Blake Griffin's combine measurements...


New member
Nov 4, 2008
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He measured at 6'8.5 w/o shoes, 6'10 in shoes. Had a 6'11.25 wingspan and 8'9 standing reach.

Looks like he measured out really well in height but not in reach. They made an interesting comment that reach may be the reason that he isn't quite the shot blocker that most think he should be.

For Thunder fans:

Thabeet: 7'2.5 in shoes, 7'6.5 wingspan!!
Josh Heytvelt is going to be a steal for someone... I think he can have a good career in the NBA with his height, athletic ability, and skill...

Also, Gerald Henderson measuring 6'5'' makes him one of the best shooting guard prospects in the draft. He is a ridiculous athlete and I am surprised that he measured at 6'5''...

Austin Daye may go a little higher than expected after measuring nearly 6'11'', with a 7'2'' wingspan and his skillset... He could be a Tim Thomas type of player with his size and ability to shoot the ball....
He could be a Tim Thomas type of player with his size and ability to shoot the ball....

That's a good thing? Tim Thomas probably exerts less effort than anyone in the league. So you're saying Daye will be an enigma?
he already is. daye is the softest player in college bball.

Daye needs another year...solid prospect, but really soft.

Tim Thomas is nothing to sneeze at...back in his Milwaukee days he was a force, don't let the overweight version from PHX fool you.

Love this part of the draft, b/c you see how overrated everyone's statistics are.
Tim Thomas is nothing to sneeze at...

He's nothing to brag about, either. After one year at Villanova, he decided to turn pro, and most envisioned him as a superstar in the league. He's an okay player, but at no point in his career a "superstar." Without looking his stats up, I would guess his career numbers are similar to another should-have-been superstar, Billy Owens.

As for Blake Griffin, I didn't see anything in college to indicate he would be a great shot-blocker so this news does not surprise me. However, I still think he'll be a solid defensive player at the next level. The majority of OU players who had long tenures in the NBA were noted more for their defense (Ray, Heard, Blaylock, Grant, Bowie and Najera) than offense (Adams, Tisdale, King and Price).
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He measured out great. He can't be pegged as undersized. Now Harongody and Blair took a big hit.
I thought somebody said Blake was a lock to measure 6'10 w/o shoes, and 6'11 with them?
That's a good thing? Tim Thomas probably exerts less effort than anyone in the league. So you're saying Daye will be an enigma?

I said Tim Thomas type of player, not a clone of Tim Thomas. He is 6'11'' and will provide great shooting from the perimeter.

Tim Thomas is nothing to sneeze at...back in his Milwaukee days he was a force, don't let the overweight version from PHX fool you

Exactly, he is averaging 12 ppg on his career, and averaged between 12 and 15 per game in Milwaukee. If you take Austin Daye and he hits outside shots, big shots, and averages 12 ppg over an 11 year career he is a good pick at 15-25 if your team needs a shooter.
He's nothing to brag about, either. After one year at Villanova, he decided to turn pro, and most envisioned him as a superstar in the league. He's an okay player, but at no point in his career a "superstar." Without looking his stats up, I would guess his career numbers are similar to another should-have-been superstar, Billy Owens.

As for Blake Griffin, I didn't see anything in college to indicate he would be a great shot-blocker so this news does not surprise me. However, I still think he'll be a solid defensive player at the next level. The majority of OU players who had long tenures in the NBA were noted more for their defense (Ray, Heard, Blaylock, Grant, Bowie and Najera) than offense (Adams, Tisdale, King and Price).

Like someone else said...we're talking about Austin Daye. Really don't see him as a superstar anyway, didn't realize he was going that high in the lottery. ;)
Austin Daye's projection since he's been a prep has always been based on the fact that he's a 6'11 perimeter player.
I thought somebody said Blake was a lock to measure 6'10 w/o shoes, and 6'11 with them?

It was 6' 9" with shoes and 6' 10 without, which was pretty much on target. I don't recall 6' 11" ever being mentioned.
He measured out great. He can't be pegged as undersized. Now Harongody and Blair took a big hit.

Not really DM...height isn't nearly as important as standing reach, and they both had a longer standing reach than Blake (they were at 8'10" and 8'10.5, Blake was 8'9"). I'm not trying to say they are going to be great pros or anything, I just don't think the measurement portion hurt them much.

Blair is a fast riser in the draft and Gody has impressed teams in workouts.
Not really DM...height isn't nearly as important as standing reach, and they both had a longer standing reach than Blake (they were at 8'10" and 8'10.5, Blake was 8'9"). I'm not trying to say they are going to be great pros or anything, I just don't think the measurement portion hurt them much.

Blair is a fast riser in the draft and Gody has impressed teams in workouts.

I saw where they had Blair going o NJ at eleven. What Blake's reach says about Blake is that his hops must be unbelievable. He sometimes is clearing an armpit above the rim.
Josh Heytvelt is going to be a steal for someone... I think he can have a good career in the NBA with his height, athletic ability, and skill...

if he can stay away from the 'shrooms..
Josh Heytvelt is going to be a steal for someone... I think he can have a good career in the NBA with his height, athletic ability, and skill...

Thanks for the annual Big ABD Great White Hope draft projection. heh

Last year it was Joe Alexander. jk big.

Tyreke Evans is my guy in this draft. I'm not sure he is very far behind Derrick Rose.