all of these things can be attributed to most democrats as well.
I remember Hillary and Pelosi and Biden talking about how bad the "1%" are all while they have 4 houses and millions of dollars to their name.
For example.... Joe Biden literally took public transportation to work. 8,200 round trip train rides on an Amtrak train from Delaware to DC. 259 miles a day, 217 days per year. He literally got sworn into the senate from his kids hospital room. He did this so he could be home with his kids every day. He rode a damn train to work every day for 36 years. Is he rich now? Yep, but the problem (as I stated previously) isn't being rich... Joe Bidens dad sold cars, and had to live with their grandparents for a time because of financial problems.
Don't take my word for it that Joe Biden is a genuine guy.... Let's see what members of the opposing party have to say.
"If you can't admire Joe Biden as a person, then you got a problem. You need to do some self evaluation. He is as good a man as God ever created. He's said some of the most incredibly heartfelt things that anyone could ever say to me. He's the nicest person I think i've probably ever met in politics."
-Republican Senator Lindsey Graham
"Joe and I have argued a lot over the years, but he is a first-class human being, and it's a lucky thing to be his friend."
-Republican Senator John McCain
"I know who Joe is when the cameras aren't rolling. He didn't need to help me but did. His counsel didn't end when my father left me. He has been a beacon of light and hope for me and so many dealing with the grotesque primal pain of losing the person you love most in the world. That is what real character in this seemingly totally bankrupt and broken world. I am a better person for knowing Joe”
-Meghan McCain on Joe Biden
“You’ve been a real friend, you’ve been a trusted partner, and it’s been an honor to serve with you"
-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Joe Biden
"Joe, I don’t have the words to adequately tell you how much I appreciate you as a person and as a leader.... you have lived the life of a patriot and you act like a gentleman. You are my friend, and may God bless you and your family and thank you for your service to the country and your friendship to me."
-Republican Senator John Isakson on Joe Biden
"To know Joe Biden is to admire him, his warmth, his devotion to friends and family, his commitment to all things Delaware, and his fierce loyalty to his party that somehow never alienated those of us on the other side of the aisle. Perhaps that is due to the many thoughtful gestures the Vice
President demonstrates every day. I thank him for his extraordinary friendship to me."
-Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine
"[Biden] is an example of a man who understands the issues, who knows how to get things done, and who has the respect of everyone in this body. You are a friend of every single one of us. We honor you today. We are delighted you came down to let us tell a few stories about your effectiveness as Vice President of the United States."
-Republican Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee
"You see, Joe Biden was beloved by everyone in this Chamber, even those he drove crazy from time to time, and I count myself among that group. Through his ability to forge friendship even amid conflict, he embodies the ethos of a noble generation of legislators—a generation that embraced the
virtues of comity and compromise above all else. I believe this body—indeed, this Nation—could learn from Joe’s example of kindness, courtesy, and compassion. I am deeply grateful for my friend Joe Biden. I have long
admired his devotion to his family, as well as his grace amid suffering, and he did suffer, and I know it. I was here. Having experienced tremendous loss in his family life, he draws from a rich reservoir of empathy to connect with everyday Americans. Ask anyone Vice President Biden has served: When you speak, JOE listens. He loves, and he cares. He is perhaps the most personable public figure in American politics today."
-Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah
"he was fair and courteous to everyone, even people who did not always deserve it. He is always an example of how a powerful person with character and class treats anyone in a subordinate position. He treats them with humility, as God’s children, with dignity equal to his own. He is a good and decent man, God-fearing and kind, a devoted father and husband, a genuine patriot who puts our country before himself. I know, too, that it has been a
great privilege to call him my friend."
-Republican Senator John McCain
"We have also negotiated in good faith when the country needed bipartisan leadership. We got results that would not have been possible without a negotiating partner like Joe Biden. Obviously, I don’t always agree with him, but I do trust him implicitly. He doesn’t break his word. He doesn’t waste time telling me why I am wrong. He gets down to brass tacks, and he keeps in sight the stakes. There is a reason ‘‘Get Joe on the phone’’ is shorthand for ‘‘time to get serious’’ in my office."
-Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Good Lord can we please win this election on November 3rd and restore the dignity and spirit of our country.