A big question again this year


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Dec 27, 2008
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What will Crocker CONSISTENTLY give us? So far in his career he has not been consistent from game to game. In fact he's been very inconsistent. As much as anyone we've had in recent years I'd like for him to have a really good year for his sake as much as for the t:confused:eam's.
What will Crocker CONSISTENTLY give us? So far in his career he has not been consistent from game to game. In fact he's been very inconsistent. As much as anyone we've had in recent years I'd like for him to have a really good year for his sake as much as for the t:confused:eam's.

I remember us talking about Taylor during his sophomore and even his junior years and many of us thought he was never going to be a player the NBA would even give two glances to. But, he got better and turned into a guy who is on a roster and Crocker could also be one of those guys. This very well may be the year when he becomes the consistent player we need him to be.
I think Crocker has given us consistent play since he's been at OU, just not consistent jump shooting. He has always put out great effort and energy and has been a top-level defender very consistently. His jump shooting is what it is...he just isn't a fantastic shooter. He can get hot and he has certainly made some huge shots in his career, but that just isn't the strongest part of his game.

I know you aren't ripping him, so don't take this the wrong way, but I think sometimes he takes a lot of heat from people because he isn't a great offensive player. But he is what he is...I can't really fault him for it. He has been good enough to start for most of three seasons and stay on the floor. That isn't his fault...its not like he's been taking shots away from better players. I have always appreciated the way he has played and I feel like sometimes people's expectations of him have been a little misguided.

I will say this though...I have said before (several times) that I think Crocker is much better when he is "facing a defense." By that I mean he responds much better when he can see the defense and anticipate where he'll get his shots. He just isn't a creative player. This is one of the reasons that pressure defense bothers him so much. As much as it seems to us that it should have helped him, I think playing with Blake the last two seasons (and Longar too for that matter) has been I mild hindrance to him. He definitely seems like a guy that benefits from opportunities presented by cutting away from the ball and catch and shoot scenarios. He really seemed to have a hard time in "two-man" scenarios or any static sort of offensive set. I think we will likely see the same Tony this year, but I do think there is a chance that he will benefit from a 4-out, 1-in as much as anyone on the team. The big issue will be whether he is able to benefit from dribble penetration by guys like Willie or TMG or if he finds himself forced to make plays off the dribble himself. There is a big difference between the way you set up for a pass out of the post vs. a drive and kick, and from what I've seen I think he is definitely better at the latter.

Regardless, I know he will nearly kill himself every night trying to win and I things might get a little dusty in our row on senior night...
I think his consistency is his inconsistency...we know every game that he is capable of 25 pts or 2 pts...

Seriously, we do know he competes at a high level on defense every game and i dont remember an outing where i felt he didnt give 100%...reguardless of him increasing scoring or being consistent in that catagory, i am looking for him to be a clear leader on the court...
Elmo, I think you're spot on with most of what you said. But, IMHO, Tony's primary weakness is his ability to handle the ball well enough to finish drives inside and create his own shots. I happen to believe his inconsistency as a shooter is a product of the fact that he takes too many ill-advised shots when he doesn't have an open look. If Tony worked on his handles during the off season, I expect him to have a much improved (and more consistent) senior season. Hopefully, he used his time wisely by giving ball handling the attention necessary to reduce turnovers and make more plays,

As a side note, I find it interesting that most OU fans (me included) don't consider Tony a great shooter. Yet, he has averaged 37.8% from three point range in his first three seasons, while Michael Neal, a player many fans would list among the best shooters to play at OU, only shot 37.5% during his career. Go figure! Shooting is often a state of mind with players as well as fans, isn't it? ;)
Hate to say it, but I don't expect much, if any, improvement from him. I think there will be games he blows up for 20+, and games he scores 5. That's just the player he is at this level.
The thing that drove me crazy about Crock at times the last few years is when he tries to take over. There were times where he played as if he thought he was the first optino and would force the issue.

Just my .02.
Elmo, I think you're spot on with most of what you said. But, IMHO, Tony's primary weakness is his ability to handle the ball well enough to finish drives inside and create his own shots. I happen to believe his inconsistency as a shooter is a product of the fact that he takes too many ill-advised shots when he doesn't have an open look. If Tony worked on his handles during the off season, I expect him to have a much improved (and more consistent) senior season. Hopefully, he used his time wisely by giving ball handling the attention necessary to reduce turnovers and make more plays,

As a side note, I find it interesting that most OU fans (me included) don't consider Tony a great shooter. Yet, he has averaged 37.8% from three point range in his first three seasons, while Michael Neal, a player many fans would list among the best shooters to play at OU, only shot 37.5% during his career. Go figure! Shooting is often a state of mind with players as well as fans, isn't it? ;)

Well said, totally agree about Tony's game. I've always considered him a good shooter. Creating his own shot has always been the issue.