Capel tired of trying to figure Willie out?

Yea. That's why he recruited him because he hates him so much. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:ez-roll:
If I am coach WW sets Monday.

I really believe that WW has had it to easy. He came in when we had player of the year and really only had to fit in. This year he was anointed player of the year. It seems that he needs to set again. I believe that this is the time to do it because the first message was not clear enough. I like this kid and the sky is the limit but, coach stand your ground and have him make a decision. It the team or himself.
Re: If I am coach WW sets Monday.

I won't be surprised if that happens but I also know that Capel sees what Willie is doing in practice and how hard he works, or doesn't work, whether he stays in the gym after practice, etc. So, I would say that if coach sits him, I will be all for it but if he plays, I will conclude that Jeff believes he has earned the right.
Norm I like that method of thinking. I like the kid and all, but you can't let him be bigger than the team. Now if he is working hard in practice. You have to find a way to make him understand that it needs translate to the games more. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
It's time for Willie to step up. He needs some consistency with his effort and attitude. The rest will come.
This won't end well IMHO.. Kid is a headcase sorry but it is what it is.. If your shot isn't falling you work on defense and make yourself irreplaceable for defense purposes until your shot falls or do something.. Can't coach effort to some people
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I could be 100% off base but this is what I think...when someone says so-and-so has a bad attitude, that tells me that the kid doesn't want to be here, or he doesn't like the coach, or he doesn't get along with his teammates, or he is fed up with basketball, etc. I don't think that defines Willie at all.

I think Willie is getting down on Willie (no one else) and he allows some adversity to affect the rest of his game. When he isn't 'on', he gets frustrated and his game goes to pot. As others have said, when the shots aren't falling, that is more of a reason to bust your tail on defense, movement without the ball, setting screens for others, rebounding, etc. But, instead of refocusing his attention to those other positive areas which would be very beneficial to helping the team win, he simple allows the negative to overtake the positive between his ears.

So, I am not ready to say Willie has an 'attitude' problem. I am ready to say he needs to be able to shake off quickly any adversity that comes his way on the court and redirect all of his energy toward things he can control.

There, and that Dr. Phil analysis didn't cost you a thing. :)
Numerous times today, Willie let his guy shoot open shots. What do you if you are Coach Capel, bench him?

Absolutely, you bench him. WW needs to stay on the bench until he wants to grow up and play with heart.
Re: If I am coach WW sets Monday.

This may have already been mentioned but did anyone notice in the 2nd half that WW was acting like he was out of it and he walked to the sidelines and walked off the floor to the bench. Meanwhile the other 4 are playing four on five. He had his eyes closed and his hand on his head. We finally scored or something and the refs stopped it and Capel got a sub for him. The team dr game over and looked to a guy (he was assisting the team dr throughout the game) that was sitting in the front row right behind the bench and mouthed "concussion". They both checked WW out and a few minutes later he went back in so obviously he didn't have a concussion. I never saw him get hit. This just furthers adds to the legend that is WW. Is he now faking injuries to get out of the game? Who knows!
Yea. That's why he recruited him because he hates him so much. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:ez-roll:

Dude are you like his cousin or something?? Even the most ardent WW supporter has got to see his poor attitude over the last few games...Everyone on this board wants WW to succeed because he has a direct correlation to our likely success this year...It is important for this team that WW plays with 100% effort for the rest of the season...Take a look at the video from today's game that is posted on this site...WW played like he didn't even care, and it almost cost us the game...
Capel was mad at the team. He made an off hand comment and now it is in the paper. You guys are reading way too much into this.
Capel was mad at the team. He made an off hand comment and now it is in the paper. You guys are reading way too much into this.

People may be reading to much into the Capel comment but they are not reading to much into WW's attitude and his play.
Willie needs to let his game come to him and stop forcing it. He doesn't need to be the leading scorer, but he absolutely must be a play maker if this team expects to go anywhere this year. Willie needs to start following Crocker's example and start acting like a leader instead of someone who is going to bring this team down with a bad attitude and poor effort. I'm really not worried right now and I think he has it in him to do it.
Coach seems to have a lot of the same questions about Willie as many fans here.

From Tulsa World story:

“You have to ask him,” Capel directed. “I’m tired of trying to figure him out.”
It might be time for Willie to convince Capel that he is ready to play. It is rather irrelevant whether the board likes Willie or whether some scouts say he is an NBA prospect. Capel is the leader of this team, and he made a very definitive statement. There isn't anything else to be said until they are in agreement.
It might be time for Willie to convince Capel that he is ready to play. It is rather irrelevant whether the board likes Willie or whether some scouts say he is an NBA prospect. Capel is the leader of this team, and he made a very definitive statement. There isn't anything else to be said until they are in agreement.

Personally I think it was the best reply he could have given.
People may be reading to much into the Capel comment but they are not reading to much into WW's attitude and his play.

I don't know if it includes today but OU's site says he is averaging 18 a game, 5 assists a game and 3 rebounds a game. What is wrong with his play? Is he supposed to average 25, 10 and 6?

I didn't see today's game other than the last 5 minutes but I am pretty sure a bunch of spoiled ungrateful fans would negatively impact my attitude at times. He is a great player in a bit of a shooting slump. He is not going to shoot 25% from 3 on the year. He will finish the season above 30% which means he is going to shoot 36-40% in Big XII play. People need to relax and get a life besides bashing one of the best players in the history of OU basketball.
Personally I think it was the best reply he could have given.

For a coach to call out a player like that in front of the media is very telling and thus implies something but I'm going to keep that to myself.
I don't know if it includes today but OU's site says he is averaging 18 a game, 5 assists a game and 3 rebounds a game. What is wrong with his play? Is he supposed to average 25, 10 and 6?

I didn't see today's game other than the last 5 minutes but I am pretty sure a bunch of spoiled ungrateful fans would negatively impact my attitude at times. He is a great player in a bit of a shooting slump. He is not going to shoot 25% from 3 on the year. He will finish the season above 30% which means he is going to shoot 36-40% in Big XII play. People need to relax and get a life besides bashing one of the best players in the history of OU basketball.

Denver, do you think WW has an attitude problem?