I saw a great interview with Ken Burns, who is a brilliant documentary film maker (if you haven't seen his documentary on the Vietnam War, it's an absolute must watch)... I think he provides some great perspective on what is going on right now with the renaming of airports, public buildings, schools, etc and also the tearing down of statues.
For those who don't want to watch it... he basically says that there is a social reckoning right now and that we just need to listen and let it play out. He readily admits that it's going to go too far....
He says "the most important thing is the reckoning, and for us not to get distracted by the arguments of too far.... the real issue is that for too long non-white citizens didn't enjoy equal justice under the law.... They were held as slaves for centuries... We are in the midst of a reckoning of our racial past, and we need to listen to those who have born the brunt of it. We (white people) don't have the facilities to receive this information, so we have to just listen... and we have to permit mistakes to be made, and allow people to overshoot the mark, because for too long people have had a knee on their neck"....
I think that is a very moving comment.... and one that provides perspective in these hostile times.... As the rage boils over, mistakes are going to be made. They will take it too far... And we have to allow some mistakes to be made. We can't use this as an opportunity for healing and real change if we fight the reckoning every step of the way.
If we go out there and start defending Confederate statues, bigots, racists, etc then we miss our opportunity to allow healing... to allow this moment to progress us. Some of the logic is CORRECT, that property shouldn't be destroyed, that people we celebrate did bad things but we still honor other things they stood for, etc... That's where the mistakes are going to be made. We have to allow those mistakes, listen, and try to move forward.
Many are not going to heed that advise. They are going to double-down, put down the reckoning with force, and try to return society to the status-quo.... I think what Ken Burns is telling us is that if we do that, we miss an opportunity.
Just food for thought...