4 games.... OU has been blown out twice.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2008
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In 4 games this year OU has won two games that were pretty close, and been blown out twice against VCU and San Diego. VCU was up double digits the entire second half, and San Diego was up as much as 22 points and ran OU out of the freakin' gym.

I tried to be positive before the game, lol..... but damn, this is just terrible basketball. Young, early, don't care... Lots of teams are young and getting new pieces in and don't look so terrible.

Nothing good happened out there tonight.. San Diego dominated OU in all areas.

Sorry.... not in the mood to say much else.
I had a feeling before the summer that this trip was a bad idea, playing teams which were ranked FAR below us would prove some ill fate. Guess it didn't matter who we play, we suck. At least if this would of been at the LNC their would of been some decent gate receipts!

All I have to say is that this is ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC! I was positive after the VCU game, figured that was a buzzsaw we walked into...but this is unacceptable.
I'm not ready to say that Capel doesn't have a handle on the situation, but he certainly has his work cut out for him with this group. As you said, alot of teams out there have youth and inexperience, but we look awful in our ability to handle competitive situations. I really like Capel, but this team just sucks in alot of areas right now....so I'm not sure what to think. I'm concerned about the direction of this team. If we play like we did tonite, we won't win 10 games.
So I guess the question is are you guys ready to give up on this team? I won't. We have some problems to fix no doubt. I just think that right now it's too early to throw in the towel. This is going to be a challenge for Coach Capel and the program, but I feel like it can be done. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
There's no need to give up, but it's good for people to come down to reality. It was so apparent from the first ten minutes of the exhibition game that this team did not have the missing pieces to the puzzle. That's been discussed ad nauseum, but I do feel that OU is missing Taylor Griffin more than discussed or realized.

If you look back to the painful pre-Blake Griffin years, OU was still competitive in almost every game. We lacked a lot of scoring from our guard play, but no matter what, we always Taylor, the glue that kept everything together. He could rebound, defend anyone, and he could produce on the offensive side as well. We lacked consistency in his offensive game, but we never lacked on the defensive side of the court.

Not so much anymore. Obviously Blake is the biggest loss from last year, but I think people drastically underestimated how much Taylor contributed over these past few years. Make no mistake, NONE of our big men have the athletic ability of Taylor.
So I guess the question is are you guys ready to give up on this team? I won't. We have some problems to fix no doubt. I just think that right now it's too early to throw in the towel. This is going to be a challenge for Coach Capel and the program, but I feel like it can be done. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!

Who's giving up? Nobody.
Seems like a good time to say "I told you so."

I still think we have a chance to make the Dance, but like I said all last week, and was bashed for saying it, we aren't a very good team right now, and some of those issues really aren't fixable in one season.
We may not win 10. We may not make the dance.

But to say some of these with certainty after 4 games is just laughable.
Seems like a good time to say "I told you so."

I still think we have a chance to make the Dance, but like I said all last week, and was bashed for saying it, we aren't a very good team right now, and some of those issues really aren't fixable in one season.

When you're constantly negative you're bound to be right sometime therefore giving you a chance to say "I told you so". Congrats. :clap
Why all the hating on tu? He has an opinion which happened to be the right one. It was not long ago you all were kicking him around for shedding light where you guys were blinded. There was even a final four thread floating around. What happened to the analytical board that I enjoyed a year ago? Iguess it has turned to a board of pumpers. If you disagree you are lambasted instead of debated. Perhaps you should call the board Soonerpower.com. ;)
Blake goes without saying, but I think Taylor and AJ are some of the most underrated Sooners in recent memory and it is definitely showing. Replacing them with little or no experience was bound to hurt early.

With that being said, poor defense is inexcusable. Defense can keep average teams in many games (see Kelvin). Capel has his work cut out for him. The lack of true leadership on this squad could be a huge hurdle.
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Seems like a good time to say "I told you so."

I still think we have a chance to make the Dance, but like I said all last week, and was bashed for saying it, we aren't a very good team right now, and some of those issues really aren't fixable in one season.

There is never a good time to say I told you so. Why don't you elaborate on what's not 'fixable' instead of just hinting.

When these guys forget their press clippings and commit to playing good team defense, they'll start to improve. But, not until then. Defense is about effort and desire. These guys have the athletic ability. They don't yet have the effort and desire to be good defensively.
Why all the hating on tu? He has an opinion which happened to be the right one. It was not long ago you all were kicking him around for shedding light where you guys were blinded. There was even a final four thread floating around. What happened to the analytical board that I enjoyed a year ago? Iguess it has turned to a board of pumpers. If you disagree you are lambasted instead of debated. Perhaps you should call the board Soonerpower.com. ;)

Glad these bad losses were so beneficial to ya, TU.

This team troubles me. We'd lost games like the one we lost to VCU before in years past and then bounced back ok. Been a long time we had back to back games like this, where we weren't even competitive. And that suggests problems other than just being young. Could be a long flight home from Alaska.
The highlight reel from this game wouldn't even give "subliminal perception" a run for its money. This says a lot.
There is never a good time to say I told you so. Why don't you elaborate on what's not 'fixable' instead of just hinting.

I tried doing that last week, and nobody would have it.

Rebounding is going to be a problem all year. Tiny has done an acceptable job, but he is still not a strong rebounder, nor is his game based around being tough inside. He'd rather float. Wright simply isn't good enough to make a difference against good players, and that won't change. Fitz, I think in time is going to be a nice player, but I don't think his skill level is very high right now either.

Defense really hasn't ever been good under Capel. I don't know what to make of this. Capel's quotes often make it seem as though he wants the team to play good defense, but it's hard to see from watching the team play. I'd rather see us focus more on defense, and let those stops and turnover we'd get run our offense.

Pace. We still don't have the horses to be trying to play too fast. And those players that do have the ability, are still very young (TMG, most notably).

Attitudes. I didn't see this as an issue coming into the year, but I've sure seen it in the first few games. WW has been really bad about this. There is no leader on the team, and it seems we might have a few guys playing for themself, more than for the team. I was disappointed to read last night that WW had been kicked from practice. Also don't see alot of hustle or care from this team. I'm like Capel, I don't understand why the guys don't like being in this position. It'd be killing me, and I'd work that much harder.

Look, this is a perfect example of why I laughed when I was called negative. Now, alot of the folks that bashed me last week are saying we may not make the Dance, and blah blah blah. I still think this is an NCAA team, but they'll have to start playing like they care. If they do that, the mistakes can be lived with.
I tried doing that last week, and nobody would have it.

Well great. Now's your chance to shine. Lord knows you've been wrong for years now. This time last year you were saying the team was going to struggle...and they didn't. You've said all kinds of crazy things over the years. Here's your 5 minutes.
kstate was horrible early on in the year we had beasley and walker. freshman, no matter how good, just don't know how to play.

give them some time, they'll catch up.