Big 12 Officiating .... Re OU and Texas

The rulebook is vague about flagrant fouls, but (if I'm reading and interpreting this correctly) it's definitely a judgment call and if the contact itself is not severe then it depends on whether or not the official thinks there is 1. intent and/or 2. there is risk of bodily harm to the receiving player. There is obviously no contact to the head or neck area which is emphasized in the rulebook. But, if the ref thinks the player in the air could have been severely harmed then a flagrant could have been given. I think flagrant 1 or common foul here. It doesn't look like he was intentionally trying to undercut the guy. He just backed up like he was trying to block out.

Edited to add: The more I watch it the more intentional it looks. Maybe a flagrant is warranted. Judgment call, but something should have been called.
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I've been out of town for a few days and haven't visited this site and the first thing I read is a conspiracy theory about refs being out to get us. Hilarious.

When do you leave again?

It’s so dumb. Why would the refs give a damn that we’re leaving the conference? It’s a bad excuse for our bad play as well.

They wouldn't...but someone above them, like the person who assigns them games or signs their paychecks might give a damn.

I'm just glad Coach Moser finally got a technical foul the other day. He needed one for the team in the worse way. I still think we would have lost had he not gotten one.

Bottom line...can't wait to get out of this conference, especially for the sake of the football program.
They wouldn't...but someone above them, like the person who assigns them games or signs their paychecks might give a damn.

I'm just glad Coach Moser finally got a technical foul the other day. He needed one for the team in the worse way. I still think we would have lost had he not gotten one.

Bottom line...can't wait to get out of this conference, especially for the sake of the football program.

And they ALL stayed quiet about being bribed or coerced into calling more fouls on us. Suuuure.