Doug Gottlieb quote about OU basketball

From what I've been told by a couple of sources, Gottlieb is LOATHED in the NCAA coaching circles for throwing Sutton under the bus. Gottlieb used it to make a name for himself and ESPN hired him for it. Many coaches believed he should have said "Sutton gave me a 2nd chance and for that I'm forever grateful and won't comment on his troubles" (something along those lines).

And if you think I'm just saying that because he is a Cowpoke, I will gladly link you to another college sports board with a coach (not a college coach mind you, but a guy who knows plenty of them) who will tell you exactly what I just posted.

To be honest, to me that speaks well of Doug Gottlieb. We would get a lot more honest discussion of the game if analysts weren't so worried about coaches getting mad at them. Too many pull their punches because they are afraid of potential retribution from coaches IMO.
To be honest, to me that speaks well of Doug Gottlieb. We would get a lot more honest discussion of the game if analysts weren't so worried about coaches getting mad at them. Too many pull their punches because they are afraid of potential retribution from coaches IMO.

I agree to an extent....didn't say I agreed with them per se, but that there is a reason he isn't given much inside access to any program
A couple of things:

- I really, really like Doug and think that he is usually right on the money with his analysis. He is not afraid to get out there and say the things that everyone else is thinking.

- The timing of this comment seems odd to me. I mean, this was the first game that this team really came out and competed (and actually looked like a team) at both ends. Yes, Willie had some TOs and forced some shots, but he also had 7 assists (would have had more if Tiny had made lay-ups).

- His comments regarding TMG's defense were largely unfair and untrue, and makes me wonder if he watched whole game. Yes, Tommy didn't fight through that flat screen at the end of regulation, but to say that TMG quit on D at the end of the game is false. TMG did at times seem worn out, but he was still fighting on defense and it showed in the OT. Go back and watch the final possesions of the game and tell me that TMG quit. Its just not true. Ray Penn is a tough guard to contain, and for the most part, TMG did just fine.

- Doug had OU in the top 10 during the summer. He picked Willie for National POY. He gave the Sooners a ton of props early in the season. It only makes sense that he is going to be pretty harsh on them for the rest of the year. We made him look bad. I wouldn't expect him to say many nice things about this team even if we continue to play hard for the rest of the year.

Totally agree. He was giving Penn props while ripping on TMG. TMG totally outplayed Penn and I thought played very well.
The rest of his comments were pretty spot on except for the TMG stuff and I thought he was a little harsh on Tiny as well.

Gotlieb is IMO very good at his job even though when he comes on Oklahoma radio he usually becomes the arrogant prick that he can be. On the National level I think he does a good job.
I don't know what some of you see in TMG's game. He shoots 3s good but that's really the only thing I've seen from him consistently. His defense needs a lot of help right now. He might be the weakest defender we have.
So TMZ is going to get access to players that ESPN can't?


absolutely they will. In private settngs to get real news. ESPN is not a news outlet. Nobody gives a crap about bob knight or doug gottliebs opinion. ESPN has painted themselves in a corner like Fox News. They just monetize a tiny market of people looking for their own opinion to be validated versus the huge market of people nterested in unique real news.
I don't know what some of you see in TMG's game. He shoots 3s good but that's really the only thing I've seen from him consistently. His defense needs a lot of help right now. He might be the weakest defender we have.
Have you watched his handles, court vision and passing ability?
like Fox News. They just monetize a tiny market of people looking for their own opinion to be validated versus the huge market of people nterested in unique real news.

Do you have unbiased ratings information for Fox, MSNBC, and CNN?

I don't know where to find that kind of information.
Do you have unbiased ratings information for Fox, MSNBC, and CNN?

I don't know where to find that kind of information.

Don't insult people's intelligence. Everyone knows Fox is bias to republicans and MSNBC is bias to democrats. CNN is more geared to cover news. If you're a political hound, I hope you don't buy into the bs that either of these crummy political parties push.
The OU men's basketball team would do well to listen to the consructive criticixm of (pick 2):

A) Bob Knight
B) Doug Gottleib
C) Anonymous Internet Posters

Answer: A & B
Fran Frichilla said during the OU/UTEP game: "OU plays like they are in a summer AAU pick-up game."

Bob Knight said Monday: "OU plays with 5 indiviuals players instead of a TEAM."

