Capel has signed 8 players who didnt play more than 2 seasons

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I agree that it is dissappointing that a coach would do that (that being incouraging a player to play hurt), but it is just as dissappointing if not more that Kevin Bookout, his parents and the medical staff would allow this to happen. One of our biggest problems in life is lack of personal accountability. It seems to me Kevin Bookout must have gone along with the idea or it would not have happened. I also think the medial staff, including the poster that was "on the staff" need to seriously evaluate their ethics and consider whether they did the right thing. Sometimes you have to stand up in life and risk personal adverse consequences for doing the right thing (and even suffer them at times).

According to the poster the medical staff did say he should not play. How can they say anymore? Ultimately it was up to Kevin Bookout. By the reports in this thread, the training staff told Kelvin and Kevin that Kevin should not play. Kelvin then pushed Kevin to play and to basically take one for the team. Kevin did that. He made the wrong decision. In my opinion, he shouldn't have been given the option.
It would be like if your boss at work that you highly respect asked you to do something unethical. You shouldn't do it....but a highly ethical and good leader wouldn't have asked you to do it in the first place.
Again, the medical staff said not to play. To question them just to deflect blame on Sampson is crazy. You hit it on the head though......."One of our biggest problems in life is lack of personal accountability." That's been Sampson's downfall all along and is the reason he can't coach in the NCAA now.
Wow, that's disappointing Sampson (or any coach for that matter) would do that. Quick what did the training staff think about the deal?

The training staff stuck 100% behind Alex Brown and his decision. Bookout valued Sampsons input and what he was saying and Bookout was feeling like Sampson said he would be letting his team down. I wasn't real close to Book but I was close enough to him and especially people who were close enough to him to know quitting went through his mind several times, and not just because of that one issue. There were others.

I agree that it is dissappointing that a coach would do that (that being incouraging a player to play hurt), but it is just as dissappointing if not more that Kevin Bookout, his parents and the medical staff would allow this to happen. One of our biggest problems in life is lack of personal accountability. It seems to me Kevin Bookout must have gone along with the idea or it would not have happened. I also think the medial staff, including the poster that was "on the staff" need to seriously evaluate their ethics and consider whether they did the right thing. Sometimes you have to stand up in life and risk personal adverse consequences for doing the right thing (and even suffer them at times).

My ethics are fine thank you! There is only so much as a staff we can do and Alex Brown and the staff gave our opinions to Book and to KS on many occasions! I stood up and gave my opinion but in the grand scheme of things my opinion didn't weigh that much, definitely not enough to risk being fired! At the end of the day it is Bookout's decision and of course he went along with the idea but just like I said KS made him feel like he would be letting the team down and that will play on anyones mind, much less a kid! By the way calling my ethics into question is an attack on me personally and I don't appreciate it at all. Until you are there and know the circumstances don't you dare judge me! Not smart to personally attack a poster much less an admin...unless you want a vacation!!

So basically what Quick is saying is that the physicians, staff, and all that jazz told Bookout that he should sit out and rest his shoulder, and that if he didn't, he'd make the injury worse. And after hearing that, Kelvin, some way forced Bookout to continue playing?

I don't know if this is what Denver meant or not, but if Quick felt strongly enough that Kelvin was in the wrong, then quitting was definitely an option. And the other side of that is if the physicians felt that it was such a bad deal, or the strength coach, or an assistant coach felt like it was such a poor character move by Kelvin, wouldn't SOMEONE have quit?

I know if I feel like my boss is being shady, or making decisions that are hurting others, I'd consider quiting. Yet in the Bookout situation.....nobody did. Hmm.

At the TIME, things were fine. The problems with Bookout came to surface a few days later and how he felt about Sampson's handling of the injury. He thought about quitting several times and not just over the shoulder thing but believe you me it was the biggest reason.
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Why was this thread bumped up? I was hoping it would die already.
That is what I thought as well when I saw it bumped, hadn't been posted on for about 2 months till a couple days ago.
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