Doug Gottlieb quote about OU basketball

I watch Fox as much as CNN, so I wasn't trying to bash their network at all (except for their lack of coverage last night of the situation in Haiti), it is pretty undisputable they have the best ratings.

Take my grandparents (and eventually my parents) for example, they have nothing to do but watch TV all day, in addition to the fact that they are older Christian conservatives (which obviously that network plays to, much like MSNBC does the other side). There is a whole generation of older American citizens who are the same way, and with the gradual decline of Christians in the nation, I expect Fox's numbers to gradually fall in the long term as well. People who have money and are about lower/middle class will generally have more down time.

I couldn't care less who has better ratings or what type of message they's always beneficial to learn from all extremes to from your own educated opinion. Unfortunately, most people (regardless of affiliation) do not do that.

I'm not bashing your statement. I'm just curious if is based upon a published demographics study, or if is a conclusion you have drawn based upon your own observation.

I don't watch any of the news channels, or any of the networks for my news. I think the stylized presentations they have all shifted to are more geared as entertainment rather than substance. I'm not blaming them for that shift, as they are for-profit businesses and have to provide a product that sells. Regardless, trying to sift through the personality/opinion/style of television news broadcasts, to find actual factual information, is like panning for gold.
absolutely they will. In private settngs to get real news. ESPN is not a news outlet. Nobody gives a crap about bob knight or doug gottliebs opinion. ESPN has painted themselves in a corner like Fox News. They just monetize a tiny market of people looking for their own opinion to be validated versus the huge market of people nterested in unique real news.


Fox news? LMAO have you seen the fox, msnbc, cnc evening ratings? :ez-roll:
I am a die hard OU fan and I do enjoy what Doug has to say about basketball. He has great knowledge and has no fear to speak about whatever is on his mind.

I have never disliked a coach more than Knight. However, it does not keep me from respecting his comments during a game. He knows the game and gives insight that adds to the game.

I would much rather listen to a person with knowledge analyze the game than listen to someone exalt themself and talk about meaningless topics while I am trying to watch the game.

Concerning the remarks made by Knight and Doug- they say what I have been thinking and as a "die hard" sooner have found it difficult to utter!
Gottlieb is one of the best analysts in the country. He tells it like it is, even to the extent that he has alienated some Ok. State officials. I enjoy his insights on the game in college bball as an analyst.

With that being said, he needs to stick with what he knows and that's basketball. Can't stand his analysis regarding football. I wish he would just stick to strictly commentating basketball games rather then that and having his own show on ESPN as well. Don't think he's knowledgeable enough to discuss other sports outside basketball.
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