Current Events Thread

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The EC is amazing bc its a plurality of the majority of the states that all have competing and differing regional interests that then all get represented. If 3-4 states (ny florida cali texas) decide the entire election every year, the other states have no social contract to stay in the united states. Your gonna counter that only ba few swing states decide it anyways but even that scenario still allows states to gradually evolve and possibly be swing states. Theres NO argument for why the EC should be abolished

If we got rid of the electoral college then the candidates would have to campaign everywhere and not try to narrowly appeal to a few hundred thousand people in the rust belt. It's the opposite of the argument you're making.
Actually I've been arguing that the electoral college is stupid and undemocratic and should be scrapped since the 1980s but keep making assumptions.

I think it should be changed because it disenfranchises millions of voters and makes the votes of people in a select few states count more, sometimes much more than the votes of people that live in other states.

You love definitions.

By definition, even if accepting your flawed premise, the EC cannot and does not "disenfranchise" anyone. Everyone can vote. So dont use that term anymore

And even if votes "count more than some other's" what does that matter? Explain to me why thats wrong. Where is that against the constitution? Where is the "all votes are worth equal importance clause"? If the EC were removed, then all of the interests for the 46 other states "dont matter".
If we got rid of the electoral college then the candidates would have to campaign everywhere and not try to narrowly appeal to a few hundred thousand people in the rust belt. It's the opposite of the argument you're making.

Absolutely wrong and displays your ignorance on poli sci. Then, only the big populous states would get trips. Completely opposite of what you're arguing
You love definitions.

By definition, even if accepting your flawed premise, the EC cannot and does not "disenfranchise" anyone. Everyone can vote. So dont use that term anymore

And even if votes "count more than some other's" what does that matter? Explain to me why thats wrong. Where is that against the constitution? Where is the "all votes are worth equal importance clause"? If the EC were removed, then all of the interests for the 46 other states "dont matter".

Why are you so hung up on imaginary boundaries? If we got rid of the electoral college, the PEOPLE of the United States would select the president, regardless of what state they live in.
Absolutely wrong and displays your ignorance on poli sci. Then, only the big populous states would get trips. Completely opposite of what you're arguing

You mean instead of the way it is now with only a few states getting visits? Oh wait...

Also if we got rid of the electoral college people would have more incentive to vote. Why does a Republican in California or a Democrat in Oklahoma even care to vote in the presidential election? I do because it's my civic duty but I can understand why people feel frustrated by the system.
Why are you so hung up on imaginary boundaries? If we got rid of the electoral college, the PEOPLE of the United States would select the president, regardless of what state they live in.

Then in theory florida cali ny and texas could broker an agreement to elect only a president that represents their interests. The people DO currently decide the US president through the system of the EC that makes sure that a majority of the states' interests are represented by choosing a president that wins the popular vote of a mathematical calculation of the states..
I think it should be changed because it disenfranchises millions of voters and makes the votes of people in a select few states count more, sometimes much more than the votes of people that live in other states.

You actually just described why it is needed
If we got rid of the electoral college Joe Biden might visit north Texas. Trump would go to Los Angeles and Chicago. Trump would visit the Pacific Northwest. Biden might tour the plains and make a swing through Mississippi and Alabama. It would be great.
Then in theory florida cali ny and texas could broker an agreement to elect only a president that represents their interests. The people DO currently decide the US president through the system of the EC that makes sure that a majority of the states' interests are represented by choosing a president that wins the popular vote of a mathematical calculation of the states..

No they couldn't because those states don't control how their citizens vote. That's a weird argument.
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I could be on board with getting rid of the all of nothing delegates for each state. make it split
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How does wanting to make every single vote worth the exact same show why the EC is needed?

instead of "every vote" change it to "every state".

If you do away with the EC, the rural less populated states won't matter. The highly populated areas that have similar beliefs are going to rule
instead of "every vote" change it to "every state".

If you do away with the EC, the rural less populated states won't matter. The highly populated areas that have similar beliefs are going to rule

So you're saying people would decide instead of land mass? How awful!
Haha yeah, that vote totally abolished the EC. That just dealt with faithless electors derp da derr. Can you read?

Who said it abolished the EC? My point was even this SC vote shows how they made it possible to move on to a better system. The article also explains why the EC was created then (1800s) and why it's outdated.

Yes I can read, can you have a conversation without going off the rails?
So you're saying people would decide instead of land mass? How awful!


THis isn't hard man. It isn't about land mass.

I would not mind sending you a copy of middle school material.
Oh wait, nothing from 2 decades ago is history anymore
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