Big 12 Officiating .... Re OU and Texas


Mar 21, 2022
Reaction score
ISU assault vs. UT.

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its fine OU and texas are getting the same calls as everyone else ..

ISU assault vs. UT.


No review on the play either. I don't really think there is any real conspiracy out there, but incompetence - yes. How do all three officials fail to call for a review here?

About as bad as John Higgins missing the ball go off the guide wire during the ISU game in Norman. Hard to understand how three officials miss a call like that.

Okay, now maybe I believe there is conspiracy :eek:
No review on the play either. I don't really think there is any real conspiracy out there, but incompetence - yes. How do all three officials fail to call for a review here?

About as bad as John Higgins missing the ball go off the guide wire during the ISU game in Norman. Hard to understand how three officials miss a call like that.

Okay, now maybe I believe there is conspiracy :eek:

Incompetence is almost always the answer. Everyone always thinks there is a conspiracy against their team or in favor of the opponent. Just like on this board -- after days of talking about the FT numbers, there was nary a mention of if after Saturday's game. I wonder if that's because we were the ones on the good side of that column? Even last night, as much as people complain about KU getting every break, the refs missed the fact that the KSU player was out of bounds while touching the ball with a second or two left in OT.

I think KU certainly gets a VERY favorable whistle, especially at home. Other than our annual game there, I can think of maybe two games in the last decade where I felt we were the victim of truly awful, one-sided officiating, and even then, I thought the refs just sucked (as opposed to making a decision to screw a team coached by the nicest man in college basketball).
Incompetence is almost always the answer. Everyone always thinks there is a conspiracy against their team or in favor of the opponent. Just like on this board -- after days of talking about the FT numbers, there was nary a mention of if after Saturday's game. I wonder if that's because we were the ones on the good side of that column? Even last night, as much as people complain about KU getting every break, the refs missed the fact that the KSU player was out of bounds while touching the ball with a second or two left in OT.

I think KU certainly gets a VERY favorable whistle, especially at home. Other than our annual game there, I can think of maybe two games in the last decade where I felt we were the victim of truly awful, one-sided officiating, and even then, I thought the refs just sucked (as opposed to making a decision to screw a team coached by the nicest man in college basketball).

so the lack of holding calls against OU and texas opponents was also just conspiracy?

it is not being paranoid is they are actually out to get you
so the lack of holding calls against OU and texas opponents was also just conspiracy?

it is not being paranoid is they are actually out to get you

Again, football and basketball are different because football refs actually work for the conference and basketball refs don't. And I don't watch enough Texas football to know if they got jobbed. As for OU, as bad as our defense is, opponents probably don't feel the need to hold. :)

But people griped about officiating on this board long before we made the SEC announcement, and fans of other teams also think they are getting screwed. It's the nature of being a fan, I guess, but when people complain about dozens of calls a game, it loses all credibility.
I've been out of town for a few days and haven't visited this site and the first thing I read is a conspiracy theory about refs being out to get us. Hilarious.
No review on the play either. I don't really think there is any real conspiracy out there, but incompetence - yes. How do all three officials fail to call for a review here?

About as bad as John Higgins missing the ball go off the guide wire during the ISU game in Norman. Hard to understand how three officials miss a call like that.

Okay, now maybe I believe there is conspiracy :eek:

I'm not sure about a conspiracy. You know the Big12refs twitter account was in existence long before the SEC announcement was made, so they were the butt of ridicule long before that. I'm more inclined to believe incompetency. I would like to hope SEC refs are better, but I recall several terrible calls or no calls last year from SEC basketball officials that made national headlines, so my hope is not much.

While I'm definitely not a Jon Higgins fan, I have to say he was the baseline official when the "guide wire" play happened and that official is never watching the shot. Of course at least one of the other two officials should have seen it, but Higgins was not at fault on that one.
I've been out of town for a few days and haven't visited this site and the first thing I read is a conspiracy theory about refs being out to get us. Hilarious.

not just us. It is OU and Texas since they are leaving the conference. It isn't as bad in basketball. It football it was obvious
Again, football and basketball are different because football refs actually work for the conference and basketball refs don't. And I don't watch enough Texas football to know if they got jobbed. As for OU, as bad as our defense is, opponents probably don't feel the need to hold. :)

But people griped about officiating on this board long before we made the SEC announcement, and fans of other teams also think they are getting screwed. It's the nature of being a fan, I guess, but when people complain about dozens of calls a game, it loses all credibility.

basketball refs work a region so while they are not only big 12 refs the same group refs basically all the games ..
basketball refs work a region so while they are not only big 12 refs the same group refs basically all the games ..

They are independent contractors. Most of the refs who call our games will also be calling our games in the SEC.
after days of talking about the FT numbers, there was nary a mention of if after Saturday's game.

OU is still down 38 fouls in conference play; you really expect OU fans to complain that they finally shot more free throws, especially when it came in a home game against a Huggins-coached team?
It’s so dumb. Why would the refs give a damn that we’re leaving the conference? It’s a bad excuse for our bad play as well.
Don't think that's a dirty play. I think Grill is trying to box out and is a bit late.. He fouled the guy/off balanced and he hit hard. Move on.. Dirty play nah.. missed call yes.
Don't think that's a dirty play. I think Grill is trying to box out and is a bit late.. He fouled the guy/off balanced and he hit hard. Move on.. Dirty play nah.. missed call yes.

sure looked intentional
I would think it would be a flagrant 1 at least. I think it is a text book call, would love to hear what a college official would say about it.

Three seem to be keeping mum. ;)
I would think it would be a flagrant 1 at least. I think it is a text book call, would love to hear what a college official would say about it.

This is when former great Usedtobe1 would chime in and let us know the rules.

RIP Usedtobe1