I can't really help you if you don't see how hypocritical it is for wealthy people to villainize the wealthy to the less fortunate. It is strictly for votes.
You are looking at this in a very narrow-minded way..... You are saying "because Bernie Sanders doesn't donate everything he has except for what it costs to pay his bills and buy food, he is a hypocrite".... That is a ridiculous position.
1.) Nobody said it was a problem to be rich. Even the people Bernie attacks, like Jeff Bezos, would be immensely wealthy.
The proposed Bernie tax bracket taxes money over $10 million at 52%.... So lets use the CEO of Aetna as an example. He had a total compensation of $18.7 million last year, which under the Bernie tax plan would be taxed at 52%.
Under the Trump tax plan, its 37%.
So the CEO of Aetna would bring home $8.9 million under Bernie, and $11.8 million under Trump.
Now, Bernie also proposes a tax on "extreme wealth".... People with a net worth under $32 million would not be impacted... The wealth tax is as follows:
1% on net worth from $32 to $50 million... 2% on net worth from $50 to $250 million... 3% from $250 to $500 million... 4% from $500 million to $1 billion... 5% from $1 billion to $2.5 billion... 6% from $2.5 to $5 billion... 7 percent from $5 to $10 billion....and 8 percent on wealth over $10 billion.
So, continuing with the CEO of Aetna, who has a net worth of $180 million... He would fall into the 2% bracket. He would pay $3.6 million annually on his net worth.
Ok, so thats the technical part of it.... What you are saying is that "Bernie has money, if he believes in this he should just give all his money away".... On top of being ridiculous, the impact of such a thing is irrelevant to fixing society compared to what genuine tax reform would accomplish. If Bernie just gives away his money as you are suggesting, that doesn't really accomplish much. If the entire structure of society is changed through a more progressive tax scheme, that opens up thousands of opportunities in many different parts of the country to do more, to do better, etc.
Bernie giving his money away would generate $2 million, ever. Total. The end. The tax plan that Bernie has proposed would generate about $5 TRILLION over a 10 year period. And the people who paid this money would still be immensely wealth, almost beyond comprehension. In my personal view, Bernie didn't go far enough. Keeping in mind, that number is ONLY from the Wealth Tax... it doesn't include what would be raised in tax revenue from the new tax brackets and other proposed taxes that will impact some wealthy folks and corporations.
I will conclude this response by saying the average person really has a hard time even grasping the concept of a billion... It's a hard number to wrap your mind around. But suggesting a single person shouldn't have $100 billion is not an insane or radical notion once you understand the amount of money. Also, once you understand the percentage they pay into taxes, pay into social security, etc compared to YOU, it makes even more sense.
Nothing is unreasonable about this. I am actually stunned that so many people are against it.
Perhaps you can explain why?