Dissect and overanalyze this Calvin Lamb quote

Hard to say, really. I think you could make that out to be concerns about the direction of team in light of the recent negative pub, or that Doron will keep a close eye on who KU signs and how it will affect playing time. Either way, it seems to suggest that he wasn't so blown away with his visit that he was ready to commit on the spot. If he leaves Lexington with similar feelings, that could be a good thing for OU.
Hard to say, really. I think you could make that out to be concerns about the direction of team in light of the recent negative pub, or that Doron will keep a close eye on who KU signs and how it will affect playing time. Either way, it seems to suggest that he wasn't so blown away with his visit that he was ready to commit on the spot. If he leaves Lexington with similar feelings, that could be a good thing for OU.

Sounds like he realizes that while these Late Night activities are impressive, they are only PR and window dressing. He wants his son to make his decision based upon more substantive things. That doesn't mean he won't choose a school that has Late Night activities. It just means he won't be swayed by them.
Sounds like he realizes that while these Late Night activities are impressive, they are only PR and window dressing. He wants his son to make his decision based upon more substantive things. That doesn't mean he won't choose a school that has Late Night activities. It just means he won't be swayed by them.

Yup, what he said.
I will wait to hear the Kansas spin on this subject before I make a formal dissection of this little quote.
I think it's easy to dissect. It was a really impressive visit but that doesn't mean that KU is the best place for his son. I also don't think that implies that it's not either, just that they have to make a decision.

Here's another quote from Lamb himself:

Lamb, a 6-4 senior shooting guard from Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson, Va., also was awed by the full house.

“The highlight (of visit) was when I walked out with the others (recruits) and the crowd was cheering and gave us a standing ovation. I’ve never had anything like that happen to me,” Lamb said.

“It was a cool visit. I liked meeting the players, coaches and seeing the campus. Coach Self is cool. He’s real. He tells you the truth.”
I think it's easy to dissect. It was a really impressive visit but that doesn't mean that KU is the best place for his son. I also don't think that implies that it's not either, just that they have to make a decision.


Sounds like he realizes that while these Late Night activities are impressive, they are only PR and window dressing. He wants his son to make his decision based upon more substantive things. That doesn't mean he won't choose a school that has Late Night activities. It just means he won't be swayed by them.
Very well said Ms. Only thing I'd add is in that I agree he won't choose a school by the Late Night activities but many recruits (don't know what Doron's thinking is) will be swayed by what Late Night represents.
Which is a passionate fan base that eats, drinks and lives basketball. The 16,300 in the fieldhouse, the standing ovations, the people lined down the block hours before waiting to get in isn't window dressing. It's an every game night occurrence in Lawrence, Durham, Chapel Hill, etc.
Some kids that matters immensley like for Daniel Orton and some kids it's not that big a deal like Blake Griffin. Again, every kid is different.

And actually we've had a lot of chatter about Late Night the last few days but I think and keep hearing from recruits about how awesome and impressive the newly renovated facilities at KU are and how state of the art they are. Recruits seem to be talking a lot about that as much as Late Night.
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I think it's easy to dissect. It was a really impressive visit but that doesn't mean that KU is the best place for his son. I also don't think that implies that it's not either, just that they have to make a decision.

Here's another quote from Lamb himself:

Lamb, a 6-4 senior shooting guard from Oak Hill Academy in Mouth of Wilson, Va., also was awed by the full house.

“The highlight (of visit) was when I walked out with the others (recruits) and the crowd was cheering and gave us a standing ovation. I’ve never had anything like that happen to me,” Lamb said.

“It was a cool visit. I liked meeting the players, coaches and seeing the campus. Coach Self is cool. He’s real. He tells you the truth.”

That quote does not impress me much, if I were a KU fan. Or if he were talking about Capel in that way. That sounds like general speak to me. Something anyone would say about such events, places, or people.
As a KU fan, Tomkar, I disagree. I get excited when kids call Coach Self cool, real and he tells you the truth. You don't hear that about every coach.
Actually here very similar things often about Coach Capel. And it's always expressed as a great thing.
As a KU fan, Tomkar, I disagree. I get excited when kids call Coach Self cool, real and he tells you the truth. You don't hear that about every coach.
Actually here very similar things often about Coach Capel. And it's always expressed as a great thing.
Is Self cool cause he lets them rub his bald head for good luck to start the visit?
As a KU fan, Tomkar, I disagree. I get excited when kids call Coach Self cool, real and he tells you the truth. You don't hear that about every coach.
Actually here very similar things often about Coach Capel. And it's always expressed as a great thing.

I guess thats why I see it my way so much. I have seen these things said of Capel many times, so I guess its something I have become used to.
I guess thats why I see it my way so much. I have seen these things said of Capel many times, so I guess its something I have become used to.

I agree. And I hear them about Self all the time as well.
IMO, that is what sets Coach Capel and Coach Self apart from 90% of the other coaches. That's a great thing for both programs. IMO, both programs couldn't do any better at the head coaching position. It's great!
If Capel and Self are set apart from 90% then Drew must be set apart from 99%
1. Drew has tremendous energy and exudes a positive aura all the time. He's one of those rare individuals that just seems high on life at all times and people like to be around that.

A personal example. I went to watch open gym over the summer. I called his assistant to make sure the players would be scrimmaging. A former player met me at the door and greeted me by name. He toured me around the facilities. Several of the coaches including Drew came to greet me and thank me for stopping by. I'm no big donor by any stretch of the imagination. Just love hoops.

Every single one of the players came and introduced themselves to me (you can tell they were well schooled by the coaches). Very polite group. One of the players let an "f-bomb" slip and he was doing push-ups policed by the other players since no coaches are allowed to watch open gym in the summer.

If you are old school and like good manners/good kids, you can see why Baylor has appeal to parents.

2. Drew and the other basketball coaches see it as their primary duty to disciple these players in the Christian faith. They value the responsibility of shaping character. Former players speak highly of Drew and Baylor as a place of encouragement and this helps build the reputation of the program. Again, the Christian aspect is not for everyone. But this has great appeal to certain kids and families and Drew has the support of Baylor's administration to do this sort of thing.

3. Drew and his coaching staff have great connections in the AAU circuit- especially in the Dallas area. They understand that recruiting is the lifeblood of the program.

4. Drew is a straight-shooter. You ask any former player what they like most about Drew and one of the first things you hear is that he always tells you the truth as he sees it. But he does it in a way that is positive and helps the kids grow.

Of course he has faults like everyone. He's probably not as tough on the kids as he should be at times- just not in his make-up to be a hard-ass. But these are some of the reasons he has a great deal of recruiting success.