I'm not sure Coach Capel would disagree with any of the quotes, including Gottlieb's.

The OU men's basketball team would do well to listen to the consructive criticixm of (pick 2):

A) Bob Knight
B) Doug Gottleib
C) Anonymous Internet Posters

Answer: A & B

Thank god most of us are pseudonymous and not anonymous. Listen to me, guys: Don't read message boards. The end. Also don't listen to Bob Knight or Doug Gottlieb. Really the end this time.
You guys talking up TMZ sports are crazy. In their wildest dreams they aren't expecting to take the top spot from ESPN...never gonna happen...

Their primary goal has to be to carve out a niche market, hopefully one that comes out of the pre-existing ESPN market share. If they do that, then they may be able to actually achieve some financial viability, but my guess is that the goal from the start is the same as most any company attempting to take on a super-power: do well enough that the dominant corporation (in this case, ESPN/ABC/Disney) sees it as more lucrative to buy them out than compete with them. If TMZ sports is fortunate enough to achieve a degree of success, then I would fully expect them to sell to ESPN.

BTW...this post is directed to anyone other than boca. I have no interest in wasting time with boca, so boca, you may feel released from any compulsion you may have to respond.
You guys talking up TMZ sports are crazy. In their wildest dreams they aren't expecting to take the top spot from ESPN...never gonna happen...


BTW...this post is directed to anyone other than boca. I have no interest in wasting time with boca, so boca, you may feel released from any compulsion you may have to respond.

I don't think anyone other than boca is saying TMZ Sports will take the top spot from ESPN...
Do you have unbiased ratings information for Fox, MSNBC, and CNN?

I don't know where to find that kind of information.

This information isn't exactly new, but I saw some numbers 4-6 months ago that showed that FoxNews had something like 3 times the ratings share of CNN and MSNBC combined. I absolutely LOATHE FoxNews (not to get into that), so please don't think I'm pimping them, but in terms of commercial goals, the network is wildly more successful than any other news outlet.

Of course, Avatar, Transformers, and American Idol are wildly successful commercial enterprises too, if that tells you anything about this country...
This information isn't exactly new, but I saw some numbers 4-6 months ago that showed that FoxNews had something like 3 times the ratings share of CNN and MSNBC combined. I absolutely LOATHE FoxNews (not to get into that), so please don't think I'm pimping them, but in terms of commercial goals, the network is wildly more successful than any other news outlet.

Of course, Avatar, Transformers, and American Idol are wildly successful commercial enterprises too, if that tells you anything about this country...

That's more of the incompetence of CNN and NBC than anything Fox is doing
That's more of the incompetence of CNN and NBC than anything Fox is doing

Fox News' demographic is one that naturally has the time/money to continually watch 24 hour news stations.

It did irk me quite a bit that we have one of the greatest tragedies in our lifetime going on in Haiti at this moment but we can't get Fox News to give continuous coverage or Hannity to break away from his scheduled programming. Pretty sad.
Fox News' demographic is one that naturally has the time/money to continually watch 24 hour news stations.

It did irk me quite a bit that we have one of the greatest tragedies in our lifetime going on in Haiti at this moment but we can't get Fox News to give continuous coverage or Hannity to break away from his scheduled programming. Pretty sad.

Which demographic is that?
Which demographic is that?


This information isn't exactly new, but I saw some numbers 4-6 months ago that showed that FoxNews had something like 3 times the ratings share of CNN and MSNBC combined.

I was going to say, I thought Fox had the best ratings.
Which demographic is that?

I watch Fox as much as CNN, so I wasn't trying to bash their network at all (except for their lack of coverage last night of the situation in Haiti), it is pretty undisputable they have the best ratings.

Take my grandparents (and eventually my parents) for example, they have nothing to do but watch TV all day, in addition to the fact that they are older Christian conservatives (which obviously that network plays to, much like MSNBC does the other side). There is a whole generation of older American citizens who are the same way, and with the gradual decline of Christians in the nation, I expect Fox's numbers to gradually fall in the long term as well. People who have money and are about lower/middle class will generally have more down time.

I couldn't care less who has better ratings or what type of message they's always beneficial to learn from all extremes to from your own educated opinion. Unfortunately, most people (regardless of affiliation) do not do that.