Can you dunk?

I can touch the rim, but that's about it. We play once a week on Saturday mornings during the spring/summer, but playing isn't nearly easy at 32 as it was at 22.
Two things I've always wished I could do, and it's probably too late:

1. Dunk
2. Palm the ball...(so...close...bah!)
Sounds like if formed a team, we'd be pretty guard-oriented.
Exactly what I thought....

So are you guys not getting up high enough because of your hops or height?

Hops. I'm 6'-1"... And I have the genes to jump; my father was a high-jumper in college and a pretty good one. I just never worked out; it took too much time and I do too much other stuff.

I'm also built more like AJ than WW...
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I'm 6 foot now but I could dunk when I was shorter in high school. I could dunk in the 10 grade at about 5' 10" I guess I was then. I tested out at a 40 inch vertical though in high school. There are alot of people in my family that are freakishly athletic and I just happen to be 1 of them.

Its always funny when we go play a pick up game and I **** 1 back and dunk it. The way people look at me afterwards because they don't expect it from someone my height.
In my prime back in the day, yes. Now, I can probably dunk a volleyball or soccer ball but doubt if I can a real basketball anymore.
5'9" and I used to be able to dunk a girls ball. Couldn't palm a boys ball so I would usually throw off the back of the rim. I could get up pretty good back in the old days. Destroyed every ligament and tendon in my left ankle though so now basketball isn't near as fun for me.
In highschool I could dunk with ease even though I'm just over 6-foot.

But NOW, I'm a little like Woody Harelson from White Men Can't jump. I can dunk, but... the wind has to be just right, I have to be wearing the right shoes, the right clothes, and usually somebody really has to piss me off. I cant just walk up and do it any time I want. I have to at least warm up. It's a whole big process now.

Is this thread making anybody else feel bad, or is it just me?
I finished 2nd in the student dunk contest whilst at ORU.

It should be noted, I was also the PA announcer, so while the other guys were warming up, I was working the mic.

After the game, the contest took place.
I'm 5'9 and I can't come CLOSE to dunking.
I'm in pretty good shape, but don't have NEAR the hops.
It's something I've always wanted to do, but I don't think there's any way it'll ever happen.
I'm around 6'2" and have been dunking since about my senior year in high school. I haven't played ball in about 6 months though so ask me that when I step on the court again.
5'11 1/2 150 lbs. 18 years old, very strong legs. Which all adds up to me getting 2/3 of the net. My dream is to be able to dunk just once, I have been working on my vertical though lately so hopefully I can get there before its too late.
I am 6'3 and could dunk easily in my younger days...I had a great reverse....couldn't palm the ball so I had to always do a two hander....a straight up two handled slam was easy....

Broke a glass board at Lawton Mac just screwing around...they were not too

I am 55 now and haven't tried for years....I could still dunk in my mid forties...
I'm 5'11" but have never been able to jump very high. My forte was the outside shot, but I was also one heck of a defender and rebounder. I proved the adage you didn't have to have height to be able to rebound the ball, you just need to know how to block out. I could out-rebound people 6-7 inches taller than me, and I could draw over the back fouls.

Anyway, I can throw down some nasty dunks on an 8 foot goal. I used to think I was the Dominique Wilkins of the 8 foot goal. I was a legend in my own mind.

If I didn't know better, I would think this was footage of me...

I'm 5'9 and I can't come CLOSE to dunking.
I'm in pretty good shape, but don't have NEAR the hops.
It's something I've always wanted to do, but I don't think there's any way it'll ever happen.

That's my situation exactly (5'9, 165, good enough shape). I got a ball over the rim of a 9-foot goal at Christmas, got blocked by the backiron, and landed on my ass really hard.

Everyone in my family was standing around me asking "are you all right?", and I replied "well, YEAH -- I got over the rim!"
Yes, I can. I would compare my style to Kobe on a 6 foot goal and Shaq on a 7 foot goal.