Cade Davis = Worst Shooter on the team.

Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

That's what happens when you settle for threes and don't develop a midrange game.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

Cade Davis isn't the problem. He's a solid role player. The fact Cade Davis is starting because others can't/won't/haven't stepped up is the problem.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

The fact Cade Davis is starting because others can't/won't/haven't stepped up is the problem.

Ding, ding, ding. More specifically, the problem is that Coach hasn't made sure, through recruiting, that Cade is a 2nd guard off the bench type of guy.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

Cade Davis is plent of talented enough to perform. The excuse that he's a role player or reserve is lame. He's every bit as Capable as Pledger or Willis. Their is nothing they are more gifted at doing than Cade.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

Cade Davis is plent of talented enough to perform. The excuse that he's a role player or reserve is lame. He's every bit as Capable as Pledger or Willis. Their is nothing they are more gifted at doing than Cade.

Pledger will be 10x the shooter Cade is by the time he's a junior. He is probably already a better shooter as a true frosh. I think Pledger will be a better all around player in two years too.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

#1 Please post with respect and civility at all times. Personal attacks, name-calling directed at other posters, coaches and players will not be tolerated.
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Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

Pledger is ten times the shooter of Cade now. Doesn't help if he cant create his own shot or defend. Pledger could average 20pts a game right now if he played 40 minutes and hung around the line waiting for an open shot. But that's not what this game is about. Shooting hasn't been our downfall this year. Cade's shooting percentage hasn't been a downfall. Say he shoots 40%. Which is a good percentage for a guy that shoot primarily three pt shots. We're still losing by 15pts a game. To think shooting equates out to being a better player is such a narrow arguement. This game is more than stats. That's our problem now. Our players dont understand that. For instance, Cade impacts a game positively alot more than guys who can shoot very well because he can play a little defense, hustles, and can rebound. If WW is not scoring, he is a huge negative to this team. If pledger isn't scoring atleast 15pts he's a huge negative.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

Pledger is ten times the shooter of Cade now. Doesn't help if he cant create his own shot or defend. Pledger could average 20pts a game right now if he played 40 minutes and hung around the line waiting for an open shot. But that's not what this game is about. Shooting hasn't been our downfall this year. Cade's shooting percentage hasn't been a downfall. Say he shoots 40%. Which is a good percentage for a guy that shoot primarily three pt shots. We're still losing by 15pts a game. To think shooting equates out to being a better player is such a narrow arguement. This game is more than stats. That's our problem now. Our players dont understand that. For instance, Cade impacts a game positively alot more than guys who can shoot very well because he can play a little defense, hustles, and can rebound. If WW is not scoring, he is a huge negative to this team. If pledger isn't scoring atleast 15pts he's a huge negative.

You can't say that if Cade shoots it better, ALL it does is add those points to our team's total. Shooting is contagious. If Davis misses two threes in consecutive possessions, and the other teams scores twice, that is momentum. No stat can measure that.

And I disagree that Pledger can't create his own shot. He may not create it like WW does, but Pledger can elevate and shoot over a defender. That is something even Warren can't do. I see enough in Pledger to think that he'll develop into a Hollis type (not level, but type) player before he leaves. I see alot of the same "game" in them, only, Pledger is bigger, and a big slower.

And nobody said we need Pledger to be WW or TMG, or Blake. We need Pledger to play the role that Neal played. Or that Heskett played. Or that Ere played. None of those guys were options 1 or 2. They were solid players that scored when they needed to.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

LOL @ this. Cade Davis would not be on over half of the other Big XII rosters and would be starting for none. He is the hometown guy who got offered because Capel was not able to land any real D-1 recruits other than Blake due to the probation and OU coming off the first non post season in forever.

The void of talent in the junior and senior classes is why this team is struggling. Hopefully Capel will just let the young guys play and learn their way instead of continuing to stick an inferior talent like Cade Davis on the court to get owned by his man every game.

I agree about Cade... He would not start at any other Big 12 school. I don't know why DM thinks Cade is so talented, because he obviously isnt. He is just a role player that should be the 8th guy off the bench on a good team.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

Hey guys, quick question, if Cade is such a great defender how come we are supposedly so poor on defense? If Cade is the great lock down defender he has been exaggerated to be why isn't he going man on the opposing teams best scorer and shutting him down?

We all know why ... because he is not some great defender. He is just a junior who anticipates a little better for some cheap steals. He is shutting nobody down.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

Hey guys, quick question, if Cade is such a great defender how come we are supposedly so poor on defense? If Cade is the great lock down defender he has been exaggerated to be why isn't he going man on the opposing teams best scorer and shutting him down?
We all know why ... because he is not some great defender. He is just a junior who anticipates a little better for some cheap steals. He is shutting nobody down.

Some of it is probably a function of straw grasping as there are numerous posts in this forum where fantasy and reality become intertwined
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

You can't say that if Cade shoots it better, ALL it does is add those points to our team's total. Shooting is contagious. If Davis misses two threes in consecutive possessions, and the other teams scores twice, that is momentum. No stat can measure that.

And I disagree that Pledger can't create his own shot. He may not create it like WW does, but Pledger can elevate and shoot over a defender. That is something even Warren can't do. I see enough in Pledger to think that he'll develop into a Hollis type (not level, but type) player before he leaves. I see alot of the same "game" in them, only, Pledger is bigger, and a big slower.

And nobody said we need Pledger to be WW or TMG, or Blake. We need Pledger to play the role that Neal played. Or that Heskett played. Or that Ere played. None of those guys were options 1 or 2. They were solid players that scored when they needed to.

