Blake Griffin athletic testing results...


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Reaction score
35.5 in max vert (two steps)

8.2% body fat

22 reps in the bench press

10.95 in the lane agility drill

3.28 in 3/4 sprint

He was 2nd in bench press, 15th in max vertical, 3rd in no step, 15th in lane agility, 29th in 3/4 sprint.

The sprint is the most interesting to me because Griffin seemed to always have the ability to outrun people on the break. Hansborough had the same time as Griffin in the 3/4 sprint, just goes to show that testing can't show everything. Damion James tested extremely well as did Johnny Flynn.
Boy. Austin Daye is SLOOOOW. Relative to everyone else, of course.

And, he can't jump, can't lift. He'll be pushed around in the league for sure.
Boy. Austin Daye is SLOOOOW. Relative to everyone else, of course.

And, he can't jump, can't lift. He'll be pushed around in the league for sure.

wasn't it said that kevin durant could not even bench 135 or 145 for his workout i cant remember where or when i heard that...
wasn't it said that kevin durant could not even bench 135 or 145 for his workout i cant remember where or when i heard that...

Yeah. He didn't bench any either. It's probably the same for Daye, that they both have extremely large arms and have to get a lot of arm moving to lift the bar.

Although Durant's game overshadowed his lack of strength. I don't know that Daye can say the same thing.
WOW! Check this out about Steph Curry. Pretty shocking to me.

"Curry's biggest knock has been that he is weak. Well, the former Davidson guard bench pressed 185 pounds 10 times, the same as Jonny Flynn, BJ Mullens and Tyler Smith, and more than Terrence Williams, Gerald Henderson, Tyreke Evans, Jrue Holiday and Earl Clark. People also have said that Curry is unathletic. Well, he registered a 35.5 inch max vertical, more than Henderson, Evans, Holiday, Clark and Sam Young."

He had a higher vert than Gerald Henderson AND benched more than Terrence Williams?
I'm telling you, Curry is going to have a nice career in the NBA.

On another note, I wish they performed, and released, some kind of mental tests at these workouts, much like the NFL does with the Wondelic(sp) Tests. THAT would be interesting to see.
WOW! Check this out about Steph Curry. Pretty shocking to me.

"Curry's biggest knock has been that he is weak. Well, the former Davidson guard bench pressed 185 pounds 10 times, the same as Jonny Flynn, BJ Mullens and Tyler Smith, and more than Terrence Williams, Gerald Henderson, Tyreke Evans, Jrue Holiday and Earl Clark. People also have said that Curry is unathletic. Well, he registered a 35.5 inch max vertical, more than Henderson, Evans, Holiday, Clark and Sam Young."

He had a higher vert than Gerald Henderson AND benched more than Terrence Williams?

Thats crazy...
Curry made a believer out of me when we guarded him from the time he got off the bus until the final buzzer and he still went off for 44.
Curry made a believer out of me when we guarded him from the time he got off the bus until the final buzzer and he still went off for 44.

I agree, that was an impressive performance. OU was denying him the ball and actually playing respectable defense on him but he still went off on the road.
It doesn't look like Thabeet did any of the testing - does anyone know why? I would have liked to see his numbers.
wasn't it said that kevin durant could not even bench 135 or 145 for his workout i cant remember where or when i heard that...

it was 185 that he couldn't do a rep of... but his college game was at a whole different level than the rest of the country.

Thunder could trade down for Curry around 6 or 7 just in front of the Knicks.
Until there is a test for quickness off the ground, take the vertical leap scores with a grain of salt.
Impressive results by Curry! I am really pulling for the kid and wish that we had gotten his little brother.