Cloman finished at OU

Oliver Hardy

Active member
Nov 24, 2010
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Oklahoman is quoting Sherri as saying back injury forces Lyndsey to give up basketball, as has been discussed in OOC game thread.

No depth inside now for sure.
Oklahoman is quoting Sherri as saying back injury forces Lyndsey to give up basketball, as has been discussed in OOC game thread.

No depth inside now for sure.
Sherri stated this clearly in the post-game interview that is on

They don't want to risk permanent injury, and her back is getting worse.
Sherri stated this clearly in the post-game interview that is on

They don't want to risk permanent injury, and her back is getting worse.

We were discussing that at the game tonight, hoping she would heal up, sorry to hear she is through. Hope nothing but the best for her future.
I hate to lose her. She wanted to come here from the very first.
I hate to lose her. She wanted to come here from the very first.

I'm glad she still wants to be with the team on the bench, and travel with her team mates to all the games. What a classy lady.
Oklahoman is quoting Sherri as saying back injury forces Lyndsey to give up basketball, as has been discussed in OOC game thread.

No depth inside now for sure.

Lyndsey is not finished at OU.Playing basketball; yes but she still has responsibities to the team and continues to do so in a positive way. This was no easy decision for her to make since basketball has been a part of her life since age of 7. Her goal was to play college basketball and she would have made an impact if injuries would have allowed her to do so. Basketball will always be a part of her life, unfortunately just in a different way. She is still Captain and embraces that role with much respect to its title. She loves Norman and the fans,the team and the staff and will support them and OU 100%. She will graduate May 2013 and will continue studies to her master's. Sooooo Oliver, you will still see Lyndsey, just not on the court. We wish her the best for a bright future!
I'm glad she still wants to be with the team on the bench, and travel with her team mates to all the games. What a classy lady.
She is, indeed, a classy lady. She obviously learned that from her parents, who are a class act, as well.

I suspect Lyndsey knew as early as the team scrimmage that she wasn't going to be playing any more at OU. When I (thinking her condition was still "day-to-day," as Sherri had dubbed it at the pre-season dinner) teased her about being able to help her team through her demonstrated ability to express any emotion in a facial expression, she replied (in a very dejected tone), "At least there's that."
Please don't anyone misunderstand me. I feel badly for Lyndsey and she has done nothing but earn respect as a player and respresentative of OU. She is a class, class act.

I think it is great that she is continuing in whatever role she can on the team.

I just typed up a brief report. I wish she could have healed and had the type of basketball career she wanted.