Shooting hasn't been contagious yet. We've had all five of our guards be hot from the perimeter at times this year and it's never been a trio or dual effort. So why do you think Cade Davis's shooting is going to help WW or Pledger who is the better shooter, shoot better.

I haven't saw Steve elevate over anybody in the last 3 games and rarely all year. He's been knocking down open shots that most times someone else has created. I've saw plenty of guys elevate over him however.

I agree about Cade... He would not start at any other Big 12 school. I don't know why DM thinks Cade is so talented, because he obviously isnt. He is just a role player that should be the 8th guy off the bench on a good team.

First off, all you do is look at a statline to determine who you think is better. As far as Cade starting for anyone else, who knows? We don't know each coaches system. If you ask me, he could probably start at Tech. Definetely start at OSU. David Godbold was a starter for a NCAA 32 teams at OU, Cade can't be better than him? There's a reason Cade is starting over a lights out shooter and a 6'6 guy with a 6'10 wingspan.

Hey guys, quick question, if Cade is such a great defender how come we are supposedly so poor on defense? If Cade is the great lock down defender he has been exaggerated to be why isn't he going man on the opposing teams best scorer and shutting him down?

We all know why ... because he is not some great defender. He is just a junior who anticipates a little better for some cheap steals. He is shutting nobody down.

He's an average defender. Which is why you should feel really bad if you Steve or Ray. But this notion of other guys being more skilled or gifted is laughable and borderline racist. Cade has proven he's one of the fastest, strongest, and physically complete players on the team. To act as if these other guys have something better going for them than he does is a joke. If you einsteins want to break down his game, start with his lack of dribbling ability or his first step and not his statline.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

If some of our other players had half the heart that Cade Davis had, we wouldn't be nearly has unhappy with this team as we are now. He gives 110% every game. Some other players could watch him and learn a few things.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

Cade has proven he's one of the fastest, strongest, and physically complete players on the team. To act as if these other guys have something better going for them than he does is a joke. If you einsteins want to break down his game, start with his lack of dribbling ability or his first step and not his statline.

And I've said it before, just b/c the guy can test well off the court, doesn't mean those skills translate well on the basketball court.

I don't care if Cade can outrun WW in the mile. On the court, where it counts, WW is twice as quick/fast, especially with the ball. That is what matters. Fine, Cade can dunk. Big deal. A wideopen layup, and a wideopen dunk are both worth two points. Unreal what some people will try to spin. Cade isn't very good, very often, on the court. He plays hard. He gets the most out of his skill leve most of the time. But like bigabd said, he should be the 8th or 9th player on a good team. Instead he is starting.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

And I've said it before, just b/c the guy can test well off the court, doesn't mean those skills translate well on the basketball court.

I don't care if Cade can outrun WW in the mile. On the court, where it counts, WW is twice as quick/fast, especially with the ball. That is what matters. Fine, Cade can dunk. Big deal. A wideopen layup, and a wideopen dunk are both worth two points. Unreal what some people will try to spin. Cade isn't very good, very often, on the court. He plays hard. He gets the most out of his skill leve most of the time. But like bigabd said, he should be the 8th or 9th player on a good team. Instead he is starting.

So you compare him to WW to make your point. Compare him to steve pledger. Compare him to RAy willis. Those are the guys he's beating out for minutes. I've read a post that says bring WW off the bench. If we do that, do you think Pledger and Willis are going to perform better? We keep grasping for straws to say why this team isn't working and you guys are cracking me up pointing to individuals. That's what the players are doing. pointing fingers. This team isn't working because it isn't a team. No one talkes out there, no one sacrifices for their teammate defensively or offensively. No one puts their body on the line for the team consistently. WE continue to post about the "attitude" of players and how this team is poor, and the conduct is poor, but we turn around and advocate for the poor actors and shoot down the ones who get the picture.

Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

If you ask me, he could probably start at Tech. Definetely start at OSU. David Godbold was a starter for a NCAA 32 teams at OU, Cade can't be better than him?

I don't think he'd start at OSU. He can't play point guard. And Page would start over him for sure at the 2.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

Cade is not the reason that this team is 8-5. As mentioned above, he is having to play way too minutes for a guy of his calibar at a school like Oklahoma.

What has disappointed me about him has been the fact that he doesn't play as hard on defense when his shots aren't falling. He showed that last night and against UTEP. He should be the type of player that plays harder when he is not making shots.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

I don't focus on Cade Davis most games on defense, but the one game I did, he shut down Rotnei Clark pretty well. I don't think Cade is the problem on this team. He's overrated as a shooter, sure, but he's not a bad player.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

I don't think he'd start at OSU. He can't play point guard. And Page would start over him for sure at the 2.

Ford rotates that Page position with Gulley for defensive purposes. He wants Page out there to keep teams from cheating defensively, but he has to adjust when teams iso page on the other end. I think Davis would rotate will with that position. It doesn't matter though, OSU seems to have their act together. They seem to understand the concept of playing together. I think Cade understands that concept, Crocker understood it, but seemed to be disgruntle lately.
Re: Cade Davis is shooting 33.7% from the field.

The worst of any starter on a Big XII team. He started us off on the wrong foot last night jacking up a couple of quick 3s that were bricks.

He is the weak link. Capel started Willis over him in the second half because this is so glaringly obvious.

This team does not get better until he is on the bench.

LOL you just hate Davis, even when he poured in 25 and won a game for us. I think I know the reason but I will keep it to myself.