Doug Gottlieb quote about OU basketball

There is no way enough people will go to instead of to make any difference at all. TMZ is a fad that will be popular for some time and fade away. ESPN is a different animal. They control almost all things sports, and the few things they don't control are coming up for bid in the very near future. My guess is we will see the NCAA Tournament on ESPN next time it comes up. That may make the tournament coverage a lot better due to the amount of channels that ESPN has at its dispense.

Aaron, which do you think more people are interested in, A) what Doug Gottlieb thinks about the chemistry of the OU basketball team, or B) What the OU players REALLY think about Capel locking them out of the locker room?

Very few people care what some "analyst" thinks They care what the actual players/coaches think. How many care what a critic thinks of a move star vs what a movie star had for dinner. Audience B is much larger and it's not close.
Doug Gottlieb = Top 2 or 3 college basketball analysts in the country. Maybe even even the best. He actually presents fresh and concise opinions instead of just droning on about the same old crap like most of the good old boy network of analysts.

Unless you are a die-hard OU fan like most on this board, the Sooners are a terrible team to watch this year (so far).

Edit: Also, I doubt TMZ is going to be breaking down the offensive and defensive tendencies of players and teams. It's going to be a sports gossip service where people can go to see who's cheating on their wife, who's hanging out at what club, etc. True sports fans are still going to get their information from other sources.
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I think Doug is spot on regarding this team. It seems to me all they care about is scoring, they aren't playing a lick of defense so far this year.
There WAS defense played Monday night. I think we need to give the team some credit for showing some improvement.
There WAS defense played Monday night. I think we need to give the team some credit for showing some improvement.
I remember thinking to myself during the game "by golly I think they are finally catching on to what tough defense actually means!". It sure brought a smile to my face. Just hoping they keep it up.
He's right, but I hope bedlam has led to a new beginning.
Gottlieb is a very knowledgeable analyst.

I don't care for OSU but that is no reason to discount what he says. He is spot on with this analysis.

Hence the concern about JC. He can get players but can he develop a team.
Boca's presence here seems to become more and more hilarious with most of his posts.
Fixed it for you, he is quite funny when he goes on his random rants like this.
TMZ overtaking ESPN, hahaha.
I don't care for OSU but that is no reason to discount what he says.

Of course, there is not a single person in this thread who has said to discount what Doug Gottlieb is saying because he went to Oklahoma State.

soonersam said:
Fixed it for you, he is quite funny when he goes on his random rants like this.
TMZ overtaking ESPN, hahaha.

Personal attacks are not allowed on this message board... very disappointing from a mod....
Aaron, which do you think more people are interested in, A) what Doug Gottlieb thinks about the chemistry of the OU basketball team, or B) What the OU players REALLY think about Capel locking them out of the locker room?

Very few people care what some "analyst" thinks They care what the actual players/coaches think. How many care what a critic thinks of a move star vs what a movie star had for dinner. Audience B is much larger and it's not close.

You are correct if you are talking about the overall population. As fas as sports fans are concerned, option A is much more of a conversation piece than option B. If enough people who do not normally care about sports will care what the OU players REALLY think about Capel locking them out of of the locker room, then TMZ can work. I don't think the average person who doesn't normally watch sports will care enough to read about the locker room fiasco.
A couple of things:

- I really, really like Doug and think that he is usually right on the money with his analysis. He is not afraid to get out there and say the things that everyone else is thinking.

- The timing of this comment seems odd to me. I mean, this was the first game that this team really came out and competed (and actually looked like a team) at both ends. Yes, Willie had some TOs and forced some shots, but he also had 7 assists (would have had more if Tiny had made lay-ups).

- His comments regarding TMG's defense were largely unfair and untrue, and makes me wonder if he watched whole game. Yes, Tommy didn't fight through that flat screen at the end of regulation, but to say that TMG quit on D at the end of the game is false. TMG did at times seem worn out, but he was still fighting on defense and it showed in the OT. Go back and watch the final possesions of the game and tell me that TMG quit. Its just not true. Ray Penn is a tough guard to contain, and for the most part, TMG did just fine.

