Current Events Thread

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The current budget shortfall is about $750 billion.

The formula really isn't that complicated... You just have to be willing to make some cuts. Let's start high level.

The Lankford Report (which Oklahoma Senator James Lankford releases every year) identified $383 billion in wasteful govt spending. There would likely be debate on items in that report, but lets assume for a moment that we can agree on this number (either from items within the report, or other items out of the report, or some combination).... $385 billion in savings.

Bring military spending down to 2% of GDP (NATO minimum requirement). This would reduce the military budget to $420 billion instead of $750 billion. $330 billion in savings. China, our primary military rival, currently spends $178 billion their military. Meaning, this drop would still have us spending more than double what they do. I would drop it to 1%, but that would cause problems with NATO potentially because of the 2% commitment.

Cancel all foreign aid. $50 billion in savings.

Smaller Items
Remove mandates on the USPS to pre-fund 75 years of future pension payments. $5.5 billion in annual savings.
Stop building the Mexican border wall that he promised Mexico would pay for. $2 billion in annual savings.
Let 450,000 non-violent drug offenders out of jail/prison (which is actually a Libertarian concept, not a liberal one). Unknown savings.

HIGH LEVEL SPENDING SAVINGS: $775 billion in savings

Taxation Changes

Implement Inequality Tax on Large Corporations
This is a proposed tax on large employers exorbitant pay gaps between their executives and typical workers. Revenue raised from McDonalds, Walmart, JP Morgan, Home Depot, Amazon, Apple, and American Airlines ALONE would be $4 billion in extra tax revenue.

Implement "Extreme Wealth" Tax
Implementing a wealth tax, which has been proposed by Mike Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren would generate roughly $250 billion in additional tax revenue per year

2 new taxes on extreme wealth and spending cuts would result in:

$775 billion in spending cuts
$255 billion in additional tax revenue

Total: $1.03 trillion

Can it be done? Yes. Will cuts have to be made? Yes. Do we need to raise more tax revenue? Yes.

There are lots of other things I would like to do, but this is a very high level example showing there is absolutely a solution to this problem.
I'm against any tax policy that brackets reaching 50% and over. That is utter nonsense. And downright theft, IMO.

Ok, lets settle on 49.5% then. Deal? :)

What they don't understand is that that has an effect on other things as well. You start taxing the wealthy and corporations like that, and their employee benefits and charitable giving is going to take a massive hit. The wealthy and the large corporations aren't going to just stop realizing income and profits that they are used to, they are going to cut expenses (HEY!, see my previous post about the US Government doing this) to regain those margins.

I fully realize and expect behavioral changes from corporate leadership. But we have to address the problems.

The biggest problem with that is those who are victims of offshoring and H1B visas often settle for much lower-paying jobs. I am currently on a team of 25 people. 18 of them live in India, 5 more live in the US on H1B visas, one is from Mexico (legally), and there is me...the token American. Anyone who thinks this unusual, I can safely say is in another profession.

I watched a pretty good documentary that touched on this... It is called Requiem for the American Dream. Talks about how putting American workers directly in competition with workers from 3rd world countries was a total calamity for manufacturing, labor, employee pay and benefits, etc. Driven by pure greed, of course. That's not the entire purpose of the documentary, but it touches on that topic.

We need to stop showing such loyalty to corporate leadership, because they show you absolutely none. One of the things Trump has done in some of these cases that I think is positive is call it out. Ford is moving to Mexico, they at least get blasted for it. But HP, Apple, Ford, and lots of other American companies are really nothing to be proud of when they ship the jobs out of country, and put American workers in direct competition with third world slave labor. I find it utterly disgusting and shameful.
We need to stop showing such loyalty to corporate leadership, because they show you absolutely none. One of the things Trump has done in some of these cases that I think is positive is call it out. Ford is moving to Mexico, they at least get blasted for it. But HP, Apple, Ford, and lots of other American companies are really nothing to be proud of when they ship the jobs out of country, and put American workers in direct competition with third world slave labor. I find it utterly disgusting and shameful.

I do agree with some of this, and could get behind a tax idea as follows:

The more outside the US labor you use, the higher your tax bracket. Essentially tax away a portion of what these companies are saving. It's a slippery slope, so we'd need to be careful with how the law was written, and maybe it doesn't include ALL outside the US labor used, but if folks are using sweat shop type setups and banking, I could support a law that would increase their taxes.
We are one of the wealthiest nations in the world and we have a budget shortfall. Why? Our politicians are misappropriating and flat out embezzling our money. They waste so much money and funnel it everywhere except where it should be going. The dems have wasted hundreds of millions on bogus investigations in the last 3 years. However, it happens every year with every administration, dem or pub.

Cut the fat. Stop wasting our money and we could pay all our bills and balance the budget.
Haha. I’m the furthest thing from a redneck. That may be your life, but it’s not mine. You’re a sad pathetic little man.

"I know you are but what am I" - just as I'd figure. putz
leave it to you for the kindergarten responses. I s'pose next I'll be glue and you rubber? even your arguing is grade school.

Haha. Says the girl that has to have the last word. You’re a toad.
Not sure if your basis "is one day in the life of," but if it were then we all would be drawn and quartered. You can go first.

"one day in the life"?

are you familiar with Gomert?

this is typical Gomert behavior.
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