4 games.... OU has been blown out twice.

I tried doing that last week, and nobody would have it.

Rebounding is going to be a problem all year. Tiny has done an acceptable job, but he is still not a strong rebounder, nor is his game based around being tough inside. He'd rather float. Wright simply isn't good enough to make a difference against good players, and that won't change. Fitz, I think in time is going to be a nice player, but I don't think his skill level is very high right now either.

Defense really hasn't ever been good under Capel. I don't know what to make of this. Capel's quotes often make it seem as though he wants the team to play good defense, but it's hard to see from watching the team play. I'd rather see us focus more on defense, and let those stops and turnover we'd get run our offense.

Pace. We still don't have the horses to be trying to play too fast. And those players that do have the ability, are still very young (TMG, most notably).

Attitudes. I didn't see this as an issue coming into the year, but I've sure seen it in the first few games. WW has been really bad about this. There is no leader on the team, and it seems we might have a few guys playing for themself, more than for the team. I was disappointed to read last night that WW had been kicked from practice. Also don't see alot of hustle or care from this team. I'm like Capel, I don't understand why the guys don't like being in this position. It'd be killing me, and I'd work that much harder.

Look, this is a perfect example of why I laughed when I was called negative. Now, alot of the folks that bashed me last week are saying we may not make the Dance, and blah blah blah. I still think this is an NCAA team, but they'll have to start playing like they care. If they do that, the mistakes can be lived with.

I completely agree with everything you said, especially the concern for the lack of Defense during Capel's tenure. I haven't said anything to that effect on here before, but I think it's glaringly obvious now.

We need to at least show improvement game to game, at the very least with intensity and passion if it can't be with defensive fundamentals. But so far this year, Capel hasn't seemed to be able to motivate the underclassmen to push themselves. That more than anything has to be concerning.
Well great. Now's your chance to shine. Lord knows you've been wrong for years now. This time last year you were saying the team was going to struggle...and they didn't. You've said all kinds of crazy things over the years. Here's your 5 minutes.

I didn't say CRAP about last year's team. Quit making stuff up. I talked up last years team. I defended AJ, and Crocker, and the like. The years before, sure.
It is funny. The first year Capel was at OU his team was one of the top defenses shooting % wise in the big 12. I remember thinking that OU did not have much talent on the offensive side but that Jeff really got the kids to play lock down defense. They have regressed every year since. Perhaps Kelvin left a little of that defensive presence behind. Just a theory.
Well great. Now's your chance to shine. Lord knows you've been wrong for years now. This time last year you were saying the team was going to struggle...and they didn't. You've said all kinds of crazy things over the years. Here's your 5 minutes.

Ive always tried to be an optimist with OU basketball but yesterdays game which i suffered through (along with a lot of you guys) was just so bad that it definitely makes you wonder about what this year holds for the team.

Also does it really matter who was right or who was wrong ? We can all see that we have a bad, bad basketball team right now who have me first attitudes that also refuse to play team ball or exhibit any bball fundamentals.

On the bright side can it get any worse ? Only can go up from here.