- Doug had OU in the top 10 during the summer. He picked Willie for National POY. He gave the Sooners a ton of props early in the season. It only makes sense that he is going to be pretty harsh on them for the rest of the year. We made him look bad. I wouldn't expect him to say many nice things about this team even if we continue to play hard for the rest of the year.
Aaron, which do you think more people are interested in, A) what Doug Gottlieb thinks about the chemistry of the OU basketball team, or B) What the OU players REALLY think about Capel locking them out of the locker room?

Very few people care what some "analyst" thinks They care what the actual players/coaches think. How many care what a critic thinks of a move star vs what a movie star had for dinner. Audience B is much larger and it's not close.

So TMZ is going to get access to players that ESPN can't?

So TMZ is going to get access to players that ESPN can't?


That's what I was thinking, also.
Additionally, someone has to be in the field getting those stories. We know about the locker room deal, because we are OU fans, and/or, live in Oklahoma. That is not a story that would have a great audience nationwide. Consequently, it would not be worth it to use the assets needed to cover the story. If the story had a national appeal, ESPN would have no problem getting the access to cover it.
No, the issue is that TMZ Sports will be willing to go after stories that ESPN will not. TMZ will not have access to players and coaches like the traditional media outlets, but they will get stories from hangers-on and people like that. They also pay for scoops, something ESPN will not do. That is why Deadspin, and not ESPN or Sports Illustrated, broke the Josh Hamilton relapse story. That is why TMZ was the one publishing who Tiger Woods' mistresses were, not ESPN. Again, I do not think TMZ is going to put out of business or anything like that, but they are going to be playing a huge part in what stories get covered over the next decade. Frankly I don't think it's a real good thing, but it is what it is.
No, the issue is that TMZ Sports will be willing to go after stories that ESPN will not. TMZ will not have access to players and coaches like the traditional media outlets, but they will get stories from hangers-on and people like that. They also pay for scoops, something ESPN will not do. That is why Deadspin, and not ESPN or Sports Illustrated, broke the Josh Hamilton relapse story. That is why TMZ was the one publishing who Tiger Woods' mistresses were, not ESPN. Again, I do not think TMZ is going to put out of business or anything like that, but they are going to be playing a huge part in what stories get covered over the next decade. Frankly I don't think it's a real good thing, but it is what it is.

So their main purpose will be to cover the Soap Opera type stories that are related to sports? I agree that it is not a good thing at all. Seems like sports was one of the only activities that has avoided this kind of press. Disappointing if TMZ starts to bring down athletes by paying people to tell stories that are not factual. Athletes better start preparing to lose the battle in the Court of Public Opinion.
From what I've been told by a couple of sources, Gottlieb is LOATHED in the NCAA coaching circles for throwing Sutton under the bus. Gottlieb used it to make a name for himself and ESPN hired him for it. Many coaches believed he should have said "Sutton gave me a 2nd chance and for that I'm forever grateful and won't comment on his troubles" (something along those lines).

And if you think I'm just saying that because he is a Cowpoke, I will gladly link you to another college sports board with a coach (not a college coach mind you, but a guy who knows plenty of them) who will tell you exactly what I just posted.
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So their main purpose will be to cover the Soap Opera type stories that are related to sports? I agree that it is not a good thing at all. Seems like sports was one of the only activities that has avoided this kind of press. Disappointing if TMZ starts to bring down athletes by paying people to tell stories that are not factual. Athletes better start preparing to lose the battle in the Court of Public Opinion.

I'm not sure about the "not factual" is the fact that a long time relationship between sports writers and athletes that personal secrets stay a secret will be squashed. This has gradually started to diminish for the last 15-20 years or so. Athletes back in the day were given a free pass by the sports writers on most of their shenanigans.
So their main purpose will be to cover the Soap Opera type stories that are related to sports? I agree that it is not a good thing at all. Seems like sports was one of the only activities that has avoided this kind of press. Disappointing if TMZ starts to bring down athletes by paying people to tell stories that are not factual. Athletes better start preparing to lose the battle in the Court of Public Opinion.

TMZ's track record is pretty good as far as getting things right. I doubt "not factual" will be a problem. But yes, athletes as well as all public figures (as well as every day people, really) are losing their privacy more and more every day. We can bemoan it all we want, but it is the direction these things are going.