Did Joe fire sybarite?

Never met Syb and our opinions rarely if ever align. But I wish him a speedy recovery! Get well!
Syb has been a fixture on this board since its inception. So sorry to hear he’s having health problems!

You’ll be in my prayers, Syb. Get well soon!
Ditto. Can never say Syb was anything but rude to me when he did address me, but wish him a full recovery. Sometimes a good, respectful argument is just what the doctor ordered!
Get well Syb. Come talk to us soon.

I join the rest of you in wishing Sybarite a speedy, full recovery from his health issues. I suspect that he and I are close to the same age, and health issues are much tougher to deal with as the years advance.

Get well soon, Syb! I miss your sunshine pumping, and with the state of the Women's BB program, we desperately need a little sunshine!
The fact that his son reached out to a fellow message board member about his health speaks volumes to how important this board and the relationships here are to him.

Get well soon, syb! We’re rooting for ya.
Hey Syb,

I’m saving up a bunch of stuff to post until you get back! Hurry home!

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