. Others read the propaganda Breitbart blog. lol lol lol Go play with matches moron.
you are missing one key point

comparing firearm death rates/fire arm violence b/t states that have strict gun laws and those that don't isn't apples to apples.

It is expected that you will have more firearm violence in states that have more firearms. That isn't he point though
you are missing one key point

comparing firearm death rates/fire arm violence b/t states that have strict gun laws and those that don't isn't apples to apples.

It is expected that you will have more firearm violence in states that have more firearms. That isn't he point though

lol @ this babbling nonsense.

While we're at it the Tennessee shooter had nothing to do with "ISIS" or "terrorism". He was just an idiot with easy access to a gun in a backwards ass red state.
lol @ this babbling nonsense.

While we're at it the Tennessee shooter had nothing to do with "ISIS" or "terrorism". He was just an idiot with easy access to a gun in a backwards ass red state.

NOt gonna bite. You almost got me though
10 Poorest States in America
Oklahoma (Red state)
South Carolina (Red State)
Louisiana (Red State)
Tennessee (Red State)
New Mexico (Red State)
Kentucky (Red State)
Alabama (Red State)
West Virginia (Red State)
Arkansas (Red State)
Mississippi (Red State)

10 Wealthiest States in America
Delaware (Blue State)
Minnesota (Blue State)
Virginia (Blue State)
New Hampshire (Blue State)
Massachusetts (Blue State)
Hawaii (Blue State)
Connecticut (Blue State)
Alaska (Red State)
New Jersey (Blue State)
Maryland (Blue State)
now ABD, stop exaggerating ... New Mexico is blue. lol Other than that you got it.

And those are per capita numbers, the richest state by far in totality is California. 8th highest GDP of any country in the world and the epicenter of innovation in the world.